Post 'em
The most asspained of Tweets
t. man privileged enough to live in the greatest nation on earth
>building a hidden room to help muslims
im out
Why not Mexico? :^)
These people are insane.
Privileged to not be mentally retarded?
>dat profile pic
What privilege do the 33% of trump-voting latinos have that the other 67% did not?
I'm confused
Thread theme:
Being smart enough and finish school.
His family will be well, as a unit, when they all go back together.
Legality and no federal crimes or felonies.
Man fuck these cunts, do you know why I voted against Hillary? Because she wanted to import thousands of Syrian refugees to Dearborn and Detroit, two cities touching mine, and her staff admitted they couldnt possibly screen them all properly and some terrorists will slip through
Without even mentioning Hillary wanting to engage in hostilities with Russia, I voted Trump because I fear for my life under a Clinton presidency
No Mexicans or gays or blacks are going to get genocided under Trump and their daily lives won't change at all
>because fuck paying for shit myself
Not a tweet. How triggered are YOUR friends pol?
what? does he think there are death squads roaming the streets all of a sudden?
Dog food sandwiches and jail cells for everyone!
Or, you're not living in the US.
I am privileged to be born in and pay taxes to the same country my grandparents were born.
Get fucked you fucking commie!
Forgot pic related
Most Hillary supporters do right now, they're literally losing their fucking minds and think that with Trump in office The Purge will become reality and some kind of primal switch will flip in the brains of all white people and we'll all go out and kill the gays and blacks for our glorious orange emperor
I'm barely exaggerating what these people believe too
But I'm a Spic, I don't have privileges :^)
Why the fuck would you escape to America, and never bother to gain citizenship here? Then complain about it when the governemnt wants you out? I do not understand.
Yea, being born smart is the biggest privilege of them all. I think it would be fair to have quotas for stupid people in jobs and colleges so they could have an equal chance in life too.
I swear, I'm not gonna need porn for weeks.
these people are literally retarded, I'm shaking right now
I'm sorry, but did Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, only 10% has been counted. Does not having the lead at 10% count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still running right now and she has been in front for how many months now? She's running against one of the worst opponents who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of meme magic. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Hillary is one of the best fucking candidates in the U.S., she went 22.87% in 2008 and would of won the Democratic nomination if Obama wasn't around. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump just lost another 1% of the vote when he needed to get 5%, just like Jeb did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Clinton topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like her because she's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this fucking candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Nah im just a legal citizen.
>destroying their own blue state
its over all of this years blue will eradicate themselves
Privilege? its called citizenship.
>Stalk market
Kind of ironic that most of the post-election violence is actually coming from the tolerant left.
>being able to build anything
best one by far.
Not a tweet, but still worthy of the thread I feel.
This is beautiful. Social justice finally got broken. Whenever I see shit like this I just imagine someone repeatedly clicking a gun that ran out of bullets at me.
Someone hold me. I want to cry out in joy
At least have some dignity and go animu holy shit m8
He is living in a world where a lot of people say things to fit in (like social desireability bias), or say things which seem to be in agreement (to get rid of nosey people who insist on trying to tell you their politics and who you know will try and start a row if you disagree), but then use the advantages of a secret ballot to vote in accordance with their beliefs knowing there isn't a comeback (like posting on Sup Forums). This is particularly important for people at University, where people tend to be more relentlessly liberal and not very tolerant of people who aren't. I guess right wing women don't like being libsplained. Or they enjoy being grabbed by the pussy.
>the "Who's thinking about the children?" argument
every time
Stop censoring fucking tweets, faggot. You're not on fucking leddit.
Guys I'm scared
>Being a male
>Using the Snapchat filter exclusively for sluts
Ultimate fuccboi
>building a rape dungeon for muslims in your house
Attach the tail pipe of the car to an inlet pipe and fire her up.
Disregard my comment, I'm a retard.
