Veterans of the Great Meme War (2015-2016), what unit did you serve in?
Veterans of the Great Meme War (2015-2016), what unit did you serve in?
276th Foreign Memeing Battalion
2 Purple Pepes and one Silver Wojak.
What battles did you participate in?
Who here served with Johnson's Jackals?
21st Mobile Shitposting Division
4th /sci/ Regiment "Triple Integration in Banach Spaces"
111 infantry, 1 happy pepe
The Meme Foreign Legion.
Kek patria nostra
1st Meme and Logic Battalion sir. Semper Fi
77th Memefantry
I provided shitposting support for the 144th NEET Division during the Battle for the First Presidential Debate, and also got into some small skirmishes with CTR.
Holy Anglo Alliance of Brexit and Nationalism
69th Abhorrent Post unit.
1 'Worst bait I've seen all week' medal
A dozen (you) ribbons
I was in the healthcare division.
Ems in Wisconsin.
Convinced every single patient that Hillary was going to cut welfare, and it spread like wildfire through the nursing homes.
Got coughed on a couple times, hurt my back a little bit moving a patient, but I will endure.
I earned my green heart, and the medal of IRL memetics.
Spurdo Benin-legions, ebin oc quality was delivered but still served under Kek
Photoshop Petty officer here.
88th Mountain Meme Brigade. Shadilay.
499th kek blasters heavy artillery unit
i read somewhere in the region of 4.5 million words of emails, attachments, etc. and spent around 1000 hours in cfg trying to weaponize the findings.
i did my part, and I'm happy the america-bros did it and made it all worthwhile.
signing off from Sup Forums for a few months now. take it easy lads
7th Legion of CA.
Chaplin, division of Shops, Morale and Converting.
Mission successful, Brothers.
Should I dump my Meme War division collection now lads?
Give me a (you) and I will
I made this thing.
That shell in the background looks a bit... flaccid.
auxiliary from occupied territory
Sup Forums company underdog unit
The fightin 1488.
Normie Redpill branch
75th Memer Regiment
Memers lead the way
2nd Paramemes squadron, night drops
101st Airborne Meme Division.
Got those fast movers delivering memes from above
44th Foreign Meme Battalion "Geert's Lions"
1st neighbour regiment
Battle of your mom's pussy
I called OP a faggot approximately 1488% more than usual.
109th US Foreign Legion
2nd /k/ Regiment
"Illegal get out, more guns"
Northern california recon division
Guacbowlio Garrison
1st Texas Shitposter Battalion. "The Lonestar Frogmen"
777th Meme Magic Battalion
Photoshoping KEK Division
1488th Coding Division
88th Shitposting Battalion
the one where i asked bongs what tendies was.
watched the great ex yugoslavia country meme wars
watched the hat turn into a vile wicked beast and not even the spirit of the buffalo could turn him away from his evil ways.
the great sea battle of norway destroying all fleets
the great cry of AY HOL UP HOL UP witnessed by my fellow legions.
Dumping Meme War divisions
We've earned it!
Meme trooper. Enlisted July 2016. I fought in the front lines and saw direct combat, while those in the photoshop division, and tactics fed me orders.
59th memepilot crew
40 battles seen during my time on Reddit
Legio IV Flavia Felix
17th finnish mongol battallion "khanate"
It was an honor to serve.
223 spectators battalion
I was a forward observer, didn't see any action
i have been posing as CTR for months to keep you guys motivated and on your toes. you're welcome.
911th kike divison
Fiftyfrist meme born
My mates didnt make it lads
>Instagram/Social media division
>probably lost a few friends (am spic studying abroad in the US, will go back when finished, honkys: don't worry)
All worth it for the tears. Thank you Sup Forums, it was the best of times shitposting with you
-Love, year-old newfag
North Carolina Special Ops Normie Division
1 Purple Pepe
Lost Nation Battalion
Wikileaks Artilary. Reddit, twitter, and MSN FB comment section.
We couldn't have done it without our Auxiliary Emu Mounted Calvary, they took devastating losses fighting on two fronts, Canadians in the East and CTR in the West.
Thank God for those Aussies.
Unorganized Texas Meme Ranger checking
memed hussars
7th Armored Meme Division.
6th actual-meme-country regiment
ex Sup Forums veteran
101st Meme Infantry Unit.
We lost so many..but in the end, we held the line.
15th Bernie bro batallion, as ideological officer
I failed miserably
2nd Platoon 88th Stormtrumper Regiment
>pic related
The USA Deplorable. Got my sea legs along with a silver pepe and a letter of recognition from KEK
Wikileaks Clandestine Operations
Two medals of outstanding Twitter Bravery and several (you) ribbons
"Grandpa, were you a dank memester in the meme war of 2016?"
"No, but I served in a company of dank memesters."
5TH mischlinge battalion
Let it be remembered that some of us jews stood with america.
The 141st Shitpost division.
77th Counter-Bait Ordonance & Checking Division
2 Iron Jimmies, A Victoria frog. Proud to have served. Semper Kek
1488th meme marine reporting in
47th Austistic Statistics division.
I spread statistics on black crime, Muslims violence, and the dangers of promiscuity in relation to children.
2nd Moor Brigade
In KEK we trust
34th Brit/pol/ Regiment
Sacred quads initiated me into the great priesthood of Kek. Twas a holy day.
First meme wizard brigade, TrumpGen division.
I was attached to cfg for the battle of shart hill, and my gets helped in many a skirmish.
Royal are Nige regiment.
2015 general election, brexit and MAGA campaign medals.
10th Assault Division
Awarded 2 Medal of Kek for the urban combat in the Battle of Cruzmissle and the Siege of CTR
Let's remember all those men who gave all. Gone but not forgotten
37th Hoosier Brigade.
I fought in the trenches of Indiana University. Lost the battle, but we wont the war. Just like the Dardanelles, eh ANZAC bros?
21st division NEET corps
Veteran of the Brexit campaign
Officer of propaganda and mematic warfare
Participated in:
>Every major meme conflict aside from the jeb campaign
>Design and distribution of memes
Memeing is all I know
Meme Team Six
>T. Digit Specialist
>109th US Foreign Legion
How can a Burger be in the Foreign Legion of the american Memetary?
Are you a spic?
Wait I meant this one, my b
54th Oklahoma Reserve Battalion reporting in. You didn't need us, America, but we were still there.
ONLY STATE that had 100% of our districts go red.
14th Shitposter Cavalry Division,
Earned a Purple Pepe during the battle of Wojak Hill
666th Fag Brigade standing by
7th TrollOPs Support Battalion
The Great Battle for
Commiefornia Opposition Force
Did...Ted Cruz make it? We were in the same trench together before we went over...
You fed us intelligence from behind enemy lines. Your service for der Trumpenfuhrer shall not go unnoticed.