Hope this shithole sinks in hell
Fuck you americunts
>t. Angry Muslim
Don't worry friendo, your time will come as well.
>Nocturnus Libertus
What is this, a JRPG?
Can Sup Forums recover from this?
Thank you for posting.
Your salty tears taste so goooood
Don't worry, millions of people around the world wipe their ass with your flag every day too.
>t. allahuakbar al-francia
That bitch nasty
Mmmmmmm the taste of salt
>mad yet?
Not really, my candidate is now president and Hillary Clinton is not.
I saw this bitchs family on Black Hawk Down. Can confirm they were killed
That's the most American thing you could possibly do; exercising your right to free speech without the possibility of any repercussions.
I salute you.
then leave
Yet she won't leave because she knows there are no gibs in Africa.
Why are amerifats so triggered when someone wipes their ass/burns a piece of fabric with stars and stripes on it? I mean fucking come on, there was even a scandal when a dog stood on a flag. What do you have against freedom of speech and expression?
>won't leave the US
>will still take money from US taxpayer
You can't effectively protest a system that you have your hand out to.
Fuck you traitor.
How come desecrating the flag is legal in murrica? Here you would end up with fine or in jail for this.
She could wipe her ass on my FACE if you know what I mean
>swedish flag
not even surprised
Yup she has the this right.
And Hillary has the right not to condemn this behavior as being in bad taste.
I have the right to vote for Trump even though I agree with Hillary on most policy issues.
We all have our rights
Voting ID and paper ballots by 2020
get fucked Achmed, we're coming for France next
Sweden Yes
thast not very nice. the amercan people are our friends you know. and now they have a jolly good new leader to make us even better friends
We had a supreme court case about this in the early 90's, desecrating flag is legal. Basically, if it's your flag, you can do what you want to it, if you incite violence that's different, but desecrating flag is not in itself incite to violence. The victims are the people with patriotism who don't want to see the symbol of our nation disrespected. They're feelings are hurt, some have sons who died protecting the nation. But I agree with supreme court on this one: Fuck your feelings.