I'm a spic and I voted Trump and I'm glad he won. I'm not priveleged, I'm 22 and I'm working my ass off helping my parents with money and trying to get through college.
I'm in a very liberal industry and my facebook looks like it's worse than 9/11. As a matter of fact, someone literally said that.
I'd like to pontificate and make a long post and get some (You)'s, but I can't. I'm just befuddled. I understand they don't like him, but I just cannot understand why they all LITERALLY ACTUALLY FACTUALLY THINK that they're about to get drug out in the street and murdered.
Gays, blacks, latinos, women, all of them think we're literally about to turn into Nazi Germany. And I cannot for the life of me figure out why, or find a reason.
The only one I can think of is they're liberals, and they actually are brainwashed children. It's the only fucking explanation. There is zero logic.
Their votes counted just as much as mine. Christ on a crutch.
>stalk market
Where the fuck do these people get their facts from? Not even the media was running with the narrative that Trump is going to deport all non-whites. The only people who need to be afraid are people here illegally.
The Stalks never truly recovered.
>muh privilege
>fuckwits like this teaching our children. Jesus I need to homeschool my daughter. .
The mask is slipping.
She didn't believe
Yeah I mean reading this stuff and perusing Twitter for hurts was fulfilling for a couple of hours but now I just want to self-harm. These people need to be euthanised.
I have a small request. Can you guys help me shitpost MAGA etc. to this unstable bitch? She will break very easily. Just this once Sup Forums.
Same here, famalam.
reminder that these are the sorts of people calling you privileged
My Communist voting roomie
Pasta? For the Tl; dr I'll reference my salt shaker
The media went HE'S HITLEEEEEEEEEEERRRRR on them, what did you expect?
The good thing is that all the smart manipulators realize it failed and you'll probably see SJWs being disowned. If Le Pen or another nationalist party wins in Europe, SJWs will probably go extinct for threatening the elites too much via white backlash.
literally grown ass (((men))) and (((women))) crying about their candidate losing so they want to watch SJW cartoons.....So fucking glad i voted trump.
For me it's really funny just how hypocritical these people are. Like what, some slightly racist asshole who hates immigrants and terrorists is supposed to be worse than someone who actually started wars and been involved in shady shit all around the world and been lying about it for decades?
>trumps kids
>not 10/10s
>Mexicans are good people, Mexico is a good country
>B-but let me immigrate to Canada instead
Elitist butthurt incoming
Holy shit, this bitch is the gift that keeps on giving
most people are like this, it just comes out more when major events like an election are happening
the only reason i haven't killed myself yet is it's fun to practically take money from these people, drink, buy drugs, play with my dog and go out target shooting. if it weren't for that i would have killed myself long ago.
this happens regularly every 4 years. get used to it.
They get their facts from their friends on twitter and then repost that shit but further exaggerate it, kind of like that telephone game, and none of them fact check because they have all their peers and celebrity role models going "Yeah, you go, you're right, this is all totally true" and they convince themselves that any information that disagrees with their narrative is just propaganda written by a racist
Is now the time for us to make sweet dosh with GoFundMe's?
>many of whom have been personally insulted [by Trump]
>Ugly kids
Idk man. They're pretty attractive 2bh.
Boots on the BROWN!
>white women were actually the savior of the white race since the begining
>building a secret bomb lab for muslim terrorists
I wish I was American, these tears would taste even more delicious.
the republicans cause ww2 kek
>winter is coming. i told you so.
haha die you fat fuck
>Harass white students at universities with reverse racism aka racism
I want to beat the shit out of chicano, there are some mexican kids at my college I'm going to start a fight.
They were. 70% of white women voted for Trump.
Athiest? i thought he was a jew but he just doesn't flaunt it every sentence?
Freudian slip?
>Trump is fearmongering guys
>meanwhile the left is in hysterics thinking they're going to get gulag'd
But it was trump doing the fearmongering, guys. Honet.
lol look at his name, the cunts gotta go.
Saw this one on Twitter
I've got an image for that just for you