Is he right?
Is he right?
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what do you mean is he right?
of course he is ffs, it's common sense at this point. that's why white nationalists are rising everywhere in europe.
Somewhat correct, but I also think it's a natural occurrence that a Republican wins the election after 8 years of Democratic control.
These things usually flip back and forth.
100% right, along with the disgusting hubris that they had when they shut Sanders down because they had preference for Clinton. You reap what you sow you stupid fucking American democrats, enjoy your 4 years of crying into the ether.
>white nationalists
do you know that white isn't a nation?
Yes, even Bill Clinton said it.
Hold that thought...
Does the left not realize how many defectors they created with their identity politics horseshit? I agree with a lot of leftist ideas, but I absolutely will not tolerate dipshit SJW cunts nitpicking every fucking thing they don't like about me.
What? When? I haven't really heard shit from Billy this entire election, aside from some "My wife is truly a yadda yadda" bullshit
A dem going out with favorables as high as obama usually is followed by a one term dem.
He's absolutely right.
You push and push and push and eventually you get pushed back - the left doesn't take getting pushed back well, but it doesn't matter because we have taken our country back, folks.
Only dishonest people wouldnt agree with this.
btw who said this ?
Holy shit fucking this.
Friedman is always right.
Spot on. White men granted everyone the right to equal participation in everything we did and made, and we've been "recompensed" by being accused of constant oppression and being monsters in general. We're still here and we will exercise our own rights.
No idea, it was retweeted as a picture.
That's right on the money. We libertarians (classical liberals) have been saying this for years.
Turn off your proxy.
He's right. And they should be glad that the white American titan choose electing le mean orangeman as retribution instead of bullets ripping thru leftist cuck skulls.
tempered response.
Natural pendulum swing, but also this election is very emotional, and polarising because of the MSM portrayal of trump and his supporters, showing the dumbest ones, and no blacks, hispanics or gays (problematic)
How many of the people moaning on twitter even voted? Clinton would have won in a landslide, the witch
beyonce didnt cut in PA haha all the millions, all the sponsors coming for her head. she's toast.
I wonder if they'll learn their lesson
reading this made me feel good inside
goddamn lefty retards live in their own world completely oblivious to everything happening outside it
Big suprise. People finally got sick and tired of liberals telling them how awful they are because of their race and gender. the fucking irony is beyond comprehension.
if all liberals were as analytical as this man the world would be a better place
>Is he right?
B-but it's 2016!
Seems to be, honestly. Many ex-Obama voters who voted Trump expressed similar sentiments.
It's a shame they let their butthurt elect such an idiot, but this is a lesson the Democrats will have to learn the hard way it seems. PC culture dug its own grace in a way.
yes he is correct. the only reason trump was so successful was due to the behaviour of his oppositions supporters.
spread the word to them if you want more tears.
>politically correct
It's true though. His job approval rating was 55~, though I wonder what it would be if only legal citizens were polled.
I still don't understand why so many people demonize him. He singlehandledly convinced Nixon to end the draft, was a strong(est?) proponent of progressive taxation, and wanted people to make their own decisions.
He is correct to a point but he's not giving Trump any credit. It's almost as if he's saying it could have been anyone.
Demonizing white males failed and on top of that minorities and women didn't even come out to support them. Fucking Trump won more hispanics and women then the passed two republicunts.
Banking on a demographic war but only one side shows up. LMAO. But I'm sure John Oliver will absolutely DESTROY Trump on his show!
This is mostly the reason why I voted Trump. This and because I want an outsider to fuck up washington, but i only tell my liberal friends about the last part.
It couldn't have been a generic Republican, they wouldn't have managed to tap into it.
Trump's strong point is that he's the best fucking salesman out there and immediately got the pulse of what was going on and knew how to sell it right back to people.
not yet it isn't
This happens when progressive groups that once stood for equality turn to supremacy for themselves. When we allow Black lives matters to speak of white people as a whole and validate those statements in ways no white person can speak of another race. In ways no person should speak of any race. When we allow Feminists to speak of men like a degraded gender and make broad statments and call for the end of men or if they have become useless. When simultaneously no man can speak in the slightest about a woman. When we criticize and shame any man for objectifying women while posting articles ogling mens bulges on the same forum (huffingtonpost).
This behavior and the internet snark and mobs that go with it have created a brooding vile hatred filled fight within a large sum of the population. The portion on food stamps that hears they have white priviledge but feel they have never benefitted from it. The bullied submissive males that hear they have male priviledge yet have seen no doors open for them or women treated worse. The portion that feels ostracized and without a way to have a rational discussion about any of it without being called a racist or sexist or bigot. Instead they stay silent and vote for a man that says publicly that this is ridiculous.
