So What Does Drain The Swamp Mean?

Liberal here. I'm pretty worried about the future, I see a lot of economic and foreign problems in the very near future, but that is not what I am here to talk about.

What does Drain The Swamp Mean to you? Do you think that it means getting rid of liberals? Because for me the swamp is people like Mitch Mcconnell and Ted Cruz, obstructionists. Are you really that focused that you only see the other side of the coin as the swamp or will you admit your side is fucked as well?

Give me some sort of silver lining please.

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here's a silver lining.

rick and morty season 3 is coming out this year...


he's talking about demon-worshipping kiddie-diddlers and double-dealing pocket congressmen

name some on both sides.

What do you want to see?

He's going to drain the swamps
Like gas the jews

He wants to stop special interest groups from infesting politics. He wants corruption out of the US government.

The swamp is the dysfunctional revolving door system
Liberals are obstructionists too
t. Trump Democrat

It means finding the complicit criminals, and getting them the fuck out.

I know you've been distracted by all the identity politics, but the government is full of people that literally sold this country out.



but he loves Israel

kill yourself you fucking faggot

i thought he wanted to drain louisiana for spilled oil




I was one of the sober voters, I think a big reason clinton lost is she drank the kool aid on identity politics because the internet made it seem like a bigger thing than it was.


how will he do this.

You're blind if cannot see that the RNC supported Hillary more than they did Trump. The swamp includes all the neocon fucks AND neolibs.

Paul Ryan on suicide watch.
Billy Kristol on suicide watch.
Henry Kissinger on suicide watch.
And most importantly, Hillary on suicide watch.

Work will set you free!

We've just given the house, the senate, and the SCOTUS to a Reagan era business magnate. I strongly recommend you finding some productive endeavor to help make America great again, or fucking starve. Nobody will cry if you starve now.

Naw, I got at least 4 years of overthrowing the government to participate in.

boys small please.

Im a sociologist, comedian and film maker.

Im fucked.

Is anyone else really really worried about the environment?

Fact is that you, like the rest of us, are going to have to wait and see

This election was less about what Trump would specifically do, and more about delivering a humongous FUCK YOU to the political and media establishment that ran one of the most condescending, ridiculously shit campaigns for a shit-tier democratic candidate that I can ever fucking remember

Don't like it? Shouldn't have nominated Hillary. Hillary, who edged us closer to nuclear war with Russia because she needed someone to blame for hacked emails. Hillary, who went on pretending that the economy was doing just great under Obama and promised more of the same. Hillary, who collaborated with a sycophantic media to crush a popular insurgent in her own party. Hillary, who was downright proud of her idiotic foreign wars. Hillary, whose entire campaign was wealthy celebrities sneering into the camera about how stupid and racist and sexist you were if you voted for Trump.

The silver lining is that there are two dead political dynasties. We won't be going to war with Russia. Trump actually makes a lot of the criticisms of NAFTA and TPP that leftists make. The democratic party will be motivated to do some actual introspection.

I hope you fucking choose to become actually left-wing. I would much rather have an actual left-wing democratic party than the neoliberal bullshit we have now.

OK Liberal, it's an honest question, so I'll answer.

Yes, there is corruption on both sides of the aisle, everyone knows it. Between Wikileaks and various other sources, a lot of them have been exposed. It is up to the people to get rid of them as they are found. This is something you lefties STILL haven't figured out. Break free of your hive mind. The world is a cruel place, but being fearful of everything only paralyzes you.

Had your candidate gotten the election last night, this country would bleed out and burn VERY rapidly, and she would've run off with the loot and left all of us behind. She still might try- look what they did in the 90's. A zebra doesn't change its stripes.

Trump got in. Sup Forums thinks he is the great savior. They are idiots. The problems we face and the logical conclusion remains, but the ONE difference is that Trump can slow the bleeding and buy the people some time, which is much more important. He will sincerely try his best to do what is right, but he faces a massive hurdle, and he will discover that some things are out of his control, but sadly he will still be blamed for it.

Your silver lining is that Trump has bought you some time, and hopefully broken through your sense of blind idealism. Use them both wisely.

Not when we all have to get back to work and build a future for our children. You better learn a fucking trade, boi.

Draining the swamp refers to kicking the corrupt fuckers out of government, not liberals.

He laid this out already, you uninformed fuck. &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

This is very similar to how Bernie envisioned his ethics reforms. I hope you realize Trump is more progressive on this issue than the "progressive that gets things done".

hahha a limp wristed faggot is going to take down the government

drain the swamp is a catchy buzzword that Trump picked up on
it's not original, Nancy Pelosi used the exact same expression
essentially it means draining the establishment from washington and putting limits on their terms

I was a Bernie bro.

Don't assume I am like other lefty's, im here after all. I hated Hillary and I see the massive flaws in the SJW movement, censorship never lead to anything great only education can help society.

