No pussy for this young lad until his father

is out of The White House.

How do you think he feels that he won't have a gf for the next 8 years.

Other urls found in this thread:

He'll be 18 at that point, so it's not that late.
By then he will have fully mastered the cyber.

top kek

Do you think Barron plays Runescape?

Baron is now entering Presidential monk mode.
As Presidential autist-elect, he will be able to meditate upon the doctrines of the cyber until he has merged with the collective meme-consciousness of Kek.

Probably. When I was addicted to Runescape I always zoned out IRL thinking of the game.

I'm way too hungover to really grasp the depth of this post but, this.

Is Barron Trumps grandson or son?

If son then he must be mentally fucked with 60 year old sperm

I don't think I like this kinda talk. He's a kid and it was a school night.

You really must have no idea how testicles work

>Spend $10 billion on Trump Wall
>99 Construction

>Is Barron Trumps grandson or son?
Slavic mother and fitness trainer father

Kek. Have you heard of what makes the master chess player from that weaponized autism program from Peter Teeil?

The combination of cyber (AI) AND a human. The human can fully flex with the AI backing and the AI can have gut feelings and intuitive forsight from Human backing.

CyberBarron will lead us into a new relm of Greatness.

The older you are when you have a kid, the higher chance of disabilities

This is a fact, and that's for a 40 year old, a 60 year old has like a 70% chance of an autist son

white women voted for trump by +10% margin

white millenials also voted for trump +5%

he'll be fine.

>implying barron isn't a clone of trump grown in a laboratory deep below trump towers


For women? Yes.
For men? It's not that high.

I feel like Trump is the kind of based dad that would force his son to lose his virginity to a $10,000 an hour escort.

He probably still thinks girls have cooties

>women continue to care about political stances and personal morality when faced with powerful men
I'm pretty sure this kid's dad has already had a few words to say about this silly idea

>force his son to lose his virginity to a $10,000 an hour escort.

At what age? 12? 13? How do you keep the escort quiet? Dark room and he gets in with night vision gear?


He's gonna be busy being his dad's apprentice for his future presidential run

thanks for posting this. I noticed that last night during Trump's speech.

Barron is Pepe

Money makes anything possible

>the cyber
I can't contain these keks

barron is the cyber. hes evolved beyond puny human needs and desires

yeah 12 is perfect for a boy

>being the son of the president
>being the heir to a billionaire

user, I don't think you quite grasp just how much pussy either of those things nets a guy. I know things might work differently in the middle east, but you need to start adapting to western realities.

Bullshit. I lost it at 16 and it was still too young

Trump's only vaccinated child.

Cause the Bush twins weren't out getting dicked every night...
The Secret Service will be bringing him girls

kids a star, the next JTT

CTR was fired, these are just shitposters my man

trump had some prime sperm specimens frozen back in the '90s

>Bullshit. I lost it at 16 and it was still too young
That is because you are Americans. Americans generally remain little kids until they are 25. They are treated like kids in college, in the army, during their first job, even when they go on "dates"... things only change when they have to provide for a family or a recession hits. Suddenly, they understand they have to be adults.

People in Europe treat 14 year olds as grown-ups, even though the current generation is too stupid to understand what that means.

I've watched a part of Trump's discourse after he won. Couldn't stop noticing his nervous son acting like an autist. Hope the media won't pick on on him.

I lost it at 20 and it was way too late. 16 seems perfect.

Barron and Donald are the same person. Barron will travel back in time and raise himself, so that he can watch himself become president as a child. Donald knew all the right political moves because he had already seen the events unfold as young Barron.

Its obvious really, when you think about it.

>inb4 he marries a Jew like all his brothers and sisters.
Why do they all have to be race traitors? ;_;

Yeah I saw that as well. The ticking. Might be Ocd or may very well be on the spectrum

t. Muhammed

Kek I lost it at 13 bros and I was "old soul" for my age (a 43 y.o. blonde MILF with huge dragon tattoos on her back and fake tits told me this when I was 22).

He won't need pussy. He'll grow to be a childless single man who masturbate to anime.

>mfw 23 and still a dateless KHV

It's over for me isn't it?

Holy shit, we now have a Barron pepe image. Thank you for this.

its a good thing. its makes your memetic force stronger

I lost it at 21 and was fine (needed to learn very, very quickly though) you're probably, just, at the last age of saving.

Baron is Donald, monitoring Donald from a future time line to make sure the path goes where it should; that is a defeat of the globalists.

That's just because you were catching.

South Park might be shit now, and Chef was a crazy scientologist, but he was right.. you should have sex when you are 17.

