Why is Mr. Miracle judge so much more harshly than any other comic book here...

Why is Mr. Miracle judge so much more harshly than any other comic book here? There are books that were praised here just because Sentry was on the last page.

Sometimes storytime threads just attract autists who won't shut up about how much they don't like something, like that Damianfag. Still nothing in comparison to guy who really hated Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers and Secret Wars and went out of his way to download the comic just to spoil the last page in the threads.

If you enjoy it just read it, you should have an internal filter for comments here by now.

>There are books that were praised here just because Sentry was on the last page.

That's because we hope the book will get better, not that it is.

I think that its reasonable to assume that people keep Kirby's legacy to higher standards, but I'm not saying that King's run is bad. I'm just saying that people are more sensitive about the legacy not yet spoiled.

Why would Sentry make things better, ever?

>That's because we hope the book will get better, not that it is.

Except Dr Strange is already good.

Why is it good? Is it deep? Is it complex? What makes it deep and complex?

I will judge every book the same way Sup Forums judges Mr. Miracle.

It’s just Sup Forums dude. You’ll see article after article praising to drown out all the criticism and hate

it's a compelling funny book made for children while Mr. Miracle is a boring funny book made for manchildren

What makes Dr. Strange compelling?

First post, best post.

Anti-Kingfags on this board are a VERY vocal minority.

After reading no.5, I’m just waiting for the teenage intellectuals on here to tell us all about how King doesn’t understand Descartes in the slightest.

I actually bought the physical issue instead of pirating like usual. The second I hit that page, I opened my laptop to see if that had already happened in the story time thread

You're way too late

>complaining about anons complaining

seems pretty meta to me. Get this shit out of here.

Man you are dumb. Its judged differently because one is written as a standard comicbook story and the other attempts to be deep and compelling.
Turn's out King can't write a good deep compelling Mr Miracle comic.
Also before you get your panties in a bunch you should remember that Sup Forums actually liked his compelling Omega Men run. So it's not like we are purposely shitting on King here. We know he can be good.

>Dr. Strange is good because it doesn't try to be good.

I refuse to reward mediocrity.

I did exactly the same thing

Oh well

>Don't you see though, user? We always hated him! We never liked him. We just showed up last year when he took over Batman and decided to shit things up! We're overly critical because we don't want to think we just want punchy stuff. I swear, we never liked a thing he wrote.

It gets so annoying to be told I'm part of a "vocal minority" by namefags or called a samefag in a mass reply to at least 5 different posters. The guy clearly bought into his acclaim and started writing for more of it rather than writing good stories and letting it come to him. Most issues (save for a few, legitimate, gems) since he's come to DC exclusively have been full of the most pretentious shit ever.

Never said that fuckwit.

>full of the most pretentious shit ever

A specific example being?

user, when an episode of NCIS finds a way to tug a heart string while having a few good action scenes it's a good episode. But it's never going to be compared to The Wire.

Dr Strange is good because it's thrown us into an in-progress story that doesn't require 5 issues of set-up and decompression, the dialogue is quick-witted, the narration is fun to follow and leaves you hanging to see what's next to come, there's some good twists and turns between things like Loki: Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen Strange: Veterinarian, The Sentry reveal, it's fixing Marvels magic rules after Aaron fucked them, it's using a lot of elements from the MU and Walta has some nice art.

Cates is just a good writer. Don't take out your rage against Sup Forums nitpicking over a book that half the people who complain about Mr Miracle don't even read

This entire run so far on Mister Miracle.

Turning Kite Man into a Sisyphus allusion.

Could you not keep this in the Mister Miracle thread? MM is nothing new in Sup Forums and is polarizing like how other comics are.

Jesusfuck I don't know if you're a giant Kingfag or King but Sup Forums is not a hivemind and not your safe space, there is Reddit and Tumblr where there are a lot of people that worship this comic there.

The problem is that we have people thinking that NCIS is better than The Wire.

Oh fuck off namefag, the majority of Sup Forums liked Omega Man and a lot of anons liked Vision, just because Batman and Mister Miracle didn't get the same hype doesn't mean people are anti-King, it's fucking POSSIBLE to like the works of a writer while disliking others.

Also your very vocal butthurt is showing.

user you have to understand that some people are just tasteless.
My GFs brother sits around and watches How I Met Your Mother on rerun all day, can't watch any show that has a hint of darkness/seriousness and doesn't like anything that is hard edged. I have tried so hard to convince him to expand his taste but some people just won't, no matter what you expose them to

I watch Young Sheldon and liked Inhumans more than any of the Netflix shows/Berlanti CW crap

While this board jerseys off to Moore's use of Ubermensch in Miracleman.

You've made a large assumption based on a personal anecdote about a complete pussy.

That's called projection. I love thoughtful, complex media but I find King's work since his exclusive deal to be largely pretentious with little worth. It worked in Vision because it was expected to be schlock and he found a way to make it stand out. That doesn't work with all characters and it's a gimmick that can wear thin quickly regardless.

Then Dr. Strange is the comic for you.

Stay away from Mr. Miracle, though.

>Cates is a good writer
I remember when this board hated Cates' work.

I honestly don't get the Mister Miracle hate or hype, it was pretty boring and inoffensive and King has written better stuff.

