Witchblade #1 Storytime





















This is really bad.








>This is really bad.



The end.

Sure why not.























The end

Younger reader here. I had no idea the 90s looked so cool. Always heard it was pouches and grime, but this is fun and good spirited. Thanks

Yeah Witchblade was definitely among the better less "extreme" 90s creations. And it only got better overtime, Ron Marz's long run (and the various mini series/events that spun out of it) was the pinnacle.

Pezzini is sex on legs, but that dialogue exudes attitude without being edgy. How the fuck is a bland plain jane going to try and top that?

>witch blade but without tiddies

I’d rather die, user. I’d rather fucking die.

>I’d rather die, user. I’d rather fucking die.



I don't know why you bring back a series and try to remove all the iconography. Like the energy whips remind me more of an X-men thing. Like it doesn't even have to be sexy but come one you have a series about armor and you can't make it look like that? This feels very half baked.

Those are WHIPS?! I was gonna say, I've seen enough hentai to know where this is goin...

Honestly we probably get energy whips because the blades too hard for the artist to draw. Top Cow doesn't get the talent it used to get sadly.

This isn't awful, but nothing amazing either

Show me the armor.

I think you guy have a point about the artist. It doesn't feel good a lot of this feels like it's trying to turn Witchblade into Jessica Jones. While the series always had a little bit of that, I feel going HARD into it is not the way to go.

wow that's a shitty cover

>It doesn't feel good a lot of this feels like it's trying to turn Witchblade into Jessica Jones.
"But with news that NBC Universal is still developing a new TV series based on the character, after a TNT show back in 2001, it might be about time to go back to the blade."

Very Boring.