Veterans of the Great Meme War (2015-2016), what unit did you serve in?
2nd Essex Foreign Legion here, lost a girlfriend during this mess. Seen a lot of good men blocked.
Veterans of the Great Meme War (2015-2016), what unit did you serve in?
2nd Essex Foreign Legion here, lost a girlfriend during this mess. Seen a lot of good men blocked.
501st Special Meme Assault Unit here
Purple Pepe, and two silver Pepes. Us and the rest of the SMAU units lost way too many good men....
Fought in the Mosley Grenadiers.
109th United State Foreign Legion, 4th /k/ Regiment reporting in.
No more Illegal
No more CTR
More guns
What a time...
>implying its over
We gained a major victory and we're winning, but the war is still on. SJWs and PC culture still stand strong and must be memed out of existence for us to truly win the war
Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force Special Branch Liason, 1st Special Division.
Regimental Sergeant Memer
Sup Forums
Mentioned in Despatches, also known as the (You) Reward. (awarded multiple times)
Doubles Award for Repeating Integers (awarded multiple times)
Medal of Trips with Bar
Quints Star
Bleeding Heart Medal for Losing Friends in the Line of Duty
Commonwealth Shitposting Ribbon
United States Foreign Service Ribbon
Ten Years Service Ribbon
23rd Diamond Meme Magistrate Brigadier here
We cant stop here, we cant retire. We need to recruit more people and we need a Sup Forums jugend division.
Countries gotta leave EU, theres a lot of work
11th KEK's Fury. It was one hell of a fight.
Fought as a partisan on the outskirts of London. It was a mess, I don't want to go into detail. They had us pinned down on all sides.
Although it might not be over, we deserve this one day of rest.
Well done brothers.
>"Grandpa were you a memer in the war?"
"No, but I served in a Company of Memers"
Holy shit, was that your unit at the Final Assault? I may have seen you while I was with the 501st SMAU
34th infiltration guards battalion, B company.
I had to infiltrate hordes of domestic SJWs on Jewbook and slowly poisoned them one by one with my meme magic.
Now i'm waiting on my next assignment in the great battle of Europe as a sleeper cell.
The war is not over here in occupied territories.
kek bless those who survived.
Remember the fallen.
Move Forward.
Make America Great Again.
44. Battle-Memegineer Squad
Comducted "Operation Barrelroll" to convert potential Bernei voters, also took part in Twitter and YT raids
Poutine Meme Brigade #1 Montreal Division, sir.
PA 1st and only, Trump's Ghosts
Part of the pepe army. Many of my brethren fell to the ctr shills, but in the end, we prevailed.
Beefaroni Division here. It was a great victory.
847th Illinois Shitlords
we did all we could lads, shes too far gone
2nd force poopoopeepee pros here.
Awarded Kek's honor for my shitposting KD
Forward scouting unit
1st Underage Northern Irish Redpilling division
I'll get banned for this, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I have successfully red-pilled many many people around my age. Glad to have been of service, sirs
1st Sup Forums Mole Division, Cuckbuster Unit
Honor to serve in the dangerzone
>Wikileaks Analysis Agency
>Pedophile ring investigation unit
>anti-moloch meme division
>11th YouTube battalion
>International pro-Trump task force
How do we adjust to normal life after this?
well /jugend might be an overstretch
more like /eldern
Thank you for your service
Any of you had any severe experiences during the War?
104th Logistical Shitposting Battalion
Wish I could have been with you boys in the final assault
681st Bulgarian Meme division
Shitposting unit, meme videos making
1st Philippine RWDS Expeditionary Force
Sup Forums
Battle of San Diego (flipping flips to Trump)
Battle of LA (flipping flips to Trump)
Twas a long hard fought battle.
When do I reenlist?
National Sup Forums Guard against the CTR.
Girlfriend of 2 years left me while I was at breaking point on the frontline, just after the 2nd debate.
Took at toll on me but I soldiered on as we do in the 2nd Essex Reconnaissance
Loyalist Royal Canadian Resistance Forces
Managed to fight the good fight while occupied by the communist menace.
Alpha-1 Zero 6 Special Salt Extraction Ops and the International Memetic Defense Force
Lost half of an element of the 501st SMAU at Sup Forums harbour
I can still hear the fucking screams...dear Kek make them stop....
Reporting in, lost a brother during the great battle of debate number 1.
Great to see you made it comrade, one hell of a fight.
10th mobile WA "Kek's Rangers", behind the lines under Hugh Mongous. Strike hard at the coastal cucks and disappear back into the woods. No fight could be won, but we harassed them relentlessly. Universally hated and feared, our goal was no major battle to win in for now, but we sent them a devastating message. We are the beginning of their end.
