>Just elected
>Prevents another cold war with Russia
He's already done more than Obama.
>Just elected
>Prevents another cold war with Russia
He's already done more than Obama.
Other urls found in this thread:
link? i love basking in the glow of a peaceful bond between russia and US
And so the power duo of Trump and Putin begins.
> Makes peace with Russia
> Makes America protectionist again
> Deports millions of immigrants
> Builds Great Wall of America
Trump pre-confirmed for greatest prez of all time
Did I die last night and go to Heaven? Seriously asking because I am hungover as fuck.
Thank you. Just because we're different doesn't mean we shouldn't try to work together.
Russia is a country with which the U.S. should have good relations. I don't understand why that's controversial among Democrats.
Thank God. I had no interest in dying in Hillary's ward.
Wars I mean
No, you're in the Golden timeline
so what does he have to give up to russia in return? serious.
He's also ready to carve up the Balitic into the Soviet, I mean Russian, "sphere of influence"...
I wish I didn't have to work today so I could be like you.
Why do we always have terrible relations with Democrats and good or passable relations with Republicans? What's the secret.
Does this mean US will stop getting involved in Syria, or will Hillary nag Obama into diving head first into that mess?
>less than 24 hours as President Elect
>already stopped a war
all smiles from here on boys
He's not president until jan 20
But people will still cry over the fact that hillary wasn't elected and had no possibility of causing a war
You can keep them, the soviet industry they had is gone, and we already built better ports.
Can someone explain to me why being friends with Russia is bad or unwise?
I mean, fuck, why would you want to be enemies with a nuclear power?
>starrting donald trump
>trey gowdy
>nigel farage
>mike pence
>and vladimir putin
>tune in to their adventures to save the free world from the wretched globalists
This would qualify Trump for a Nobel peace prize
Plz tell me what reason did obama won?
As a Leaf who wasn't alive during the Cold War, I've always struggled to really understand the raw hatred and fear of Russians that Americans seem to have. Every time the US media or diplomatics started throwing tantrums and screaming RUSSIA, it left me shaking my head.
From my northern perspective, there is nothing I am more happy about from this election than the chance that the US will completely restore diplomatic ties with Russia and work together with them.
Is such a thing not the best possible outcome?
Why would you WANT to maintain the poor relations with Russia?
I look forward to the chance that my country will no longer be a missile buffer between the USA and Russia and that these three countries might instead form a band of alliance that stretches the length of the northern longitudes.
They want to control Eastern Europe and are unstable warmongers that need to be stopped.
Great news! Can I have a girlfriend now?
Sitting on his ass while the the house and senate did all the economic recovery work.
God is looking out for us.
The Illuminati will have to find some other way to start the apocalypse.
Fuck off Hillary
No answer to what Russia is going to want in return for "good relationship".?
Trump cant tear up the Iranian deal because russia backs it. Trump can't walk away from the Ukraine and Syria because honestly that will ok weak as hell
Money in the form of favourable trade deals
Would you rather have those deals with China or Russia? The answer should of course be Russia unless you're a naive democrat.
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...Anonymous (ID: Rvo4R0J8) Archived
11/09/16(Wed)05:47:32 No.97094456
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I'm sorry, but did Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, only 10% has been counted. Does not having the lead at 10% count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still running right now and she has been in front for how many months now? She's running against one of the worst opponents who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of meme magic. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Hillary is one of the best fucking candidates in the U.S., she went 22.87% in 2008 and would of won the Democratic nomination if Obama wasn't around. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump just lost another 1% of the vote when he needed to get 5%, just like Jeb did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Clinton topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like her because she's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this fucking candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
>but he's hitler!
>he hates gays!
So fucking what? Preventing more proxy wars or worse, WW3, is more important than your feelings. I can't believe I spent 2 fucking hours explaining that to my roommate last night.
>No answer to what Russia is going to want in return for "good relationship".?
Maybe you could stop funding ''rebels'' in Syria and Iraq and concede defeat in your retarded proxy war.
Really fail to see how what happens in Europe is America's problem.
Because you hate Communists, and we don't hate people because they're white.
Plus you guys are more conservative when it comes to values, and you recognize that the US and Russia must coexist, something Hillat doesn't.
Here's the beautiful thing: America is going to prioritize their own interests over nation building and foreign countries, which no longer places them at odds with Russia.
Two of the world's greatest powers acting in conjunction, when they have the vast majority of the same goals, is going to lead to beautiful results for the two. Not as much for other countries, as globalism is to the benefit of developing countries, but certainly for America and Russia.
The only reason we were previously unable to do so is the forces of globalism acting against it. It's a wonderful thing to see nationalism and sanity restored to the United States. I don't want to see OUR people suffer and sacrifice for the sake of foreigners.
This is the best timeline indeed.
THIS deserves a nobel peace price!
Oh! And the most important thing: Soros. You've banned him from your country. If only we could do that.
Who the fuck are you? What the hell is Uzbekistan
>It's actually gonna happen
I'm sure they'd be satisfied with an elimination of the usaid / color revolution subverting of the cultures of Russia and her allies
Remember the Lusitania? Remember Pearl Harbor? How about 9/11? If you don't actively try to influence the world bad things tend to happen.
