When are we going to make Germany great again?
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Kebab removal.
>Ever great
Fucking remove the mudslimes for starters
We need more Christians to do as the US did. But our Churches are compromised, especially the Protestant denominations.
After France.
Merkel hanged, gabriel poisoned by gen food, steinmeier is gonna commit suicide, it would be great.
And I really hope we're going to remove sandniggers soon, they have no place here.
>Eternal anglo
You are going to need them once the arab chimpouts start my anglo
You're too far gone, Hans.
France is next.
You krauts are unsalvageable anyway
This. French elections are coming up first.
Germany can never be great without going full Reichtard
We can only hope burgerbro
That isn't possible as your capital is already non-german. And the cuck mentality is imprinted in the native people.
Please France is even worse, they took responsibility for the attacks. Saying they were an empire for so long they deserve it. The French are turning but the Germans made sure Merkel has no foot to stand on and have the AFD with an actual chance of getting alot of votes, Le pen though im not too sure.
March 2017 is our chance to uncuck ourselves. Let's make a calendar so we can at least try to use our memetic armies in the proper order.
You bet! I hope soo much!
This present day's like christmas
It will be so amazing if this happend
Definetly man, wanted to vote PVV for a while now but afraid VNL will take away votes from them. And the media just like with Trump just talks shit on Wilders all day.
germany should build a wall.
make germany great again
I thought brexit failed/nullified?
Straight squad up and start kicking immigrants heads in and take the election for AfD.
>National front wins
They want to, but how can they possibly?
Well I guess we'd need a trump for that to happen.
Don't even consider Afd. Please. Afd/Pegida people are just embarrassing.
In time. It's France's turn next.
Vote for hofer vote for austria
Germany was never Great
fourth reich?
We're not done with the US yet.
Next we need to meme Ron Paul to be the next Secretary of State.
kek'ed hard
Third reich was the closest to Utopia mankind has ever been
this this this
That's a long process that requires the dismantling of the EU, something most Germans don't want.
California secession
AfD for Germany, FN for France! We can do this brothers
What's wrong with them?
I think you mean Doner removal
Do you guys even have a decent candidate?
Ask Austria
pls make Germany great again
Afd and Merkel's party is going more right, even while Merkel is still in it.
Sup Forums has no understanding of just how cucked Germany is. We are beyond saving. Or if anything, we're the final batlefield.
We aren't bilingual, we can't inform ourselves on the internet and alternative sites like Sup Forums, we have to eat up what our media says. And, trust me, our media is even more currupt and controlled than fucking CNN, literally lying, never talking about refugee crimes (daily rapes), criticising Merkel and translating (everything gets translated here) everything incorrectly Trump says with a mean voice.
Lügenpresse translations: youtube.com
And just look at all the braindead Germans in the comment section here:
who ist da new adolph?
Deus Vult
Donatus Vult
Kek Vult!
>We are beyond saving.
Gib die Hoffnung nicht auf Bruder
Ein neues Zeitalter beginnt gerade.
Ich spüre es deutlich!
>ever needing Germans
Silly Billy was probably more useful than the flip flopping krauts
Stop copy-pasting this stale pasta
Kek is with us austrofagbrother
The Deutsche bank is going to fall, you saw the stocks last night because of Trump. Then the EU will have no money and they will either be bailed out or crumble. Either way its going to piss the people the FUCK off. Globalists are not going to care and blame 'raysistz' while the nationalists are going rise in arms. Heres hoping anyhow.
Heres your Ö
>germany should build a wall.
They have built a wall?
No, it's about the triggering of article 50, parliament has to vote on it, Scotland is threatening to block it constantly, if this happens a general election will be called and those that are making threats will be ousted. The green light has already been given, we're triggering article 50 in March next year, nothing is going to stop it. But they are trying hard, don't you worry.
Get Merkel Out!!!
Keep her coat.
Dude without the Germans we wont uncuck Europe, we need to uncuck them. The biggest problem is the media, the people near immigrants are going to be atleast entry level pilled.
Austria first. Norbert Hofer stands for election on Dec 4, which comes before any German election.
Praise kek
Es muss was passieren! !
they are against EU for example, which is simply ridiculous from germany's point of view.
A lot of Afd followers are also literally NPD tier.
If they voted for it who would win?
Keep it up man, strike the iron while the kek is hot.
Once u expel your muslims
>full Reichtard
We could borrow someone from Austria for our leader...what could possibly go wrong
Wähl afd oder stirb an flüchtlingen schwuchtel
Directly after Hofer is elected in Austria
well Germany tried back in the 30s-40s but nobody liked it tha much
Bjoern Hoecke
>says the inbred hick in a nation the size of rhode island who pulled America into a war to fight for the Jew
Literally kill yourself.
Its gonna be Gerrrrrexit!
>tony the lat right German tiger
Your right, France is next
But Germany will come after
Suck the muslim cock then, cuck
VNL has a literal meme leader now. No one takes him seriously.
The media is all over him only because they rather want the Wilders people to vote for this clown.
Pic related.
Austria first.
Ich spure es auch Bruder. Aus der Dunkelheit, durch den Blut und streit, in die Goldene Zukunft.
jeder Deutsche rechter als die CSU ist ein Untermensch.
Verpiss dich vom pol board scheiß komi
>Keep it up man, strike the iron while the kek is hot.
It's irritating because it means that the government has to reveal its negotiation plans to parliament, which will give the EU an advantage, but you can't tell the remoaners this, they want to disrupt it all they can.
Oh well, Scotland is going to be punished for its cuckery don't you worry about that!
Netherlands should be free of the EU, please get out! PLEASE, come and rule us again.
He looks a lot like the President of Mexico.
Why is he wearing a Wehrmacht uniform?
Who is the based saviour for you krauts anyway? We need to know where to move the meme machine onto, who to focus it on
>Saying they were an empire for so long they deserve it.
This election and particularly the revelations about Evil Hillary's Pedo Ring and her being in bed with the Jewish media overlords has taught me that given the opportunity I would be a Nazi in a minute and proudly so. Hitler was right. I hope such a force rises again.
Es dauert nicht mehr lang. Aber wenn müssen wir alle Stärke beweisen, sonst sind wir verloren.
Sup Forums wieder am baiten?!?
why not
He was a reporter for a 'funny news' segment on TV. Always playing dress up.
He was more cringe than funny, though.
Halt dein scheiß maul und geh auf tumblr refugees schwänze lutschen
Frauke Petry.
we are profiting so much from the EU it's almost a ripoff for some countries.
There is literally nothing wrong with refugees if you just have proper law enforcement and a grown up political society (which is not the case in the US, mostly because of their retarded as fuck voting system)
>lives in a country built by anglos
You need to remove the Americans first.
Then the kebab.
Then the greatness happens.
Yeah i know Jan Roos is an idiot, i never would have thought he would go into politics. Will probably get one or two zetels and take them from PVV or from VVD.
>There is literally nothing wrong with refugees if you just have proper law enforcement and a grown up political society (
Those leftist delusions. kek