88th mountain infantry "snow leopards" reporting in. Those who fight will always be remembered.
We're like the 300 if you think of it, fighting a mighty Persian army consisting of the mainstream media, the establishments, sjw's and Cher. But we won. FUCK YES!
Detroit serving in LA.
Spec Ops, I shouldn't be talking about it.
1st Barbosa Rangers '' WE WUZ '' outfit
Local occultist and posting plane pictures.
Working on a vidya game to infuriate SJWs.
21st Mobile Shitposting Division, moonlit in the 7th Deplorables IRL.
Combat with gender studies propegators
Anti CTR frontlines
Helped switch a few lost souls to our side
Lost some good men along the way challenging SJWs
A few (you) commendations
Repeating digit specialist
Infinite pride
>He thinks its over
Boyo its only begun
Thread theme:
Salute to our fallen brothers!
The sweet taste of victory is a feel ever so lonesome, user.
Kek bless
1st Ohio Battalion, Columbus Divison
I think I came out with a net gain in drunk arguments won/lost
22nd Alabama Division, proud member of the Rocket City Rebels.
I fought long and hard, attended the God Emperor rally in my area, and even have a gold Trump card in my pocket. I'm so proud to have served with you all, even though I was out of commission for three weeks thanks to the Cursed Name, Benji Fishbane.
My my, the war is over now? It seems like it just began. I still here explosions. Still see Pepes.
What a time we had, chaps. I lost my best friend in this war. He got too cucked and I had to put him down.
Our time isn't over, however. We will all fight again together as One in 2020. Farewell, bretherends.
This. We're Veteran's IN the Great Meme War (2015-Present).
And we have a responsibility to continue the fight. We might have won a few victories, and we might have changed the tide of the war, but there's no end in sight.
Our enemies have suffered a defeat, but they will not go quietly, they will retreat, lick their wounds, and come back in force.
This fight isn't over yet, and more good soldiers will fall before it is done.
42nd Shitpost Battalion.
12ème Régiment des Opérations Mémétiques Récursives
Enjoyed every piece of it.
Theaters :
Sup Forums
I was trapped in Sup Forumsharbor with no shitposting weapons but a piece of paper and a pen.
I wrote shitposts and folded the paper into a paper airplane, throwing it at the enemy.
That's right.
I'm the creator of the 1st Flyin' Frogs unit.
33rd Wikileaks Heavy Artillery Brigade, nicknamed "Hillary For Prison".
My job was operating the echo machine
FBIAnon Intelligence Unit
Team Ger
Honored veteran of the Ruseman's Corps. Was the lone voice in a philosophy group on facebook.
91st Memetic Warfare Battalion. I've participated in various Social Media infiltration missions, enemy reconnaissance operations, and redpilling procedures.
Following the successful procurement of information by the 93rd Wikileaks unit, I was involved in the subsequent raids on social media. High casualties were expected for our unit, but the redpill potential was too great to pass up. Lost a friends, but gained so much more for our country.
And of course, I was also involved with the integration of memetic magic through the summo-
But anyway, How are you all dealing with PTSD?
1st New Jersey shitpost battalion. Lost my entire family. Worth it though.
501st Harambe Heavy Tank Battalion checking in
Red Iraqi Reporting in
Risked my stay in USA and broke into lots of battles with my parents
Lost my mother's trust and my father is silent so far. will continue to live on
7th Finnish Counter-Meme Company
Spent most of my time on recon missions on Twitter and various clickbait sites, obtaining information about how the enemy thinks.
Got a pretty bad case of PTSD from going through the hellish Black Twitter.
Good on you, lad.
It was hard times on the Short North.
how to be part of the meme war? only creating memes and then sharing them or just sharing is ok too
1st Gothenburg division here, my wife was wounded in action but I think she'll live.
101st Liberal Infiltration Unit
Got dirty behind enemy lines men, but we did it.
I was a maintenance officer on the Trump Train. I've been in the engine room for 18 months now. I'm a little tired, a little hungry, but goddamnit that was funny.
Has anyone heard from anyone from 7th New York Rangers yet? I've got a feeling they didn't pull through.
NH division, I saw it all from the front lines.
NH is where the Trump train took off and good lord it never stopped.
39th recon division
Finding out what the normies feared
1st Anglo Memeadiers
Signed up last week in time for the final push after hearing all the stories from the old timers. I've only seen a little action but they say there's a lot more to come.
Godspeed to us all o7
Sharing them is the grunt work, creating is the officer work, I'd say.
1st Icelandic Youth Brigade here, me and my squad did the best we could redpilling these normies. We lost many good men, but it seems like it was all worth it in the end.
919 Shock Troopers.
It was a bloodbath here, but we won the fucking war.
