Trump on suicide watch!!
>Trump on suicide watch!!
Trump on suicide watch!!
>Trump on suicide watch!!
Trump on suicide watch!!
>Trump on suicide watch!!
Trump on suicide watch!!
>Trump on suicide watch!!
Trump on suicide watch!!
>Trump on suicide watch!!
Trump on suicide watch!!
Leaves shouldn't play with fire.
HAHA time for annex
Kek please grant me a america vs canada war
But you can't disagree with someone just because you disagree with them. If you start working against Trump, he wins.
Watch out, i hear that Trudeau guy is a tough nut.
Please Trump
Destroy this faggot, even if it tanks our economy and leaves us in ruin for 100 years. I hate this faggot so much.
This isn't real.
>cuckdaeu sees its okay to not be a cuck because trump won
>still chooses to be a cuck because he is a leaf
It would last about 2 hours before all of Canada was conquered.
The ultimate leaf attack ?
America gonna bomb you're country so hard, haha.
fake and gay, i just checked. just some bullshit about him congratulating the godking
>Literal substitute High school drama teacher
>Literal nu-male cuck who is a self-professed Male Feminist
>Gets advice from Jewish bankers and kids
>Baited dumbass leaves into voting for him by promising dog blowjobs and free weed
>Opposes world superpower and southern neighbor because their leader said some meany-weany things
Is there a more pathetic nation than Canada?
But you said if you work against your enemies, you work for them, Justin?
Does this mean he's actually /ourguy/?
Or is Canada just Bizarro World and I've skipped a double negative somewhere because it's single in Bizarro World?
Isn't he connected to the Clintons?
>Putin on one side
>Trump on the other
Apologies are in order
So fucking what? If they bomb us we win.
Thankfully it isn't real. If you look at his twitter/facebook, you'll see Trudeau congratulated him
I bet he wants his alpha dick
True. We have seen how Trudeau deals with wildfires.
Do you leafs really want to be our enemy?
>any influence
We trade for Alberta with all of our Hollywood liberals and Muslims
Canada? Oppose?
for fucks sake, fact check you dumb bitch. You believe every thread with a clickbait title on Sup Forums?
>Trudeau goes all SJW righteous warrior
>Trump dumps NAFTA
>Canadians can't trade with anyone now
Trudeau should watch himself, he could ruin Canada's enconomy, especially since he can't get a deal with Europe, told Britain to fuck off and China wants to eat anyone they trade with
If you kill Trudeau, he wins.
Canada will kill themselves so that they would win
Alberta is NOT FOR SALE Fucker
Keep buying oil from the Saudis, fucker :^)
if you are interested :
WTF? It's just a leaf? We have a lot of that shit falling to the ground this time of year.
Wouldn't surprise me he said this, but seems fake senpaitachi.
Can you even imagine, the prissy faggot trudeau trying to deal with Trump?? Trump will fuck him in the ass.
The Democrats can easily come roaring back with a Justin Trudeau like candidate next election.
Trump should warn Americans that it is coming, and what will happen if he's elected.
fuck you faggot make alberta great again
If you burn your enemies they win.
Please. I want to be American!!
Justin is going to SUCK TRUMPS COCK
you CANT oppose us, cucknadia is allowed to be, because we the USA allow it to be
Nice knowing ya syrup drinker!
>wants to fight Putin
>now wants to fight the future president of USA
Does he have a deathwish?
>people even replying to OP's fake tweet
Wow, what a great leader. Accept people that hate you and fight your allies.
Get your shit together, leafs.
jesus fucking christ what a fucking RETARD
>promising dog blowjobs
Oh shit I completely forgot thats legal in Canada now
you leaves gotta get your shit together
Don't worry, well have a Northern Wall once we're done making Mexico pay for the Southern Wall
look at his real twitter retard
Canada is pretty irrelevant, yo
tricked :o)
>Canada vs USA the vid
>Accept people that hate you and fight your allies
Isn't that Trumps' foreign policy?
I'm pretty sure we all know, we're just not autistic retards incapable of having fun.
The day of the rake shall come soon.
This is his real statement:
>“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I would like to congratulate Donald J. Trump on his election as the next President of the United States.
>“Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States. We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment, and international peace and security.
>“The relationship between our two countries serves as a model for the world. Our shared values, deep cultural ties, and strong integrated economies will continue to provide the basis for advancing our strong and prosperous partnership.”
underrated post
fuck off leafy
What the fuck?
Shame on every single NATO nation who hasn't congratulated Trump on his win graciously and in a dignified manner.
Shame on you Canada for electing this cretin. That's fucking disgusting.
This is fake . Turdeau is an idiot , but he's not that stupid .
It's not real for fuck sake !!!!!!
Quebec and US vs canada
please make it happen.
>they got rid of beautiful symbols like this for a fucking leaf
Do it, annex us. Anglosphere union plox.
No one cares about young people, they will be put back in their place by old people.
The absolute mongoloid.
Please don't give up on us.
We're the prodigal son of the Anglo sphere.
We'll come back
Trump will completely destroy Leafs.
Then he will rebuild it 100000000 times better than it was before.
oh no you fucking don't weedman
Meh. Just call some South African fire beaters to put it out
>77% of Canadien exports go to the US
Oh boy the tariiff is gonna hurt
Read muh mind
wtf is wrong with this country
He's just trying to win.
please trump kill this motherfucking pansy ass cuck
tip top kek
Will trump ever even meet Trudeau?
Seems irrelevant tbqh
it's time to annex Canada.
You have to respect people's desires
the cuck bends over again. fuck me.
Looks like Trudeau might suicide.
"""Accidentally""" tripping on a noose and hanging himself while a CIA agent """witness""" it happening.
Trudeau is a controlled clown.
I predict that when they meet Trudeau will have been programmed to pull some sanctimonious stunt and confront the Donald about his racism or whatever, and Trump will ignore him like the sad unfunny joke he is.
Going to second this
Trump better be bombarded with reminders that Trudeau actively campaigned against him
So what are his plans for accepting the assblasted SJW refugees who all want to flee the US?
Will he take them in out of the purity and goodness of his heart?
Enjoy the liberals Leaf, bahahaha!
Tell Lena Dunham that she's a fat ugly fucking cow from me, thanks!
Is that a real tweet? Surely not.
Ok I'm an idiot. it's fake. Waste of a get, too. I'm terrible.
fake tweet you fucking retard
nice quads homie