Can someone explain this?
>Popular vote:
>Hillary: 59,236,903 votes
>Donald: 59,085,787 votes
>The country elected Hillary, the system elected Donald
Can someone explain this?
what is the electoral college alex?
the united states are
the united states is
Oh NOW the electoral system is broken, not in 2008
I'm not sure, I'm not American.
>import a million spics into a country and stick them in dem strongholds
>win popular vote
about all there is to it
Some of the states Hillary won she did so by a large margin, e.g. California and New York. States like Pennsylvania trump won by a narrow margin
...2008 popular and electoral Victor coincided
Big states like Cali and NY are solid blue with huge populations. In a 51%-49% split, the difference in the number of votes is massive in a big state like Cali than it is a small state like New Hampshire.
So what has probably happened here is that Hillary won a sizeable majority in California. But it doesn't matter how many popular votes she gets. She gets the same 55 electoral votes whether she wins by 1 million popular votes or 10 million popular votes.
The us is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. That's how we won
Praise kek
We are a REPUBLIC.
he means 2000.
THe al Groe-Bush one
Reminder that only Conservatives have ever one the electoral college while simultaneously losing the popular vote.
Really makes you think
The electoral college makes sure the country won't be ruled by foreign peasants who breed like locusts.
People act like this is the first time it's happened.
It happened with Gore and Bush
It also happened with Romney and Obama
Its called a Republic. Thats how a republic works. Its set up to protect the country from the tyranny of the majority.
The states vote for the president in essence.
The best part about our system is that to change it would require a constitutional amendment. Which in turn requires 3/4 of the states to agree.
This guarantees that it will never ever go away.
Libcucks stick together in the same states so they can fuck each other.
yeah because most americans are idiots evidently
Ahhh I didn't know this. I thought you guys just counted each person's vote individually then whoever got the most wins
It acts as a safeguard so that the mega cities can't dominate our politics.
Yeah. People conveniently forget that the popular vote can quickly lead things down a path of letting foreigners change the country into a shit hole.
Reminder that since 1965 the dems have been importing illegals and letting them vote. The very reason the Electoral College exist.
I would love to actually see the term Republic make a comeback. Democracy is not a government type, its an enfranchisement ideology. The US is a constitutional republic.
Commiefonia is the only reason for this, He was ahead by a few mil before that state was counted.
Popular vote is a shit system, since the urban centers would determine the presidency every time. At least in this way the rural farmers have their voices heard
And rightfully so.
your votes are "suggestions" and they do the real voting
The states choose the president, with weighted votes on population. This has the effect of suppressing lots of votes because some states are always one color. So its less important that I vote for Trump in CA, and so lots of people do that. It works a little bit the other way too tho, I knew people in KY who didn't vote because their state is already so red. Ofc, this also works the other way around.
Also, That's a really close count. like 150,000. That could potentially be different in a recount with all absentee voting and stuff. Still very close.
>The people elected Hillary
Not if it was a fair vote. Hillary isn't popular among anyone except retards and paid donors, she only wins the popular vote because of all the rigging and illegal voters turning up in massive numbers with democrats bussing everyone around to polling places, which is why we have the electoral college because election fraud isn't anything new if you know American history. All these checks and balances exist for a reason
thank god it's not like that
minorities outbreed whites by the millions
it's terrifying
stay on your side of the pacific for your own good
I'm sure Google can explain it pretty well, will be interesting to see if the libs backtrack on their stance on gerrymandering from the last couple elections.
actually more fair.
you don't want the west coast to decide for the east.
I actually do believe this. The reason the media was so confident in Hillary's victory was because they knew it was rigged.
However they didn't count on the turnout being so high so their rigging failed.
>since the urban centers would determine the presidency every time.
which is how it should be, considering the red-leaning rural parts of our country are full of inbred morons.
Fuck me. Whoever wrote this clearly hasn't heard about the British first past the post system if they think they've got it bad compared to direct democracy...
But whites are over 70% of the population. Are there really that many white cucks out there that if they voted with the minorities, it would make a difference?
Because the idea of a bunch of other races multiplying and voting with only the popular vote mattering is silly, as currently minorities only make up maybe 20% at best.
The president is elected by the states. State with larger populations have more votes than smaller states. Each state sets their own rules as to how individual votes turn into "electoral votes".
So in some cases, a candidate can with the election (with 270 votes) but still not win the popular vote.
We don't have a direct democracy. We tell our representative in the Electoral College who we want, and they represent us when the College decides.
States get a representative for every member of congress they have. For example, GA has 16 representatives because they have 2 Senators and 14 members of the House. This way small states like Maine, Iowa, and New Hampshire can still have a voice, and NY and CA can't just run the entire country themselves.
Whatever you want to say, this is still better than a Parliament where the PM is usually only representing 20-30% of the population thanks to coalitions (Trudeau). Talk shit about the two party system, but at least our presidents usually get around 50% support if not more.
And remember, Michigan is still being counted which will probably put him up in the popular vote anyway. He could've lost even Georgia and still won.
can't wait to hear from pathetic hillarybots how the system is rigged after spending all this energy denying the system is rigged
At the start of the night trump needed butt hole puckering victories and not one fuck mentioned the electoral college until the default blue states started looking in play.
