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Trump will be great for brick and mortar businesses that produce real growth for the real economy.
Why shouldn't the markets be up?
source .
Google "dow jones" you nimrods
It's right fucking there
When the peso was crashing last night i kekked. How are the bread lines today?
Trump makes prison stocks great again! All hail God Emperor!
And alibaba is down
Get fucked in the ass, hippies.
Peso doesn't crashyou retard, it the exchange rate that is fluctatinf, meaning external goods are more pricy but internal goods stay the same.
Brexit was completely retarded as it will fuck lots of real shit up.
America electing trump is just another political leader winning.
>no one knows if he will fuck anything up
No Trump crash; Dow up 200 as Clinton concedes
>Overnight, there was a knee-jerk panic in global markets as it became clear Trump was about to pull off a stunning upset by defeating Hillary Clinton, Wall Street's favored candidate. Dow futures plummeted nearly 900 points at one point as investors expressed fear about the inherent policies brought on by a Trump White House.
>But a sense of relative calm returned to the markets by the opening bell on Wednesday morning and by midday, as Clinton officially conceded, the Dow had gained 200 points. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq erased early losses and were recently up around 1%.
>This is hardly the freakout many anticipated. Market strategists said the lack of a panic is due in part to Trump's victory speech, which raised hopes that he will focus on policies that can help the economy and not follow through on some of his extreme campaign positions.
>"The rhetoric that was talked about on the campaign trail was pretty scary. The nationalism and protectionism," said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderlich Securities.
>"But there's a big difference between what you say campaigning and what you do as president," Hogan said.
Only stays the same if your shitty country could produce raw materials themselves. Enjoy your cheap tortillas you wetback
>he will focus on policies that can help the economy and not follow through on some of his extreme campaign positions.
WTF so no wall or Holocaust?
The kikes were afraid at first because they won't have their helicopter money monetary policy "growth".
A few hours later they realized there Will soon be actual industry in the US.
this. food and services are the same. it's american products that skyrocketed. boo-hoo, we'll just go get them from the japanese
the wall helps the economy by providing americans with jobs in construction
it also keeps migrants out and allows unemployed workers a higher opportunity to secure employment
>japanese forest products
Boy are you in for a rude awakening