In addition to what I just said simply lifting sanctions would do the job too. Don't try to over complicate things, all putin wants is to be treated reasonably on the world stage, what they have done in Ukraine and Syria is no worse than what America has done elsewhere, they view the sanctions as hypocrisy for a reason.
>restore ties
Not so fast you commie scum. Russia's economy is in the shitter and they think they can come back on equal terms? The sanctions should stay and crush the soviet bloc until nothing is left, not even China wants to help them these days.
I would rather have Orthodox Nationalists control Eastern Europe than you filthy liberal swine.
Real question, where did the whole "he hates gays" shit start? I've never heard him say anything offensive about homosexuals, who started this meme?
Why is that our problem to deal with? Can't the combined nations of Europe deal with their own issues?
Trump man all the way but i can't help and wonder how many Russian are posting here under different flags lol
You mean you don't want to visit the old continent as a soldier and fuck local slav girls?
>Russia is communist
You've gone too far this time Hillary, Russia is arguably more capitalistic than clapistan
>tfw I don't get hungover
feels good man, been drinking like a madman for the past 2 days straight and I feel totally fine.
I'm reliably informed russian tanks are 30 mins away.
The absolute madman
Can't wait till they destroy ISIS
I'm just glad we won, Sup Forums.
Maybe I'm just a pussy, but I was on my knees with a few tears coming out when I saw Trump coming down those damn stairs.
Russia bros what's the perspective in your country? Are you excited to remove kababs together?
An accident, and a cassus belli used by Wilson to stick his nose in Europe's affairs.
>Pearl Harbor
Wouldn't have happened if Roosevelt didn't embargo oil to Japan.
The Federal elite conspiring with Saudis, a liberal notion.
You don't want a revolutionnary nazi russia with 2000 nukes and a vengeance.
Well, I take that back just make the greatest happening of all happens.
>Executive Order 13661, to sanction Russian gun maker Kalashnikov Concern (formerly Izhmash).
Are you joking right now? Why the fuck would you mention 9/11... fuck off
This is the start of a golden age between two christian nations
our senate applauded at the news, literally
I will literally fight in a war to give Russia to eastern Europe.
We left behind that awful Berenstain place. We're back in Steinland now...
Both legitimate sentences
Considering Eastern Europe has caused its fair share of problems to the US, including being a catalyst for our conflicts in the Middle East, the brits had it coming.
>whats the secret
I think you know
>We're back in Steinland now...
Fuck no! How do I leave this place?
Dems are reactionary, and make everything a personal slight
Reps are reactionary, and make everything about money
The thing is, Trump is reactionary, makes everything about America, and will make sure we have good/passable relations with Russia AND that we're not steamrolled in the process.
The boomers were deeply brainwashed to hate Russia as children during the cold wAr. This is in part a passing of the torch, the beginning of the end of boomer influence.
Senator Mccane wake up, you shat your pants.
Leftist sheep just repeat it without any basis. It's part of their strategy to keep gays voting Democrat.
Trump is arguably the most socially-liberal Republican President ever.
fucking liberals are destroying this country. almost all of the arguments against him are based on dumb shit that has nothing to do with POLICY
>oh he called a reporter retarded
>he called a woman a bad name a few times
>hes a rich businessman
>he called mexicans rapists!
none of that was anything official of having to do with policy.
if he actually moved on any of those statements (like actually trying to imprison innocent blacks, or fire retarded reporters) than i could see the complaints, but he didnt
Fucking assholes Uzbekistan
he will do whatever the Military Industrial Complex commands
The jews must be squirming at the reality that christians are gaining strength again
>America in Civ
>Russia hates you
>A Great Person has spawned
>Donald Trump
>Russia offers to restore ties
Someone should remake this in Civ.
Good. I'm pleased about this.
After the fall of the Soviet Union we tried to get our companies in there to get them up to speed in a modern capitalist society. Clinton fucked up the deal and eventually everyone backed out. Over the years they were alternately ignored and then memed into a resurgent empire with world domination in its sites.
I genuinely thought I was dreaming all yesterday
Im so fucking happy that trump won
In a case of nuclear war we would be fucked either way
>inb4 roaches can survive nukes
Um... I don't think you realize um... how BAD Russia is. They don't like the gays and they invaded literally everyone. Like omg I can't even right now
>Hey lets do World War 2 again except this time Russia can take Germany's role
Ignorant fag here.
Can someone tell me the advantages to US if they remove all the sanctions imposed upon Russia? Any info really
Good cop, bad cop. Your country is getting played.
Huh, seems like the government has to rebrainwash almost all Russia again
It's a sign of brain damage.
Sup Forums generally likes to ignopre the fact that their hated enemies - Christians and women - voted mainly for Trump.
On the other hand, "pagans" mainly voted for Hillary.
>YFW Trump wins peace prize, gets the old gang of USA/UK/RU back together, and solves the middle-east.
literally rubbing my hands together right now
Yep. It should have happened shortly after the fall of the soviet union. There was no reason for US and Russia to be at odds after that.
Great, now Putin can relax with a puppet in the white house and take over Georgia, Ukraine and the Baltics without any interference because Trump got a compliment from the guy who he looks up to. Great fucking job, America. You've ruined the world.