>"Trump-kun, please don't destroy muh leguhsee"
"Trump-kun, please don't destroy muh leguhsee"
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I thought it was a good speech, what didnt you like about it.
I thought it was a good speech, what didn't you like about it?
niggers cant be animes
I thought it was a good speech, what didnt you like about it.
oops double post my bad thanks captcha
I thought it was a good speech, what didnt you like about it.
the speech was good, idk what you're on about nigrito
The FIRST thing he does in office will be to rip apart all those executive orders, and lift sanctions on Russia.
What speech?
oops double post my bad thanks captcha
Too late Obongo
its okay Sup Forums has been slow af lately
he gave a lil speech like 10 minutes ago about the election results, basically was like "good job, you won the election, hope you do well and we shouldn't be so partisan as we're all on the same team." not a sore loser meme or anything
But I found his speech quite good.
>implying Loser Donald won't fuck over the entire country
why do you proxy your flags about?
Crashing this ACA
>first black president
>still on his knees to white massa
This is great. He'll be remembered in history only for his skin color and nothing else. He has only himself to blame.
His policies have all largely been failures and el Trumpo is set on a path of success just because how God-awful this HNIC has been running things.
USA's future has never looked this bright.
Get those paper shredders working overtime.
>lift sanctions on Russia.
Does... Does this mean I'll be able to buy a Vintorez?
Your head
Holy shit
How much beef have Obongo and Trump had since the birther shit where Trump said he wasn't born in US?
How much did he flip when he knew he had to handover the presidency to Trump with a congress and supreme court majority
>Trumpo is set on a path of success
Dumbasses actually believe this shit
Still salty about that Brexit, eh m8?
If it's in a sporting configuration, absolutely. Then convert it like a siaga or VEPR.
Pic related, my AK74-M
i bet you voted remain you cucked fucker
he was a cunt until the last moment he could, he just switched his pretty face when he knew he was doomed.
After watching both Obama's speech and Clinton's speech, it was like night and day. (get it, cuz night is black and he is a nigger eheheheeeh)
But seriously. He is tolerable. Hillary is like nails on fucking chalkboard. Thank fuck we don't have to deal with her ever again. Obama is still trash, but I hadn't really listened to many politicians talk in a while and in contrast with Clinton holy FUCK we dodged a major fucking bullet.
>Not wanting to buy an assault boat
Weren't there also a shit ton of CMP 1911s and garands tied up by Obama's sanctions too, or am I making that one up?
Winners aren't losers, shill.
>six bankruptcies
Donald Trump is a loser.
That was EO. Korea wanted to sell the CMP millions of surplus M1s, M1 carbines, 1911s, and 1903 springfields
*chuckles* You mean the chaos emeralds?
Keep dropping that salt, Achmed.