Guys my girlfriend is seriously freaking out.
She's black a woman and part of the LGBT community and is convinced the future is going to be nothing but SHIT for her with Trump.
How do I convince her otherwise?
Guys my girlfriend is seriously freaking out
You can't.
The only thing you can do is tell her that it won't be even a quarter as bad as she thinks.
She'll have rights. She won't be deported. She will earn a living.
She is concerned her "groups" will be heavily discriminated against and she wont make it in her field or college.
break up with your girlfriend, and get a girlfriend the world can respect.
Handle it like the 5 stages of grief and youll be fine.
Get a better gf or kys
Tell her she's wrong and ask her to find any evidence of Trump saying something racist or homophobic.
Trump has nothing against the LGBT community. She has been mis-informed.
>She is concerned her "groups" will be heavily discriminated against and she wont make it in her field or college.
For what reason?
tell her theyre gonna deport her ass back to africa
You lost m80's why haven't you packed up yet.
Marriage equality was decided based on the 14th amendment. This hasn't changed and it likely won't. Nobody cares.
Trump is personally going to shoot her
>How do I convince her otherwise?
Ask her to seriously consider why she thinks this is the case and where her believe that Trump is literally Hitler stems from.
Citizen: I'm going to need to see your papers. Where are your papers? You must carry your papers.
grab "her" by the pussy
Follow your glorious leader words.
Grab her by the pussy...
why would you lie?
You're fucking disgusting. You people have to make your own nation or something.
Tell her to check her taxed paychecks in a year
Piss in her face
I voted for Trump. I just want her to be okay.
Doesn't work. This thinking has never worked with her or her poisonous friends. I have to prove to her.
Can't I love her
>Guys my girlfriend is seriously freaking out
>my girlfriend
Tell her Trump loves gays and black people. Tell her how he fought to have his country club open to black members etc.
Sup Forums is not nazi. Stupid webm, user.
Does she fall under B or T? If it's T
> She
If she's B, who the fuck is going to care?
If she's the wildcard L option
> Tits or GTFO
She's black, that's it. If she's smart and with a decent work ethic she'll have exactly the same chance to succeed as anyone else. Black people hold themselves back by investing in Nigger culture, if she rises above that she can do whatever she wants.
>black and pro LGBT
there's your mistake
She's right because she will proceed with her victim status and be an annoying chubby that everyone hates
Trump is (and always has been) pro-LGBT and his record on race (if you don't conflate it with immigration like the libs) is pretty stellar. He has never attacked black communities like the Clintons.
That said, she probably won't listen to reason anyway.
Muh bisexual black girlfriend is being hysterical because college told her republicans are bad. Wat do Sup Forums?
My gf is Mexican and believes that while Trump won't deport her, that he being president is going to give people the courage to actually attack minorities, like the KKK might start doing shit or something. Is there any truth to this? I've heard the KKK have been growing in numbers recently.
Dunno about listening. I'm just trying to find some pro-whatever remarks to ease her mind. I honestly think she's just been absorbed by all her Tumblr friends and Uni putting this shit in her head.
Telling her "he didn't say he hated them" doesn't work
Have her list one thing Trump has done against LGBT.
Watch less CNN, this was last week
Possibly, but no one should vote based on their fear of people unrelated to the election.
Nothing will happen. The government will leave her alone because the government should be fucking the hell off anyway.
Tell her to chill the fuck out. Unless you can't handle the bantz. then you got bigger problems.
You seem like interesting person...WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?
Show her this
Why do lgbt people think something will happen to them?
Or will something happen
get a better girlfriend.
I hope whites kills all traitor mexicans in the US. You don't want them, we hate them.
Your libtard gf is chimping out. You should dump her before she kills you in your sleep.
Thanks this might be useful.
Are there any other incidents or remarks I can show her to calm her fears?
Not OP but she'll probably just say he was just doing that for votes. When in reality he thinks gays are icky and should go away.
Remind her that the president of the USA is not nearly as powerful as people feel.
Remind her that Trump does not have full backing from the Republicans.
His presidency will, at worst, be more of the same, with little to nothing actually happening, apart from projects not working and simply adding to the national debt (big whoop).
In fact, since Trump has amassed those furthest right and conservative, him publicly denouncing anti-LGBT, islamophobic and xenophobic position (which he will likely do), might even move the American right forward.
That is not to say that every wannabe-nazi and alt-right faggot in the world isn't feeling empowered right now and we can expect a lot of shit happening in the near future.
But if he wants to get anything done at all, his presidency will not be anything near as divisive as his candidacy was.
That or I am being much too optimistic and the fissure in American society just became irreparably worse and no amount of chanting the "USA" mantra will fix it.
Nobody gives a fuck about your piece of shit friend.
Tell her to stop trying to be special and everything will be fine.
>implying you guys didn't treat Texas like shit
Maybe if you had been nicer.
Other than overturning Roe v Wade, he is literally going to do nothing that will affect her demographics in any negative way.
OP you could tell her that Trump has never said anything bad against the LGBTQ community, himself. It's all just twitter and mainstream media shit posting.
Convert to Islam. Throw her off a building.
More like she's concerned she might actually have to compete with people who are naturally smarter than her and without her gibs she's going to end up shitting around in some dumpster. Good. The time for mercy is over. Give you people an inch and you take a fucking yard. White power 1488.
Tell her to get the fuck out. Africa is lovely this time of year
Tell her that Trump will prevent the importing of huge amounts of the most anti-gay bloodbath in history, Islam. Remind her of the Orlando massacre.
OP, your girlfriend has histrionic personality disorder like so many others in social media, etc. She's a nut. Nothing you can do.
Sup Forums might not be but Sup Forums isnt multicult globalist.
Shitskins need to go
>black "woman"
Tell her to kill herself you stupid cuck
He let Bruce Jenner piss in the ladies room at trump tower when all that shit was going on, that's something
>it won't be even a quarter as bad as she thinks.
It won't be a scintilla as bad as she thinks.
Trump's not going to make faggotry and attention whoring illegal. These people are loonies.
Your fault for being with a degenerate faggot.
why is the flag upside down...
I'm not sure why you needed to include the white power sentiment. But yes I think this user has the right idea. People have been given handouts for just being 'minorities' for too long. And guess what the reasonable folks who don't get free shit are sick of their blatant exploiting of the system
A large part of the muslim world is 'at war' with Western Ideals and America. We have been systematically blowing them up from Pakistan to Syria. They really did not appreciate that.
Trump said he was going to restricting immigration of muslims from 'compromised' countries.
That's pro-gay as fuck.
you dont
god emperor will make it legal to rape her queer black ass
Just tell her Giftgas is largely painless.