God how I hate that King turned Kite Man into a tragicomic character, I still remember all those great moments that the character gave us before, as well as those of animal man before morrison.

*Jerks off

I love Atomahawk, Dr Strange and Thons. Did people trash on God Country?

lol le deep edgy ptsd man is really psy-ops
your being played like a fiddle

See it's the fact that people equate King's Kite Man meme to what Morrison did with Animal Man that gets me pissed off. There are no standards and no actual critical thinking happening.

Great smarmy response faggot. Care to tell me how it isn't pretentious? Because that's exactly what you asked for, an example of pretentious writing.

God Country, Resneck and baby teeth

This pretty much explains it

Thus thread is a good reminder that you should never take into account the critiques of comics from anyone from bloggers to posters here because everyone who reads comics is a fucking mongoloid. Even music criticism is better than this

Comic critics don't criticize comics

tcj are pretty good but they only do indies so I can see why you would say that

Kite Man I’ll give you.
I’ve enjoyed Mister Miracle so far and don’t find it pretentious at all.

Oh god pardon, I did not want to offend you, I really hate as Morrison ruined AnimalMan, We all remember the great moments of the character before that, I still hate king's kite man, I can not stand the idea that it outraged so important character and step pretentious, I really hate him as you have no idea.

only like two of them actually do anything but circlejerk

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mr Miracle.

This. Sup Forums has a lot of autistic idiots, but at least they are honest about their idiocy.

I think King is levels above any other comic book writer right now, or at least in the big two. Everything else feels like uninspired crap. I mean his batman run can be up its own ass some times, but at least it's still better than anything else.

>I will judge every book the same way Sup Forums judges Mr. Miracle.
Oh dear, whatever will we do if you develop more discerning taste.

>Discerning taste
You swallow what goes down easier. That's not discerning taste.

New Super-Man is better

>Why is Mr. Miracle judge so much more harshly than any other comic book here?

Because its the current flavor of the month on plebbit

As opposed to Dr. Strange, flavor of the month on Sup Forums?

If anything, plebbit seems to have a better taste.

Then why don't you go there and stay.

This and it's severely underrated.

his Kamandi issue was textbook boring pretentious King style. Kevin Eastman's pencils actually carried the book but man reading that issue was bad. he did zero for the next writer to work with.

and i'm not a King hater but sometimes he does seemed carried away with his storytelling.

All the " this comic is going to change the medium" articles and people calling it a modern masterpiece attract scrutiny.

It's less the fault of the people making the comic and more mainstream critics spewing hyperbole and being desperate to anoint the next Watchmen/Dark Knight so they can point and say " look superheroes are for adults!" because they're insecure fanboys.

>not yet spoiled

DC ran the New Gods into the ground a long, long time ago.

As opposed to everything else from DC.

I love King but my fave comic is RHatO not MM.

I'm not saying that every work by him is of equal merit man, I'm just saying I think a chunk of the hate is from people that are pretty much perpetually mad about Batman.
Dunno what I have to be Butthurt about, in my eyes the dudes putting out two awesome books, if anyone's butthurt it's Anti-Kingfags.

You get that troll shit with every comic, I read Duggan's GotG I like it and people talk smack about it, I ignored them and only talk to people who I think have legitimate reasons to not like the comic.

And some people have expressed legitimate reasons as to why they don't like it.

King isn't even special when it comes to a writer that Sup Forums dislikes, you and OP are making a big deal out of it.

I dunno OP, I think it's right to judge a comic that spends 3 pages talking about philosophy on a higher level than the average Iron Man comic.

>Dunno what I have to be Butthurt about
You're pretty clearly butthurt about other anons posting their complaints. Otherwise you would say they're perpetually mad about something. Because you have no way to know who's posting. Yet you say this passive aggressive bullshit every time a King book releases.

I like King's MM and I see your namefag ass all the time whining about complaints even some I agree with. You ARE butthurt.

You want an echo chamber then go somewhere else.

>went out of his way to download the comic just to spoil the last page in the threads
Same thing happened a few days before Doomsday Clock came out.

This, board can be shitty and it's not your safe space, take it, filter it, or leave it.


Reddit likes MM but it has a poorer reading comprehension than Sup Forums so it's not a good place for discussion

I mean they like the comic, they claim to love it but they still ocassionally call it "Miracle Man" lol.

King writes literately for Reddit

He literally cannot he has an exclusive with DC

WB owns Reddit

because they're stupid, that's why. seriously though most are just capeshit newfags who just want fighting and explosions

This. Do you honestly think everyone on here is at a college reading level? We have people on here who can barely understand the text at face value, never mind subtext or any kind of nuance. Keep in mind we share a board with the kind of autists who obsess over cartoons as well, care to take a guess how well-read those posters are? Not saying this is the peak of literature, but it's obviously the kind of book that requires a little more out of its readers and - being published by DC - it's attracting a lot of readers who aren't up to the task.

>implying it's better than Astro City
>implying it's better than Doom Patrol

And to think there were anons earlier who said there weren't smarmy self-important fucks like yourselves.

These two posts are quite literally the reason King gets so much vocal criticism.

basically what user said here: