
>Vote for the interest of fags not yourself

They act like they dont have their own vote to throw away

i don't have any lgbt black latino and muslim friends and females don't matter

I don't have any lol. Why would I want to be friends with women, lgbt, blacks, latinos, or muslims? Women are for fucking and the rest are for killing


I need to explain to myself why I don't matter to me?

Because no women, homosexuals, Latinos or Muslims in the U.S. voted for Trump at all, right?

don't need any of those things, as long as i have repeating roman numerals i can sleep well.

>Female friends
>LGBT friends
>Minority friends

How do I get them as friends? They hang out in their own circlejerks.

How do you guys feel now that women, fags, niggers and kikes have to submit to us after years of bullying us?

I'm just thinking about how to preserve this new-found power and never let them take it back.

We've been recrowned kings of the West brothers.

>implying I have Muslim nigger faggot friends

Jokes on you I have no friends


they don't matter to me because they're not straight white males and shouldn't be able to vote to begin with. no need to explain


Heh, maybe next election you'll not demonize the voting majority.

I don't have any friends.

Things are about to get much worse for us white men. Anyone that thinks all the feral malice we've been getting from libs over the past two terms was anything is in for a surprise.

wtf I love Lucy now.

Im fine cause i voted for him a couple days ago and dont have any of those friends

Gay here

Fuck the trannies and fuck you for calling me "LGBT"

>voted for Trump
>am a Latino with a bisexual wife

>implying im friends with subhumans

I didn't vote today. I voted yesterday.

Checkmate atheists.

America doesn't need any minorities to be great. In fact, being 90%+ white is what made the country to big in the first place.

>implying I have a LGBTQ+, Latino, black, or Muslim friend

They need to explain to us why they spent a year and a half, and longer, calling us privileged shitlords.

Only one of those I have in my life is my wife who also voted for Trump. If you're in a different situation you're probably a fucking degenerate.

>tfw literally trans
>tfw literally untouchable by these people
>voted for Trump

Fuck, even if it were to cost me rights, it's better than Hillary going to war with Russia.

but white females voted for trump

>implying I'm friends with human trash

but but but.... my American gay, female, and black friends voted Trump.

Exactly, but you'll never be able to explain that to a virtue signaler.

you have us

I am a white female in my 30s from New Jersey. I work a full time professional job in healthcare. I was pretty apathetic about this election, feeling both candidates were not very good. My husband (who closely follows politics) told me to vote for Trump to protect our son's future, because Hillary had an agenda to punish white males. I'm a little bit wary about what Trump will do with healthcare but Obamacare hasn't been great either. There are aspects of the Affordable Care Acts that have very much negatively affected my job as a nurse.

I'm glad Trump won. While I have no problem with gay marriage, I'm sick of all the pandering to queers and minorities. As a middle-class white female, I never got anything handed to me either. I'm sick of all the critters on welfare buying fresh scallops and Chilean sea bass with food stamps at Whole Foods. I don't want to slave away at work to give these people a free ride.

I just came over to this board yesterday while the results were coming in. I have to say it's been interesting and I'm sorry I missed the fun leading to this victory. Usually I'm on /vp/ where Sup Forums had another (less important, but still pretty epic) victory. An user called Lurantis leaked the entire new pokemon game 10 days before the release.

Every woman I know voted Trump. I don't have any untermensch "friends."



I'm a transgirl, bisexual, have multiple LGBT friends.

We've nearly all voted for Trump. His stance on LGBT has always been more relaxed than anything. Hillary also threw us under the bus last time around for the sake of her political career.


But I'm black and have no friends.

>begging us to mansplain

Pass. Kys.

"You matter to me more than you know. I want you to be successful as an American first, not as a LGBT+/female/black/latino/a/Muslim first."

I've told almost all my friends in private I'm right wing. They are fine with it in private.

Many of them know, but don't think anyone else knows and don't day shit.

They an regards each other as too liberal to accept.

I love my friends but they are literally a case study for the type of person supprised by trump.

>Repeating Roman numerals
>Gets a V

i have no lgbtqpbbq, female, black, latino, or muslim friends

Bizarrely I actually do have a tranny friend, but the explanation is easy:
> "Your feelings are less important than the long-term future of Western civilization. You'll be a lot happier using a bathroom you don't want to than you would be when you're getting drafted for a globalist oil wat"

LGBT+ -> You are mentally ill and hopefully you will be able to seek help now that trump is in office.

Female -> Honestly, the fuck are you complaining about? Just go find some rich Chad, suck his dick every once in a while, get your MRS degree, and live happily ever after. You're about as useful as Anne Frank's drumset anyway.

