We'll give you a head start CTR

We'll give you a head start CTR.

Start running!

I'll give you a count to ten before I start firing!

I didn't want to do it!


Please spare me, guys. I had children to feed.

It's been ten seconds.

too bad trumpkins. we're here to stay. Sup Forums won't be an echo chamber on my watch.

Clock's ticking

Did someone hear something?

Must be background noise...

Remember, you're here forever, and I'm sure we'll meet eye to eye one day :^)

You're too merciful, OP. Ultimately they'll all be swinging from lamp posts on the day of the rope.

Time to die faggot

Today's already the day of the rope.
We didn't have to do any of the work though, they've been hanging themselves.

Quality OC m8

I made pretty good bank, do what you must

They've already been suicided

Can't have loose ends that might come back to haunt her

the democrats are unshakable, too many fingers in too many soups. You candidate wasn't even a real republican, your party is weak.

You barely won. You didn't even win the popular vote. see you in 2 years.

I actually accounted for some of what was attributed to CTR. I was trying to stir fear in your hearts and motivate some of you lazier NEETS to go vote Trump.

You can run but you can't hide, CTR. Taste this knuckle sandwich

You Drumpfkins realize we planned for this right? Michelle Obama is already being prepped for 2020 and she will destroy Trump

Let bygones be bygones.

They were just doing what they thought was right. Let's be merciful.

They'll see the light eventually. Let's remember if this election had happened 4-8 years ago, some of us would have been on their side.

CTR on suicide watch.


It's the CTR man, they're hardcore. This isn't the average beta male with a desk job, it's a bunch of real nerd virgins who will give it their all even after being fisted in the election and fired from their job.

They know no fucking better, see?

>one presidential term
>2 years

Nope. Not with our demographics getting fixed.
You guys really needed those illegals and refugees who we'll be getting rid of.
Now that actual Americans have gotten wise to your schemes you'll never make it back in to office.

>CTR detected

Do you have that OC of that fat fuck in the chair/station that is set up so he can post all waking hours and survive? His chair functions as a toilet, there is a tune attached to his penis, there are tubes to feed him, etc?

>mfw its that finnish fag who got aids from another user here while being a smug CTR shill
Looks like the shoe is on the other foot now ey nigga? You'd better start fucking running.

You working for free now?

CTRfags confirmed retarded

I really wish I could meet some CTR people in real life. I never believed in these board conspiracy theories Nd boogeyman until these guys showed up.

Remember that we're paid through December.

Do NOT underestimate us.

>an autistic brit looking me in the eye

I keked heartily

I wonder how many Guy Fawkes masked faggots are protesting outside Trump Tower right now.

>we wuz legion and sheiiit!!

Fucking kek bring it on


mid-term elections, einstein

Did it ever get confirmed what that one user said about Aids Skrillex being the head of this?

Was recruited to the CMA (counter meme agency) four months ago. I wanted to go to new places, see the world. I know it's what everybody says, but it's true in my case. Never bargained on seeing more than I liked.

No one here was actually CTR. It's all basement virgins.


>americans see drastic improvement in their lives after Trump's first two years
yeah, we'll be looking forward to seeing you in two years


Nah, we have bigger fish to fry and a trump victory is enough for me.

I honestly thought they had us beat.


Honestly, why are you guys so pathetic in victory?

You act like you fucking lost the election.

>Honestly, why are you guys so pathetic in victory?

Say that to the millennial liberals who've already gone around smashing windows.

It honestly would not surprise me. He was full of enthusiasm but he embarrassed them all on the front lines, so they probably relegated him to one of the secret command centers.

CTR will be the first hanged.

Traitors before enemies!

You're always welcome here the coming 8 years will be epic. Is the madman handing his presidency over to one of his kids?

I wonder if the "please be me AI gf" was the work of CTR.

Hey, CTR! We're gonna be Hokage! Believe it!