Turned your back on white women who wanted to have their first female president

>turned your back on white women who wanted to have their first female president
>instead chose cheeto jesus and became the establishment because "muh fuhrer! make america white again pls!"
>white women now hate your guts
>it's now going to be even cooler to rebel against you
>they're now going to screw non-white men harder than ever before out of spite and to breed white men out
>they're going to make their bulls beat the crap out of you whenever they get the chance
You have no one to blame but yourselves this time.

Other urls found in this thread:


That's a lot of ass-umptions, friend.

So what? I'm just gonna bang Asian qts and ladyboys.

Cheeto jesus made me zoz

There aren't even enough niggers to swing a vote and you think they'll somehow breed white people out? Rofllll my sides omg baka senpai trap house woke blm


>Make America White Again
Really, cuck? That is not what Trump stands for. He dtands for putting AMERICANS first. It doesn't matter whether you're white, black, red, yellow, purple, or indigo. As long as you are legally an American you should have pride in your identity. Is Shillary still paying you for Correcting the Record, or are you just in it for the (You)'s?

> projecting this hard

Lol the women unironically calling to "Kill All Men" wondering why they lost an election


This is the attitude that causes this shit in the first place.
Control your fucking women white people, giving them power over you is what fucked you over in the first place

White women voted for Trump

But a majority of white women voted for Trump you BBC loving/projecting pile of shit

You have to go back you fucking illegal asshole.

this only means more white whores rebelling and going after the BBC. i for one welcome it

>even if youre right
>pol doesnt want a full scale race war
nice try epstein

>1 post by this ID

majority of white women voted trump, how are you this retarded?

>white women now hate your guts
White women voted 59% for Trump you brainless faggot.


Are American niggers this retarded? Or is this a cucked nu male in disguise? Pls explain amerifriends.

Black here. WRONG. WW voted Trump. Who wants to fuck SJW bitches anyway? Have fun with the rape charges. MAGA.

majority of white women voted Trump. The more you know...

>no, no, NO! I will finally meet the white woman of my dreams at a "Hitler's Youth" camp! She will be a graduate from "Trump's Brides school!"

It already started. This time you have no one to blame but yourselves for turning your back on white women. You did this to yourselves.

Fuck you for turning your back on adolf

black guys are going to lose their ghetto edge under the prosperity of a Trump administration

We don't care you feminist. I already moved on to superior Asian girls a long time ago.

there are more
than u can imagine

>Talked so much shit on goybook

>wimminz all "literally shaking"

>not a single one blocked or unfriended me

Kek they're not going anywhere. We run this shit like always. Your cuck fantasies and sad, creepy photo collection of random IR couples(all which don't include you) are all you have.

Enjoy the next 8 years faggot :^)

WRONG. Unless he fights to actually end the WOD, that shit ain't going anywhere

>implying i care what women think/do

Women are followers.

They will always follow a strong leader. Watch them line up behind Trump in the coming days.


your days are now numbered

get the fuck off my Sup Forums and wreck yourself you fucking cuck I WIN FOREVER


hahahahaha, white WOMEN actually voted for trump. only immature little girls didn't.




53% of white women who voted chose Trump
the other 47% can get fucked

>Enjoy the next 8 years
Dems are gonna go full communist next time around, 2020 will be closer than we think unless we MAGA in that time

james brown said this is a mans world

>implying giving women equal rights didn't bring us into this situation to begin with

>Basing your vote on the vaginal jew

Stop chasing after white women for a week and they'll come crawling back seeking for attention. They fuck Jamal not because they hate white men, but because white men place them on a pedestal. So, no, voting for Trump, or any right wing nationalist isn't going to push them towards niggers, if anything it will show them how increasingly weaker their sway has become and they will run back before the whole pendulum swings and they need to be protected again, like so many times before.

Making america great again is more important than sluts and the slutty things they will do

Women chose trump you stupid ass.

this level of salt... so tasty

>be (((hispanic))) trump supporter
>get to maga and have pussy

My white gf also voted trump

We were literally fucking last night while he was giving his acceptance speech

I held back till he said make america great again

Cry more bitch nigga

>literally half the white women of this nation
>they literally hate your guts riht now
good luck with that shit!

Lol the only reason white girls are fucking niggers is because the President is one. When Trumps in office the white man is going right back to the top.

I know life long feminists who openly joke about castrating all men but cry foul if anyone says anything negative about women.

They get sick with grief when I remind them that they don't have the physical strength to enforce such "anger reduction" programs.

College white women only went to Clinton by 6 points. We'll be fine m.

looks like the white women will be purged in the racewar and I'll have to marru an Asian QT. damn.

>he lets pussy dictate his choices

Pic related
The 47% you'd cuck your soul over for.

>white man come home

>Trump won more blacks than Romney
>Trump won more HISPANICS than Romney
>tfw you were the 33%

>Tyrone thinks he's the silent majority instead of the chimp minority.

>women look at cheeto jesus and they're going to want to fuck that
delusional. if anything, it will become cooler to fuck anything that doesn't look like the guy who deprived them of their chance of getting the first female president

Weak bait, dumbass. You should have invested your time and effort in killing yourself.

If she were thin I would rape her straight.

White woman here- voted for Trump! #MAGA!

HAHA that cauliflower ear. Damn nigga is retarded haha,

is that a picture of your future son?

You assuming that because SOME white women wanted a female president makes it an obligation to the country really makes you guys sound like really dumb fucks

Based chuan poster

I happen to find such people sick, disgusting, degraded and enormously limp-making in a sexual sense. There is nothing arousing at all about people who can mock and sneer at simple love of country, nothing to make the loins twitch and quiver about the kind of hooligan who can despoil our flag. The sort of cynical, atheistic, unpatriotic louts who hold nothing sacred have no power at all to bring me to a proud stand. You're going to have to do something a little bit more than repeat a few cheap jibes about the land I love if you want me to thicken and engorge with mounting excitement. In the old days as soon as the national anthem was heard the whole nation would rise stiffly to attention. Am I the only one left?

Yea and?
Not like white women can be saved. American white women have been trash longer than hillary started to campaign.

>everything that takes me out of my comfort zone because it's too intuitive for my peabrain is automatically "bait"
59/15/48/7 dumbass. Watch it happen. It's the inevitable result.

>being this paranoid

White women are one of the biggest demographics that voted him.

They can fuck horses nobody here gives a shit

I am not an American and I kinda don't understand you guys sometimes.

You just dump the coal-burner bitch. That's it. Disrespect and mentally spit on her.

I can't grasp the concept of bowing down to every slut, caring about what she thinks or what her personal preferences or gimmicks are.

For a bitch you personally love - probably yes. Everything else - dump and spit.

And I am not even that much of a sexist in real life.

Not an alpha-male asshole either, just an average I-fucked-2-girls-total 20 years old dumbfuck.

How can you lose self-respect so badly?

Is op a latino or some other minority by accident?

Artificial wombs soon. Women will be a non-factor for huMANity in a few decades.

we've been corrupted by the media and don't know what feelings are or how to control them user.

my country is pretty gay sometimes.

>you're just being paranoid! everything will be alright
Again, it already started. If I was a Trump voter I would just stay home for a long, longgg time, like at least 4 years

White women voted for Trump, retard. A big strong man got their pussies wet and he grabbed their votes.

Go back to /gif/ to live and promote your fantasy world of niggers getting "all the white wominz".

With cankles like hers, she's not meant to be thin.

To be honest, she looks exactly like every white degenerate woman that OP would cuck himself for.

cuck posting is so 2015 man

>white women now hate your guts

They already hated us. We just decided to show them what real power is since they were getting uppity

Your days are numberred cuckposters the day of the rope is coming

Even ironic cuckposters will be brutally murdered

>telling people who you voted for IRL
you deserve any hate you get CTR shills and trumpkins

Trump won white women you fucking cuck.

Sage this shit

Didn't 53% of white women vote for Trump? stfu dumbass.

>2D waifus
>Artificial wombs
>Import Russian qts

Futures looking mighty bright lads

Being lefty liberal rebel is what going to be less and less cool, my friend. Liberal leftism in it's own shape had it's peak last decade and now it's going down. It will meet further defeats and humiliations from now on.

This is the beginning of new post-liberal paradigm in world culture. Everything ends sooner or later, no exception, sorry.

>lol conversations? what a faggot I bet you even go outside.

It's all about the archtype phaggot.

>Poland, the mexicans of europe who got kicked out of Britain through Brexit talking shit
How was it like getting screamed at in the street by random strangers to just go back under the rock you crawled out of?

OP, how does it feels being wrong?

Shes a big guy


King Nigger sends a signal to their unconscious that a mulatto child could be good.

Now its white men

>turned your back on white women

Stopped reading there.

1. White women turned their backs on white men first, and,
2. White women are shit, wallowing in social pities and causing drama, and largely the cause of all of these degenerate movements.

If we Caucasians die out, our chickens came home to roost. And, frankly, many of us are better off not having to try and hoist the world's problems on our shoulders and support people that don't want to work or worse.

White women also picked Trump, you çuçk.


>poland acting like they're leading anything

And yet, MGTOW shills will still call white women the destroyers of western civilization.

White men, it's time to love and be proud of our women again.

Having a democracy where niggers and women vote is probably worse than most forms of government

>for you

>Trump voters were all exclusively white men
>Implying feminists, LGBTs and minorities are going to do shit anyway other than post salt on social media, chimp out for a few weeks/months and say "that's it!!!!! I'm leaving this country!!!!!" and then not doing it

My assertion still stands - it's the white women with social power that create the social issues, and picking Trump over a liar and criminal shouldn't be that difficult of a decision, that margin should be larger.

>Trump wins and Blacked posters disappear for the night
I was wondering when you faggots were going to post again. You've probably disappeared to you safe space again.