Assault rifle

Have you purchased an AR-15 to kill latinos?

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I fucking make them son, its my fucking job to bring these to life

close enough

Banned in California.

When did wait in line for citizenship become kill all Mexicans?

Hopefully not for long.

We like latinos now

Nice dude, CZ?


Why aren't you outside killing all latinos you see on the street right now?

no bong, we do not.


No, i refuse to kill European people.

Mestizo people on the other hand...

I don't need one, Trump won.

>fucking handout babby expecting others to kill the latinos for him



I've had one for literal years


SKS with peep sights. Best I can do here.
If you're willing to break the law you can always build a child killing assault rifle from a 80% receiver.

>have you purchased an ar15...
Many over the years.
> kill latinos
Not specifically, unless it happens to be a latino who does something stupid/violent enough to warrant getting shot.

Some of my favorite shooting buddies are red blooded American latinos.

>plastic gun

Bitch, please.

>associates with non-whites

Look at this fucking SJW here.

It sure is 2016.

>m-m-muh nugget

Haha yeah nice meme, run along now

No. I bought one to defend the people in my community.
ALL the people in my community.
That's how I MAGA.

Shut up texas.

This, and don't forget to kill brazillian expats too.

nice famas

No anti-Spic Chainsaw on it. Kill yourself.

>le zombie maymay

pls stop

I bought mine to kill blacks

have you stolen yours yet latam shitter?

Don't need to, we'll have a wall.

I just bought the slide fire.
It gets delivered today! :^)

at least you can buy sks for these money

That law is not in effect yet. You could hypothetically buy one at an out of state gunshow (such as the upcoming Reno gunshow) and drive it back into California. Keep it in a safe and they'll never know you have it.
I'm confident that Prop 63 will be struck down as unconstitutional.

We are ready


fuck yeah bois we did it

Guys should i buy saiga or something from molot arms? I really want a gun.

you're a fucking idiot, stop posting

what kind of knife is that? The one on the bottom

Hell no.

I'm waiting for that sweet Russian surplus to come in. SVD, you are mine.

They're both great. Can't go wrong with either, friend.