It will never be the 20th century again, trying to turn back the clock will only harm us.
name some.

It means he is going to rid the government of corruption. He is going to get remove all the people who are misguiding the liberal herd by feeding them lies.

I bet you are 105 pounds wet kid, probably spend most of your day drinking Mountain Dew and playing COD.

Ive lived a hard life and im prepared to live a harder one, the recession was not kind to me. I've been on food stamps, my mother is type 2 bipolar and an alcoholic and my father left very early on. I am a hard man and if it comes to it will serve in Trump great war for the sake of country.

>trying to turn back the clock will only harm us.

Speak for yourself. I've been doing what I can in the shadows to build a business under this communist nigger. Roll back his shit social healthcare, add some tax cut, and stop surrendering our retail market to China, and I'll have five employees making $15+/hr each.

Need a job?

>name some

Jesus christ, I'm not here to educate you or pay attention to politics so you don't have to. Have can you not know who the crooks are by this point?

Pretty much everyone connected to Hillary, for one. Go read wikileaks, look up who is funded by dirty money.

if you're such a badass why are you brainwashed by mainstream liberalism?

Have you been following Wikileaks or the Podesta scandal at all?!

I'm not, why are you so blinded by bipartisan hate?

so you cant.

Probably soon.

>how will he do this.
By trying to pass congressional term limits

He's talking about corrupt liberal scum like you. Get ready fucker.

Of course. But dems and liberals are not the only evil ones in politics. I want to hear you all say it, both sides are sick and fucked and both sides- including people like Ted Cruz who orchestrated a fucking government shutdown- are fucked.

The swamp is all of the lobbying and backroom deals that bogs down the political process. All the bullshit from outside influences that prevents our nation's highest forms of government from governing to the will of the people. When the swamp is drained, clear waters will run into the great river of America.

Has he said this?

Has he said this?

>I'm not, why are you so blinded by bipartisan hate?
i'm angry as fuck that liberals are acting like they have the monopoly on morality but never take a minute to educate themselves on their "opponent". they called us nazis, we won, they can fuck off or get in line.

not the time for that, we won.

>Probably soon
Well son, you're in fucking luck, because they are coming back. Get ready for a really peculiar tingly, but pleasant, feeling in your chest; it's called pride and the kids are gonna fucking love it.

>Im a sociologist, comedian and film maker.
>Im fucked.

A moment of clarity. no skills that anyone values.

>Is anyone else really really worried about the environment?

Nope. On the list of issues Americans care about, it's pretty low. Feel free to pay your carbon taxes though if it's really a concern (you wont because your a liberal hypocrite that thinks others should pay for your carbon footprint.)


Swamp is stuff like Clitor Foundation, pay-to-play, Saudi "donations" and other rampant corruption among establishment.
Trump is not suggesting to prosecute for ideals or policies, thats unconstitutional, he's just suggesting to make politicans and their donors accountable and make existing laws actually work.


> I was a bernie bro

Then the silver lining should be obvious. Hillary Clinton was the CANCER killing your stagnant, out of touch party. She will never run again, and Trump may be very aggressive in punishing them for their corruption. I don't expect to see another Clinton candidate for national office in my lifetime. For that alone, you should be thankful to Trump.

Second: Trump makes a lot of the same criticisms of free trade that Bernie does. That's an opportunity for you guys to cooperate with him. I suggest you take it. Because here's the harsh fact: Trump's much better than any living politician at manipulating the media, and if you decide to just obstruct him, he's going to make sure every last white working-class American knows exactly who is fucking them over.

Third silver lining, though this is one you're going to have difficulty swallowing: The more diverse a country is, the more difficult it is to achieve political unity. Guess what a lot of leftist political initiatives require? Political unity.

If Trump does clamp down on immigration, and deports millions of Mexicans, you SHOULD bend the knee and kiss his ring, because here's the deep dark truth: The browns you love so much are no revolutionary element, they're a voting bloc imported and bribed by neoliberals that support them at banana republic rates. The primary obstacle to political change in this country isn't white social conservatives (which Trump repudiated as cucks during this election.) The primary obstacle to political change is this lump of stagnant nonwhites who are generally apathetic and counter-revolutionary, and yes, being solidly for the democratic political establishment is counter-revolutionary. With less of them, we'll have less stagnant politics, and more ability to try something new. You're welcome.

drain = execute
the = kikes
swamp = immediately

So why not run on this instead of MUH MEXICANS MUH ISIS

Nazi's won as well pall.

Fuck nationalism.


Name some peeps on both sides, besides clinton that he will go against.

Rules against revolving doors between the White House and Goldman Sachs

Rules against lobbying for years and years and years after serving.

Rules against ever lobbying for a foreign national.

That sort of thing. Make government service a low paying job again. The SecState making $250,000,000 is outrageous.

Foreign problems with fucking who???