Does Donald have anyone else walking around today with a shit-eating grin on his face? Fuckin hell I feel smug as fuq
Does Donald have anyone else walking around today with a shit-eating grin on his face? Fuckin hell I feel smug as fuq
My mom does not seem happy at all.
Went into the office. Was asked how things were going. I said Glorious !!!!! Everyone laughed expect a few disappointed people still in shock! lolololololololol
All my liberal colleagues are so butthurt. One of them even stayed up the night to follow the election.
donald trump is not gonna do anything
we're still gonna rape your women and get away with it
My mother sent me a pissy text this morning. I've been so happy. All the women I ran into this morning seemed upset except for an older cashier who called Hillary a criminal.
My mom always liked Trump because of his personality.
Good luck getting in there now, my goatfucking friend.
Time for liberals to eat delicious defeat
are you the guy hillary took money from?
i don't need to fuck goats when i have white women
Don't you mean goats, goatfucker?
Thinking I like white women... that's cute
nah,i am the one who raped your mom that one night
and the she came back later with her gaping cunt begging me for more
That sandnigger has never even seen a white woman in person
lol queens would never stoop to that low crackers
you could never satisfy them
haha good one.
implying i have feelings for her
Yeah, implying that sheboon niggress isn't 65% Caucasian.
The fuq outta here
>implying i am muslim
>implying i am brown
lena dunham looks like an obese teenage boy
damn! you don't even care about your mom getting raped by other men?!
man you're degeneracy has no limits crackers
Then you're on a proxy, cuz nothing but pisslam shitskinned goatfuckers live in that 3rd world shit box
My wife is jittery as fuck. My dad called laughing his ass off. My mom is freaking out about our ties with Israel on fb. This is fucking priceless.
I was smug as fuck all morning, but then my US-born English teacher actually stopped and fought back some tears as he talked about the election during our seminar, and I felt kinda bad.
lol what the fuck irrelevant sandnigger flag is this? Stay mad you goatfucking savage nobody cares about your countries burning you're not coming in here.
She was for Shillary, I presume?
you're not the sharpest tool in the shed are ya?
cuz that's not the case in morocco,the king's right hand man is a jew
>implying raping is no degeneracy.
morocco has been pretty cowardly since the last king took the throne
Implying one cherry picked kike is a solid representation of the population at large. You even trying right now, cunt?
it's nowhere near as bad as being a cuck
Absolutely. It's a guy, though. It was weird seeing him like this because he never struck me as the overly emotional type. He already had made it obvious that he'd gobbled up the mainstream media blue pill of Trump being literally Satanhitler, so I guess he's just legitimately worried that Trump is now going to start building death camps for Muslims and Mexicans, etc.
i don't have time to educate you cis white male
but morocco is the least islamic country in the middle east,most of the people have never read a quran before
that's why the other islamic countries hate us
I hope you drank deeply from his tears
I triggered a lot of people at uni today. It felt great.
>I don't have time to educate you cis white male
Stopped reading right there
All day my dude. Everyone at work thought I was a Hillary shill cause I have a Muslim name and my family is Muslim. Been laughing since I woke up and saw the results.
Details, Romanian-bro
I'm at an almost unbearable level of smugness. I bet $900 on Trump, and just won $5000.
My queen does about 2 - 3 times a week there Cpt. Irrelevant.
My gf is black and satisfied
And her? Or because you like her ass there is some white in her as well
did you honestly take that seriously?
Are those US or Canadian dollars?
That blurred out face needs to be replaced with the disgusted Mexican Chloe moretz kid.
Nah, the other one has mad white features, though. There's no denying it
Prof didn't show up to lecture today lol
>cis white male
Thank you!
Harvard or Yale?
how can you be so sure about that?
maybe when you're not around she goes looking for a real king to satisfy her
holy shit! you guys are fucking idiots
I'm feeling better than I have in years
Feels like the entire world just got memed on
Because she doesn't have any stds she boons that sleep around always get stds.
Didn't it, though?
I'm at Berkeley ground zero. Literally grinning so wide and euphoric i'm afraid I'll get jumped
Walked past a group of blue haired LGBTQIAH6*):X_9 students today. I couldn't help but grin
Oxford here. The butthurt is palpable
berkeley here too.
nothing but tears all day long.
Saw someone cry last night.
Today is glorious. I have many reasons to smile.
Are the snowflakes organizing anything "special" in their safe spaces?
that's racist,and false
your mom doesn't have std and a fuck her all the time
actually Trump has motivated me to get a lot of shit done today. I'm not exactly lazy, but I do tend to put stuff off a lot, not anymore.
No its not false I live with a black girl they are sexy nice and fuck like animals. But being smart is not on the list that's why hood rats get stds.
Don't worry user I'm sure a woman will touch you in your special place one day
> browsing Sup Forums, see this
fug I'm a shit skin now.
I have.
Which is especially satisfying since I live in a country where 80% support Clinton.
1488 to you as well, good sir!
I could legitimately lose my job/friends/family if I act too happy today. Unsurprisingly, liberals aren't very tolerant. I'll keep the smugness to a minimum with cheeky jabs occasionally.
I have been laughing, grinning and smiling all fucking day.
>tfw your mother is redpilled
Sorry for everyone else's that isn't.
Went to work and a nu male and dyke coworker looked like someone killed their puppy. They literally were sitting there doing no work with their head in their hands. Now I'm waiting to go to class later at Temple in philly and I'm going to have an extremely hard time not laughing hysterically at these fucking cucks.
I have lost family members. I'm Rican, so they weren't deported, they just don't like to be great again. In all seriousness though, some of my family members have unfriended me on facebook as I've been gloating too much this morning.
Feeling great, all the hillary signs were gone when I walked my dogs this morning.
u sure it's not his massive schlong?
money make the pussy wet, dogg
Milo asked Lena when she is leaving on kikebook
Why do Ricans even care about the immigration thing? they are citizens already
Soon as my paycheck comes I'm buying a MAGA hat for myself and a few friends. I'm gonna be so smug at work today.
I hope Trump starts building the death camps.
Mine's pretty redpilled, and she has no problem with me supporting either party *which I greatly appreciate), but she would probably cut me off for a little while if I said I voted for trump
No one likes you.
>This morning I saw some Hispanic construction workers down the street.
>I shouted 'MAGA!' at them but they just stared at me sullenly
Nobody has a sense of humor anymore.
but the shit face and shit mentality ruins it desu
So much salt on campus. The only people grinning are scruffy guys with nothing to lose. HUAAAAH
Come on user I have some potato nigger blood in me and I'm still an oil driller.
my straight white maleness is smug af today :D
>Being this butthurt
I would eat those chunky thighs tb.h
nice cellulite
Ha I only like one of them
She's not thick. She's just fat as fuck.
To qualify as thicc you have to be nicely proportioned. She's fucking disgustingly proportioned.
You're literally racist.
I'm a college student. Almost all of my friends are far left. They are in actual fear, and all of them cried watching the results come in. My friend got screamed at for saying Trump won't have a huge impact on people's daily lives, they said verbatim "you're a white male, get the fuck out." And they wonder why he won
>tfw go to bed when the polls are even, tossing and turning at the thought of 4 years of Hillary Clinton, only to wake up the next day to 'Donald Trump elected 45th President of United States of America' on the news and timelapse footage of crying idiots