I served in the fifth Texan Battalion. I lost one of my best friends. I argued against immigration while on campus. In front of a large group of students, he called me a Nazi, and said I'd been reading too much Mein Kampf. Both of which are true, but he didn't really know. He chose virtue signaling over our friendship. I have lost much. But I have gained so much more. Thank you Sup Forums. The battle is over. The war is just beginning.
777th Shitposting and IRL Trolling Division
You still got work to do
Shut down the sicko PIZZA ring user
Ever vigilant, britfriend, we have to capitalize on the victory and push even farther. There are still men stuck behind the lines. This is going to be a long war, and I'm glad to serve in it.
Garrison's youth, reporting in.
The 501st Special Meme Assault Unit will continue the fight. Hope to see you on the battlefield
>Got a pretty bad case of PTSD from going through the hellish Black Twitter.
You'll pull through man
7th Northern Defense Battalion, Cruz Division outside of Calgary.
We defended the Leak Defender's birthplace as it was laid to siege by CTR forces. Took a fucking white male to the left lung, almost didn't make it out. More of my brothers weren't even as lucky.
171st Meme Artillery
et nos vobis, meme et fluent
Burning Heart of Gondola rebording.
We supported the pepes
Deep cover agent reporting in from the leftist liberal strong hold of Canada
Coming back before wall building operations commence on both borders
Switching to protocol epsilon, will keep in touch
I served behind enemy lines in the /r9k/ parapooper squad.
Frankly I enjoyed the war.
101st special memetic operations here, two tours on twitter. saw some ugly, ugly fighting, there were times I wasnt sure we'd make it, but in the end, we held.
>"For us, the storm has passed... the war is over. But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure; sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight... our fight, was elsewhere. As we start to rebuild, this thread will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten."
12th Mechanized Meme division
"The Mighty Palmetto"
1 Purple Pepe, a bronze Wojak and an artificial mouse hand.
It was blue for a bit there lads, but we didn't let them intimidate us.
42nd Alabama Meme Calvary Unit
We fought and won easy battles, we didn't face the casualties that most did. I was the commanding officer of the #BoycottDisney offensive, which took place after our logistic teams found out about #DucksOnTheGround.
During the #BoycottDisney offensive, we waged a two day campaign in which we tried to get Disney to issue a statement disavowing Clinton. We also tried to meme middle-aged white women out of voting for Clinton. Unfortunately, our primary objective was unsuccessful, but logistics confirms that we were able to get some mom's to vote against Clinton.
It was good fighting with you, lads. Shout out to other Alabama vets out there. Spending the rest of the day solemnly remembering the men that were lost. Rest easy, anons, your duty is done.
22nd leaf paratrooper brigade.
>We were dropped in goybook.
>SJWS and CTR everywhere.
>Me and 4 other leafs in my squad.
>We were getting bombarded with "racist" & "Islamophobe" for weeks.
>We dug in and stood our ground until I couldn't take it.
>I pulled out my pew research muslim opinion pdf and chucked it into an sjw bunker.
>I still hear those sweet sweet screams today
>But it didn't help. It only made me and my squad a target.
>I lost a lot of good friends that day, friends I knew for a very long time.
>But something changed, the bombardment shifted from 'Islamophobe" & "racist" to "sexist" 32mm mortars.
>Everyone around me was too shell shocked to move
>"grab them by the pussy" they kept muttering
>We knew if we went out there CTR would gun us down with a million women's shrieks.
>Someone had to do it, the Australian I met shared with me his top tier Bants and gave me courage.
>That night I went into the goybook feed and unleashed the Hillary rapist tapes.
>CTR was dropping like flies, SJWs we're losing their minds.
>I took a high impact drumpf btfo Hillary pepe to the chest and lost consciousness.
>When I came to it was over,we had won.
>I got a Purple Pepe for my acts of bravery.
>I know this Purple Pepe will never bring back the friends I lost, but I've made new friends along this journey.
>I would gladly serve again.
Swedish Lurker Division
43rd Pennsylvania Volumemers
Merseyside Pence-Jones shill unit.
Remember the 5th batch of Leaks?
Remember the first Twitter raid?
Good times boys...
Personally didn't lose anybody.
Because I had nobody to lose.
Who else here suffering from Post Ecstatic Meme Disorder?
Glad Trump is all in for us vets
45th Airborne "The Falling Leaves" Fell into Bernie territory very early in the war spending most of it as a pow
Trumps Texas Rangers reporting for duty. Thick with illegals here but we held firm.
Battlepriest in the 7th Dutch Meme Magic Regiment.
Saw a lot of shit, but in the end it was worth it.
First Autistic California commandos division