I am not a Trump supporter. I'm a liberal who once supported so many of these causes. Who still does yet not it the form they've taken on. In a more moderate form that is applicable and equal to all in society. A form which holds those calling foul to half of the responsibility.
I digress. I am not happy with the results of the election. But I can see where the trump supporters came from. The progressive left pushed so hard and felt so right they decided to step over others rather than bring them into the fold. We've all become too absorbed in our own causes that we forgot they have to balance with others'.
We are a series of unsewn patches all calling ourselves a quilt.
Thats giving him a good amount.
He was able to confidently navigate the politically correct rhetoric when any other GOP candidate would have tripped over a binder full of women.
Yes. When I voted for Obama in in 2008 it was because I despised the tactics being used by right wingers. A few years ago I started to recognize those same emotional tricks being used by the left, and so I voted Trump.
I kind of feel like the longer a party's in power the dumber and more out of touch they get.
As Zoe Quinn said "You made your bed, get fucked in it."
Yeah, but it swinged on congress too. Its the natural response.
we need more of these
this is a big fucking reason i think
i don't know how anybody can hear a fucking white millionaire like katy perry telling people she cares about poor people without donating a cent
Demonise someone enough and what do they have to lose?
> blaming leftists for being leftists
>thinking of nationalism as a direct "nation" WORD term in a global race context
from my vantage point, looks spot-on
>progressives created trump
Republicans can blame the left, but progressives aren't responsible, try reading some recent history and see what nneoliberalism.
Absolutely. Without this anti-straight/white/male movement, there wouldn't have been such a desperate need for our lord and saviour TRUMP.
Of course
Good. I hope many fucktards read this.
>I agree with a lot of leftist ideas, but I absolutely will not tolerate dipshit SJW cunts nitpicking every fucking thing they don't like about me.
I voted Obama in the last two elections, but I voted Trump yesterday here in the good old state of Ohio. I have absolutely no regrets. Fuck SJWs. I will never drink their kool-aid.
Trump is more likely the result of Obama not accomplishing much while in office.
They think Hillary as an offshoot of the Obama Administration will be more of the same inactivity.
He turned old time democrat states red, based on his charisma alone. This is not a standard changing of the guard, the rulebook has been torn up.
Why is that so true.
He probably started also a line of Trump politicians, similar to Kennedy.
He is 10000% right.
The left has more to do with the rise of Trump than the right does.
He's right, but this attitude is really shitty.
When will people finally come out as legit white nationalists instead of instead of just pointing the Alt-Right and exclaiming "Oh god, look what a monster the Left has created!"
Do you think they'll learn the lesson that calling someone racist and sexist is no longer an effective strategy?
or will they repeat the same shtick in 2020? If it couldn't stop Trump, could it stop anyone ever again?
That would be YUUUGE
its funny seeing you guys still calling trump a idiot, but don't stop, you are making the same mistakes your overlords did while thinking you are smarter than them
Of course he is.
Look at Hillary's rallies or her "election party".
There were no straight white guys there. Only women and POC.
You can't win the US election if you lose white men 60 to 40.
Big Money corrupted the Tea Party, they derailed Occupy. Throw off the yoke and take back the left.
The Democrats have steadily built a voting coalition by pandering to the disenfranchised and the minorities. They overdid it, and forgot that it isn't 2040 yet. The demographics weren't yet 100% in their favor.
It turns out after eight solid years of people feeling like strangers in their own country and being told that they're cis gender shit pigs, that people eventually get tired of hearing that kind of rhetoric. We're no worse right now than what we were eight years ago when we were racists, bigots, and rapists by virtue of being straight and white. They just finally fucking lost and now they have to live with it.
Don't ever let anybody tell you that America voted for rape culture or xenophobia. I fucking promise you that if Hillary won they'd actually be shouting this shit at us even louder.
>When will people finally come out as legit white nationalists
When it becomes "socially acceptable" i.e. when you don't get doxxed/lose your job over it. Soon*tm?
It was the same for me. I don't care what party does it. If you try the politics of fear on me, I will vote for the other guy. Even if you have to lie, you better be telling me about jobs and a better tomorrow.
Trump's campaign: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Hillary's campaign: Trump said mean things
The fact that she still got the popular vote is insane.
