Gotta admit, this is a beautiful speech. I almost wish Trump wouldn't lock her up

Gotta admit, this is a beautiful speech. I almost wish Trump wouldn't lock her up.

It almost feels like she wasn't thinking about herself for once

Her speech just makes me wish Trump would order the death penalty for her even more

>not taking joy in the vulnerable left who has always preyed on vulnerable white males

Trump ain't locking her up, especially after that speech. He's gonna try to please as many people as possible.

U dont win wars with showing mercy to your enemy,Ivan.

LOCK HER UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY. Her crimes cannot be forgotten.

yep it was a good speech

she delivered, like it or not


It was the most real she has ever seemed. I almost felt something.

She said we should give Trump a chance then attacked him.

Lock her up!

>muh wimmin
>muh norities

Her speech was dogshit.

She's a criminal who ruined Haiti.

it would be anti semitic for us to execute the treasonous jewish rosenbergs but let white wasp Hillary walk free

we're not racists, she will be tried and if convicted punished

Mercy is an honorable trait, but so is justice.

> let's work together with Trump
> Fight for what you believe in
> Need woman in office

But, she's of no harm when she's not in office and I'll give her a pity 10/10

>pandering to minorities
Disgusting as usual, they should learn that their rights are nothing but a cruel joke
You keep saying them they are useful and unique when in reality everyone deep in their hearts hate you

Was hilarious how much she is trying to kiss up to Donald, hope she goes kicking and screaming into her prison cell.

i hated her speech. She used a tone and narrative that, IN MY OPINION implied that she lost because:

1. she is a WOMAN
2. there is xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, etcism in america

as if ONLY WHITE MALES voted for TRUMP.
as if ALL BLACKS, LATINOS, LGBTS voted for her .

if she had said "good game, we will try again next time" hey. that's a GOOD SPEECH.

she didnt even address her crew in the morning. fuck that bitch.

because if she does get locked up her crazed followers will riot


how many pizzas did they sacrifice to moloch for that speech?

Can some one tell at what point during the speech she actually conceded? Because i didn't hear it.