Same here. I'm a hardcore traditionalist that waits for that perfect virgin traditionalist q.t.3.14.

>be German
>parents (the state) tell you what to think, believe, and say, and if you go against any of it, you get punished with timeout (jail)
>if you say a naughty word, even just online, you get punished (like a child) with jail time
>if you defend yourself from a bully who is attacking you and the bully cries and tattles on you, you're the one who gets in trouble while the bully (the muslim) gets away scot-free (just like teachers always take the side of the child bully)
>never achieve the adult privilege of freedom of speech
>never achieve the adult privilege of autonomous self-defense
>if you use mere words to defend yourself from violent bullies, you get punished (like a child) with jail time
>if you use mere words to try to tell bullies to stop raping students, you get punished (like a child) with jail time
Germans are perma-kids in an abusive household who get attacked and raped by bullies at school, and their parents punish them with an extra beating if they complain about the abuse. kek. oh but being an adult is all about the first time you poked a wet hole with your pee-pee, isn't it. Stupid fucking German piece of trash. If you were larping as a Weimar era fucktard right now I wouldn't know the difference. You're an embarrassment to any German who ever lived who was worth more than the shit on my shoe. Kill yourself.


Explain why. Is there an unwritten rule about it or what

Women are attracted to money and power.
He'll be getting pussy before Trump even gets to take the oath of office.

>be artist
>have this as my secret fetish

I can't contain it.

after you start getting erections its not too young

its better to use it than to abuse it

He's a fucking kid you cretin...
He needs to grow up before worrying about arelationship...
Only a sick degenerate from a slimy,cucked country would make this thread.
> You represent the WORST parts of human nature

>He's this triggered
Lol, you're pathetic... childish dare I say?

No. Autism is caused by vaccines. There's people in there 30s with kids with autism.
Baron seems to have gotten all the best parts of both parents he looks like he's straight out of a anime. Looks like Edward Elric if he was real.

Barron is zezima

Not an argument. Go brush your teeth.

The fuck are you talking about?

A son of the president who stands to inherit billions? He's probably already getting mad pussy.

Little baby American detected


it look exactly like a kid that's up at 4 in the morning on a school day. he was just too tired to get hype and wanted to go home

I'm legitimately worried the dems with run Michelle Obama next election and GOD EMPEROR Trump will only have 4 years to do his much needed work

what if he turns out to be a weeb? or a furry?

we will get to watch baron grow up in teh white house:DD after trumps terms he will be a man

He's beautiful.
Looks like an anime character.

>tfw 26yo kissless touchless virgin

Who the fuck would vote for michelle obama?

He's too pure to dabble with the vaginal jew

trump will genetically engineer him a qt japanese fox gf

Blacks and women obviously

22 here with no end in sight. I've pretty much excepted it now.

You're wrong. Do you have any idea how many college Republican sluts would line up to turn little Barron in to a man?

A name isn't enough to win the election.
t. Jeb Bush


I recommend a dakimakura. They are comfy.

please barron is going to have pussy on tap no need to pay for it

kill yourself

Grab all of the pussy you want, Barron! That's what boys want to do, and the girls like it too.

We are the cure!

Do you need a waifu to get one?

Also what fabric?

>People in Europe treat 14 year olds as grown-ups
Most deluded post I've read in a while.

Yfw 30 kissless touchless fat and terminal cancer faggot.

I can be his AI gf

Was the flag not enough? At least your psychic powers are on point.

What a cute shota.

he looks so much like trump oO

He'll still get laid before most of Sup Forums

53% of white american women voted for Trump. That makes one hundred million woman to choose from, even if all immigrant and liberal whores denies him.

He could get literally any girl he wants

>Be son of US president and reality TV star
>will not being able to get a gf

It doesn't matter if 2/3 of women hate Trump, because he will strongly draw the other 1/3. Women care a lot about celebrity stuff.


You can just buy a pillow, don't necessarily need an anime cover. Though you could order a cover easily from Cuddlyoctopus if your interested and don't want to go through the hassle of using a proxy. I ordered one from them and through a proxy;still waiting on both so I can't comment on cover fabrics.

>for the next 8 years.
More like 4

Cut that number in half.

USA population: ~320 millions
Whites: ~60% (~200 millions)
Females: ~100 millions
That voted Trump: ~50 millions

Pretty sure this rich kid has already been laid and you're still jacking off to cartoons on Sup Forums haha.

>caring about anything but money
He'll be rolling in it.

But if Barron is Pepe, does that mean that his father was KEK all along?