Black -> You get so much free shit from the government, and now you want more? Simply, fuck off.

Latino -> See Black section.

Muslim -> Take your bullshit religion back to the shithole you came from. If you want to live in the US, you either integrate and adapt or you get the fuck out.


Yup. This. Clinton was clearly tightening her stance towards the end to status quo plus fuck up Russia.

I don't know about you but I grew up in the Cold War. That shit was much much worse than any shit we have going on today.

And this is why you lost.

FUG, i have no friends!


I'm not sure how to tell myself this

because none of those little shits vote in the interests that matter to white people

The USA is a country founded on Western values for people of European descent.

I don't have to explain shit to minorities.

>If you vote for Hillary, make sure to explain to your straight, male, white, Christian friends why they don't matter to you.

How do I tell myself that I don't matter.


Because they can all serve and die in the military and I felt not getting drafted to fight Russia in Syria was more important than feelings.

I don't befreind non-humans

That only shows how uninformed killary voters WERE. Yup, were. It is done.

He wasn't racist as the media depicted him.
He want homophobic as the media depicted him.
Trump is just an average joe with billions of shekels. That's about it. Judging him based on his fringe supporters is like judging a book by its cover.

So I have to explain to myself?

>Self, why did you vote for Trump? What's that? You didn't like how the Clinton campaign told you because you have a vagina and Hillary has a vagina, you HAD to vote for her or you were betraying everyone who has a vagina?

inb4 tits. getting the fuck out.

Actually more white women voted for trump than for hillary.

Wasn't *

Fuck it.


But I am Latino. Do I have to look in the mirror and admonish my self?

Honestly there's a classier way to approach this. It's the same way as a lapsed Catholic can justify voting for a pro-choice candidate. It's not that any of them actually like abortions, but they aren't single-issue voters.

They matter less than ever

I voted for Trump because we need jobs, I wanted to keep my guns, we need to get the military out of useless countries, SOMETHING needs to be done about ISIS aka who Clinton gave weapons too, the political correctness needs to end and the Media and Hollywood is full of shit.

>voted MAGA

Feels good, man.

I'm a tranny and I voted Trump. Fuck this shit.

Because ur not me lmao

Kill yourself tranny

Uh, you don'get to bring friends

I don't have any female, lgbt, black, latino or muslim friends

I don't have any friends

but I'm muslim and I voted for trump.

I was under the impression that LGBT types are actually being drawn more towards the right since they fear attacks from islamic extremists moreso that the right, and they see the left as being too apologetic towards Islam in general despite having values that run contrary to western society?

>implying I have any
>LGBT+, female, black, latino, muslim, friends.

Fuck off.

My gay cousin voted Trump.
My Hispanic best friend voted Trump.
My Asian girlfriend voted Trump.
We all live in Philly and there isn't shit to explain.


>tfw when you have no black, latino, muslim friends and your female friends support Trump

Funny how they still don't get it
LGBT black hispanic female and Muslim all voted for trump
I don't think they'll ever understand
That they were the wrong ones
They lost

We'll I'm Latino and I'm very happy I voted for Trump. My mom was laughing because our illegal neighbor who hates on Americans all the time is crying.

3rd Russian German memepanzer division "The sons of Bismarck"

fresh off the nosebook for ya

LGBT,muslims and migrants can go fuck them themselves.

putting yourself ahead of others when it comes to national issues is selfish.
you buttfuckers are selfish, fuck you.

I'm a Latino and I woke up happy as fuck. Gonna walk down the street like Gerald Broflofsky

What if I have normal friends?


I don't have degenerates as friends in my circle.

>implying I have any friends

>mfw you take this thread seriously.

thanks for the toppest of keks.

>tfw you're bisexual and you voted for trump

is this ok Sup Forums

holy fucking shit kys
you are fucking trash

What about white straight males?
Do they matter?

I don't have any

Seriously, if all you're interested in or worried about is your gender, sex, colour or creed you are a deeply boring person. There's much more interesting and important things going on in life.

Kek. These kikebook posts are delicious

>First you explain why you voted Shillary over Sanders.

What has trump even said against them?

If they cared so much maybe they ought to have voted.

>If you voted for Trump explain yourself

How about if you voted for Hillary YOU explain yourself.

Explain to
The many women raped who have not gotten justice
The blacks that are kept down on purpose in the plantation
The children who experience the horrors of kidnapping to be part of satanic rituals
The children who have learned nothing via education due to common core

Above all explain yourself to every ethnic group why you hate them in secret.

because they don't.