Slavs have infiltrated the White House.
Trumps wife is fully Slavic and all of trumps kids except Tiffany are half Slavic.
Are Slavs set to become the most powerful race in the world?
Slavs have infiltrated the White House.
Trumps wife is fully Slavic and all of trumps kids except Tiffany are half Slavic.
Are Slavs set to become the most powerful race in the world?
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All according to plan
It's a good thing.
hitler is rolling in his grave
>white niggers
I'd rather have a slav than a nog any day.
>A literal whore in the white house
Heh, it's like poetry.
Probably laughing
Well we are the most strongest, good looking and smart ethnos on the whole Earth. Down side is our soul that causes us to be drunks and fail in life
Trump is German as fuck.
Why does no one mention the fact that pic related is Jewish?
Go murder some more of your countrymen.
Daily reminder that Ivanka, Trump's best child, is half Czech.
Slavs are already the most powerful race in the world.
The Indo-Aryan invasions that spread through Europe and Asia in prehistory were all Steppe people with blond hair who we call Slavic these days.
Slavs master race
Gerniggers BTFO
GRU plant in the White House
Russia basically runs the world now
But Sweden, if she's a whore, that means she is liberated, and therefore lives up to your noble ideals for women.
Rejoice Swedecucks.
Ils sont déja plus intelligents que les juifs, Bubba...
By piggybacking on real white people, ivan.
Ca nique leur narratif de grand sauveur Aryen, Jean...
She is a convert, she will never be a real jew, just like Bernie was never a real candidate. Just a sell out.
kys retard
>Gerniggers BTFO
You forget that the actual Trump is half-German through his father
Just more proof that Slavs are saving the white race
Slovenia is genetically closer to Austria/ Germany than to slaves.
Excuse me, Sweden, Unlike in your country, muslims are not the countrymen of Serbs.
Mais oui Klaus...
I never said they were bad, I just said they're leaking into extremely influential positions
Ta gueule johnny
You are not really redpilled, if you don't have Slovenian domina girlfriend;)
pic related
Today, is a day for america, so speak american you stupid leaf.
praise Svetovid/KEK
(beautiful video, really worth watching. "We want big tits!" "What's the most important thing in a woman?" "Soul." "What about tits?" "Tits are great, but... soul.")
But you are Nordic, Hunnic, Slavic, Baltic and Alpine mongrels, Hans. German ethnicity is not a thing.
And Czechs are no Slavas, but a mix of germaics and Brünn.
oни нaм eщe зa Apкoнy oтвeтят fais ce que je veux, Bubba...
No one is 100 hundred percent, but for example the German gene pol is predominantly Nordic. While the Russian is predominatly slavic with a Baltic and Nordic aristocracy.
Serbia... you are not we, long time ago. Now Turkey is your best friend
this I love tits also, but duša is more important
Just let it happen.
Pourquoi les Slavs sont si pauvres alors qu'ils sont si intelligents(techniquement)....
>Baltic aristocracy
Never happened. Balt were regulars
>Nordic aristocracy
Never been a thing. Nordic settlers didn't establish ethnically based class system, they just mixed. Rurikids intermixed with Ilmeniac Slavs in second generation.
>no is one hundred percent
Don't project, Attila. Dutch, Northwest Russians, Estonians, Latvians and Danish master race as example
THeyre the most powerful succubi in the world.
You fucking idiots, they are all kikes. First of all, Melania and Ivana both have fathers that were members of the communist party under the USSR. Hmm what a weird coincidence. Oh yeah and what do we know about Eastern European communists? They're typically KIKES!
Second, Trump's own great grandmother was Jewish, so by blood he is Jewish. All of his children are Jewish. It helps that they're all also married to kikes. Every single one of Trump's grandchildren is a kike too, and you can't even dispute that one whatsoever. They're ALL KIKES YOU FUCKING MORONS!
I would say that Bavarian hardly counts as German, it's literally the hub of evil elite kikes like the Rothschilds. They're not at all related to the northern Germanic peoples.
I for one welcome slav time
>German gene pol is predominantly Nordic
Very wrong.
You are more like 50-50 split between Neolithic Farmer DNA from the Middle East (Turkey/Levant) and what you call the Nordic part is actually Steppe warrior-nomads, who came from Central Russia and who were the same core tribes that form all of the Slavs.
You need to actually read some current literature, not idiotic race theories from the 1800s.
>Second, Trump's own great grandmother was Jewish, so by blood he is Jewish. All of his children are Jewish. It helps that they're all also married to kikes. Every single one of Trump's grandchildren is a kike too, and you can't even dispute that one whatsoever. They're ALL KIKES YOU FUCKING MORONS!
C'est bon que j'emmenais ce point durant la campagne mais tout le monde me disait de fermer ma gueule...
You're close to correct, but I don't think that you're right about them being all blond- in fact I'm fairly sure that a large portion of them had red hair and that they are the origin of red hair.
Report this Bubba faggot. You can't use any language, but English
I've been stocking up on secondhand track suits, tobacco and vodka...practicing muh squats too!
But General Ripper was right.
I don't get these jokes.
What a cuck
Quel arguement d'Anglo, vais t'appeler Bubba vu que tu veux etre un Anglo...
Slovenia Slavic ... lol gief me a break, Slovenes are Germanic Hilanders.
And her last name is Knaus ... probably Bavaria.
Well, we know that the Neolithic people were pale but had dark features. So we have to assume that the Steppe nomads carried the genes for fair hair and light eyes, because these features are common where they had their historical extent, all the way from Portugal to Western China.
Slavs are the pure descendants of Kek
>Report this Bubba faggot. You can't use any language, but English
OO, un Russe soumit au blokes, hilarant...
> I would say that Bavarian hardly counts as German, it's literally the hub of evil elite kikes like the Rothschilds. They're not at all related to the northern Germanic peoples.
Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa, sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf De runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona.
general jack c ripper is a chracter from Dr Strangelove or How I Learn To Love the Bomb, a film set in cold war scare. Basically hes a conspiratorial lunatic that believes commies are infiltrating everything to steal and subvert everything, including his bodily fluids.
Slavs are Indo-European. They're as white as Germans.
But they aren't Romans. So obviously inferior like the rest of Europa.
It all started back in 92 of Yugoslavia bombing
All Ukrainian TV channels are removed from the record insults Trump, they were confident that the winner Hilary. I hope your president pekratit support my "government".
Gets mentioned literally every day.
Qui aurait cru....les Britbongs ne sont pas tous inbreeder...
Alot of my grandparents were part of the communist party so they could actually get good jobs in the scientific and engineering fields. The closest thing I have to jewish blood is ossetian, and they're all Christian.
What do you mean by Neolithic people? I actually don't know for sure but suspect that blue eyes actually is more of an Atlantic European thing. The earliest evidence of blue eyes we have comes from a swarthy hunter gatherer in Spain. It seems like all of those Western European/Celtic/Gaul type people had swarthy skin, brown hair and blue eyes, and that the Indo Europeans were tall and had fair hair specifically- red and blond. I think they combined, and their shared Neanderthal DNA was strong enough to create the current European phenotype we know of today.
Also we have all of the myths of red haired giants and the migration patterns line up with the indo europeans, I think their people lived around the arctic circle before the end of the last ice age, and when the ice melted they were flooded out, spilling down across the globe and populating mostly eurasia but also creating those red haired giant myths in North America. They were everywhere!
Dirty and ugly people
We need to start a campaign to get Melania to squat in a photo when she gets into the White House.
Oh and it's interesting, Greek people use the word xanthos to describe fair hair, and they use it to describe all of their blond or red haired gods and folk heroes, which happen to be blond or red haired very often
Ukraine doesn't deserve to exist desu. You can't govern yourselves.
Partitioning is necessary.
too big to copy past into google translate
rodnovery worship when?
well that sucks because I dont think that, I mostly care about trumps own bavarian ashkenazim kike genes, but Im just pointing out that they're not your regular every day slavs
he should grab her from behind and fuck her up the ass like a real man
Just join the russian federation, you all have the same roots anyway.
I'm sure one of my distant maternal relatives was a Sodomite, that doesn't make me a Sodomite.
You have to practice a faith to actually be a part of it you donut.
Melania claims the same thing but if they were literally Communist kikes do you think they'd tell you that or they'd use the convenient excuse of it just being to fit into the society at the time?
Doesn't change the fact that Trump is a Bavarian Ashkenazim kike which is 1000X worse
Trump is Scottish retard
Part of my family is of Russian nobility, for my grand farther, who was the grand child of the person, he should have been at 1/4 Slavic admixture at minimum, the result of a test was for him less than 1/128 Slavic admixture, so yes there was mixing, but very little.
Tell that to all of the Atheist Jews, idiot.
And if you are related to Sodomite, sorry but yeah you've PROBABLY got the seed of Satan in your genes. But it can be okay if you repent.
>same roots.
No, no, no. Ukrainians are bastardised scum. Either Polish-Russian or Russian-Turkotatar mix
we have enough vanilla fucking, don't worry. it gets boring
>What do you mean by Neolithic people?
Near-Eastern Farmers who were the biggest settlers of Europe in the early Neolithic.
Chart related.
Basically, European DNA has 3 contributions, very ancient and primitive Hunter Gatherers who did carry the genes for blue-eyes but who were very swarthy and didn't resemble modern humans, Near Eastern Farmers (DNA from the Levant/Anatolia) who settled across Europe in the early Neolithic and finally - Eastern steppe nomads who arrived in late Neolithic, spreading the Indo-Aryan language and blond genes across Europe and elsewhere.
>Indo Europeans were tall and had fair hair specifically- red and blond. I think they combined, and their shared Neanderthal DNA was strong enough to create the current European phenotype we know of today.
I agree, in general. Different parts of Europe are a mix of different proportions of these source groups.
are slavs white?
Are you serious? He's both, technically, but really he's just a crypto kike. Btw he also has connections to scottish rite freemasons through that line. MacLeod name can be found in so many corrupt places, their clan has been up to no good for centuries.