Yes. If people like Obama and Merkel weren't slaves to politically correct multiculturalism the far right would never have had an opportunity to grow. The pendulum is swinging back to the right, this is only the beginning.
>libertardians pretending they've always been Trump supporters after the fact
Yeah right sure gotcha
In the end, just like Brexit, celebrity endorsements came off as a bunch of rich people scolding a bunch of poor people about how they should vote.
>I fucking promise you that if Hillary won they'd actually be shouting this shit at us even louder.
Obviously. Hillary made a point of pandering to the idiots who spew that nonsense. A victory by her would have only emboldened them.
It was foreseen. So it shall be.
Fellow liberal here. Stay steadfast & strong, brother. The Lena Dunham types are being kicked to the curb and we're going to make this the party of FDR & JFK again
user, you nailed it.
I'm liberal, but I can't be part of what the leading elements of the left are becoming.
It's become focused on ways of legitimising hatred and offering safe environments in which to indulge it.
For example, changing the perception of what racism, sexism etc are by changing the terms and making it a lesser act if applied to one group over the other feels less like justice and more like the actions of a prejudice apologist.
The idea was to come together and try to. end hatred.
Try to promote equality.
not find new ways to call hatred acceptable if you have the right target.
To end it, not find new exceptions that make it okay.
The pendulum swings back and forth.
Power waxes and wanes.
When you have the power to implement change, that's the point you should try to stop that pendulum not swing it back as hard as you can.
All your doing then is winding up a kick for your own arse.
They were using the celebrities for the millennials if I recall from the Podesta e-mails. Unfortunately they don't show up and vote.
Someone has to step forward and start it, otherwise it will never be a thing.
I sincerely hope you're right friend.
Sick of them.
Sick of them all.
>When will people finally come out as legit white nationalists
Because I'm not. Zero. None. Never have. Never will.
My vote for Trump had absolutely nothing to do with any sort of white nationalism, supremacy, or pride, and everything to do with the belief in the founding ideals of America. That's what I believe in. America.
This "nation" has lost sight of its founding principles. I don't care what color. I believe that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Success in America is possible for everyone, but you have to go and get it. It's your responsibility to be successful. Not mine. And likewise, I'm not their responsibility.
>I'm liberal, but
You have to go back.
Fuck yes. Trump is a classic Red Tory that almost always show up when the left starts going full pinko.
I can only hope this will cause true liberals to disassociate themselves from the cancerous whiny fucks that have taken over the left and start anew.
No, social justice will probably die. It feels like it will always be everywhere in the west coast though and that's why I'm getting the hell out.
It is not about supremacy or pride it is simply about ensuring that the demographics are not too slanted to the point that we lose our nation.
If you think hordes of 3rd world black and brown assholes agree with the founding fathers you are very confused.
I was raised in Denver, Colorado, voted for John Kerry in 2004 and Obama in 2008 and 2012. I believe in a lot of liberal views, but as I got out of the liberal safezone of the Denver and traveled the country, started a family and moved outside of the big cities, I saw a much different picture.
I saw hard working people trying to raise a wholesome family getting shit on for protecting their own interests. I was always told "Democrats are for the middle class! You're voting against your own interests if you vote republican, they only benefit rich white people!" but I only saw the left benefitting poor people and minorities, there was absolutely no regard at all for the middle class citizens. Even minorities in the middle class got more "benefits" than the white middle class does. I never got a single fucking benefit for being white and middle class in my entire life. I never got offered scholarships, welfare, food stamps, fucking nothing. Even when I was off of my parents teet I didn't get anything because I was white and came from a priviledged background. When I asked "where's my help?" I was berated with cries of racism, oppression and bigotry. They told me I need to help the less fortunate, despite my own struggles to keep up with the bills due to healthcare being insane, homeownership, food prices etc etc...
I still to this day do not see how democrats benefit the working middle class despite them shouting it in my face how much it benefits me. No, angry black LGBT person, it benefits YOU, not me.
You made your bed
Now lie in it
But dont call it a grave
Its the future you chose
Damn right.
Patronising tools howling scorn from their ivory towers and trying to herd the peasants into the right voting pen like cattle to be milked for their vote.
I started out anti brexit.
Eventually the celebrities convinced me to vote otherwise with their 'impassioned' and ultimately self serving pleas.
Yes but that republican didnt have to be trump
I'm so glad that Trump won. Maybe, just maybe liberals will open their eyes and stop being elitist cunts that make me embarrassed to share their views
>Goes on twitter
Guess not.
>The white right.