HOLY FUCK you drumpfkins still think that you won? Yes...

HOLY FUCK you drumpfkins still think that you won? Yes, you won the extremely undemocratic electoral college but she WON the POPULAR VOTE.

Get it through your thick skulls. SHE WON THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. A bunch of hicks in Wisconsin doesn't change that.

FUCK YOU PEOPLE. I can't wait for him to be impeached on the first day, because BELIEVE ME THAT WILL HAPPEN! hahahaha

fucking clueless idiots all of you are

Republicans also won congress and the senate.

And she won by like 200k votes. That's barley 1% of the total votes.

Hardly winning the hearts and minds of the people.

Now go cry some more.

The electoral college is what makes the United states a superior Republic over the democuck electoral process of other nation

She didn't win anybody over. She's just a piece of shit who had a ton of people covering for her.

What she had was all the media and all the corporations on her side to brainwash people against Trump. Without that power in her pocket people won't be so easily manipulated with bullshit liberal propaganda.

you realize you aren't being paid anymore right?

cry more

She didn't win the popular vote


>And she won by like 200k votes. That's barley 1% of the total votes.

It's even a smaller percentage than that. It's 0.2%


States have rights too and we are proud of that fact!

So you're saying the American public really wanted al gore because he won the popular vote? Are you saying that the popular vote matters?

You realize it's not even the final count yet, right..?

Not to mention democrats made the electoral college... actually, nevermind. You're too uneducated to converse with, clearly.


Pack it in, you're done. It's over. Cry harder. All you shills for hill called us babies when trump said he'd consider the outcome. Cry harder, maybe that will help.

lol CTR please, youre not getting paid anymore, or are you doing it for free? :)

She probably wouldn't if California had voter ID laws tbqh

Most of those votes were from rigged voting machines and bussing people around to multiple voting stations.

Trump won. Go fuck yourself.


Hillary had the vote surplus of illegal immigrants.
Illegal means they should not be in US.

Get rekt.


not an argument

What will you do when shillary kills herself?

>less than 500k votes difference
>Obongo advocated letting illegals vote
>and 60,000 felons
>and those immigrants who were "accidentally" made citizens
>won the heart of the American people

Go ahead and try. I would love to see a recount and see Clinton's face when those votes are invalidated and she gets BTFO in popular vote too.

Hillary will now be prosecuted. You know if Trump doesn't cleans up the media and Clinton he's either with them or he'll never win again.

just like Hillary winning? I didn't believe you than, and I sure as hell won't believe you now

all i care about is that im keeping my guns and the beaners are leaving.
oh, and the cops can go back to shooting the negroes.

AHH your liberal tears are refreshing and delicious

Do you know how impeachment works? It has to be started by Congress. Congress is controlled by Trump's party.

gg neolibs.

>illegals who's votes should even counted
>state prisoners pardoned
>niggers that you bused from county to county
>voter fraud
damn even with ballot box stuffing she still lost

Yes she did u yankee cuck


She can still flip michigan

Hillary lost CTR. You can go home now.


Wow, it's literally nothing.

it's under 1% which is within the margin of error. maybe you libs shouldn't have made the electoral college if you think it's so bad


Until cali finished, trump had won.
She won by 0.15%
Literally nothing

Boy would you be smug and uncomplaining if it was the exact opposite situation.
Just cry when the system doesn't work for you and praise it when it does.

Also glad you were too young to be screaming the same for Al Gore.

she did not win the system that was put in place and foisted upon citizens by the democratic party.
the extra votes she got on the popular vote are the result of democratic election fraud.

She'll be president one day, but she won't decide who gets the supreme court nominations.

Tell cucks in California to move to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania then.

You have to go back.

If this isn't a joke you seriously need to calm the fuck down and stop believing the POTUS is anything but a loudspeaker and blame-taker for the rest of the country.

I was shocked when we won but I also didn't have a dog in this race. I hated both candidates for different reasons, I probably hate Trump less but its honestly a toss-up.

Just fucking relax.

We all know her lead in the popular vote is from dead voters, stuffed ballots, and illegals.

eat shit commiefornia

Yeah that's why she won, right cuck! hahahaha faggot.

>won the hearts and minds of the american people
>just over half
Sure looks like a landslide, golly gee.

This is a paid fucking DNC poster. Find them, burn them down. There are already emails being leaked that the fuckers are trying to launch one of their paid PsyOps campaigns to take control of the "alt-right" media sources like Sup Forums.

This fight is far from fucking over. We need to find the advertising agencies they used, and expose the fuck out them, their unethical practices, and the scumbags who organize this level of degenerate shit.

Its not time to rest an celebrate, its time to fucking steam roll over them, and finish the job.


Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. We know.

But so did Romney 4 years back and you didn't seem to mind back then.

Also, it doesn't matter because the USA isn't a democratic country so the popular vote is even less relevant than you are in this world.

Toodles! ^_^

Your mind tricks have no effect on us

She won the hearts and minds of illegals and naive college kids.

>she won the popular vote meme
Hillary is only 200k ahead of Trump. She won the divided vote.

you do realise everyone in the clinton camp and her doners were saying trump would never win the election but he'll gain the popular vote which means nothing.

what say you now? just look up george soros on youtube saying the same shit you're saying now. only that trump would win the popular vote but it wouldn't matter.

quit being such a dildo hypocrite. please just look up george soros hillaries major funder say what you're saying now, only what he said was the same just about trump in this regard and how it was pointless.

She won the hearts and minds of illegal spics in California that's about it. Back across the border you go, Alberto.

... and counting... Clinton will end up about +750k - 1 mil when all is said and done.

not a huge victory, but Trump is the guy with less votes.

give him credit, though. he got just enough of the right people in the right places to pull it off.

>you won the extremely undemocratic electoral college

It's a fucking republic, did you flunk civics?

havent you killed yourself already? wtf are you doing here?