When she was spotted 250 at the start every democrat loved the ec.
It's bullshit anyways, never once was he behind in Popular or Electoral last night, and now she's ahead?
The difference in popular votes is likely fraud anyway.
fair? Obama gave some spicket an interview and said illegal aliens cant be deported for voting a few days ago. how many of that 150k difference were illegals?
>over 70%
whoa there
its less than 60
Whites still rule the world, and rightfully so.
Doesn't Trump have the popular vote now? Counting is still going on right?
Hillary won the popular for the primary but Obama got them districts yo
It's a good thing it isn't like that. Majority rules would be horrible, most people have very little idea of what doing something would affect in this country. To let them vote on these things means that the majority would just bully the minority.
Instead, we have a system that allows the minority to have a voice. The funny thing, if you look back years and years before. Democrats and Republicans were switched around. Republicans had the overwhelming majority. The Electoral collage benefited Democrats much more.
But now a lot of major population centers are liberal and Republicans have a harder time winning. The shoe is on the other foot, which is why everyone was pretty sure that Trump wouldn't win. I'm still shocked Florida went Red. Miami has consistently caused Florida to be Blue for years even though almost 95% of the state is conservative Christian republicans.
Right, only city fucks deserve representation.
Go fuck your single mother.
>tfw Trump is now officially a big guy
Oops, you're right, my bad.
Congressional districts are based on a population figure that includes illegals
>But whites are over 70% of the population.
No. Whites are 62% of the population.
Sup, Engrish teacher-san? If you're going to rp as a nip, at least make some grammar mistakes.
This is a very naive criticism by the way. People think, "Oh, we should get rid of the EC and just use the popular vote!" But this is under the mistaken assumption that everything would be the same. If we switched to a popular vote, people's voting strategy would change with it. It is extremely unlikely that any outcomes would be different under a different voting system.
For that matter, Trump ran this campaign as a populist. As far as I can tell he visited almost every single state, even deep blue states like Massachusetts. A popular vote election would have brought different people to the polls to elect Trump.
Even with all the dead people and illegals voting, Trump still won. Better luck never libcucks
>ITT: suddenly everyone defends the electoral college and think it's perfect because this one time it served them
Imagine if it was the opposite and trump had won the popular vote but hillary won the ec. There'd be no end to rioting
>it was foretold
oh man, I can't wait for the update to this image
>feb 2015
>the system is rigged, fuck everything!
>oct 2016
>the system isn't rigged, don't be a babby
>nov 2016
>what'd I tells ya? rigged I say, rabble rabble!
Voters of a color are less likely to turn out in a state that is already their color. There are more red states, therefore less red votes in total.
Everyone is butt hurt when they lose.
The truth is the ec makes sense and is going nowhere.
Why cant republicans get the vote of spics? Bc they are racist?
Enjoy making your own food city boy
are there even that many registered voters
It's 4am. If I was an English teacher I would be Fucked. Alarm would be going off soon
If we went by popular vote, there would be no reason to appeal to rural areas because their vote would be so much less effective at the cost of so much more effort. Two Senators plus a number of Representatives proportionate to the population ensures that all areas of America are represented despite a heavier weight in favor of more populated areas.
This exists to protect rural Americans
yes lets just ignore the industrial and agricultural backbone of the entire United States.
The 2 things that determine if you can even win a war.
ive always thought the electoral college should be fractured one more time and separate cities with 1+ "point" of population from the states normal electorate
She's my senator. I think I'm going to print this out a bunch and mail them from all over the state.
Federal republic
Did you guys not see Florida? The only thing that saved us from it dipping blue WAS the rural areas. All city centers, Orlando, Tampa, and Miami were deep blue.
Us rural folks came out in full force numbers this time. Of course this isn't the case in every state. Oregon being a good example. Most of the population is around liberal-central, Portland.
THEY ARE A REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY. I've had to tell all my retarded friends on facebook this over and over again.
Handouts typically come from and or are credited to democrats.
> free shit
> working for you own stuff with little taxes
wow much racism
Trump supporters dont riot theyre the civilized ones you filthy swecuck beast
But the system also makes it so that certain swing states get an outsized amount of attention whereas some other states with much more voters get ignored
why would you vote for someone that wants to make you assimilate and take away your handouts?
They broke up the voting lines the way they did to advantage them, it didn't work out.
Oh it switches with every change.
Pennsylvania sure was one to watch all night though. I wonder what it was like in that state.
They did pretty well this time. 29% in favor, nationally.
Really makes you think about the Dem's nominee. Considering latinos are typically gibsmedat.
>Everyone is butt hurt when they lose.
I think more people just need to realize that they CAN lose and to prepare themselves mentally for it. Despite how much I wanted Trump to win, I was pretty convinced that Hillary would and I had prepared for the fallout as such.
It would suck, but I had accepted it. Even now, how giddy I am that we won. I won't rub it in peoples faces. I've got a lot of liberal friends and my Mother voted for Hillary. I'm sure shes very upset and I feel bad for her.
Hopefully we will get a respectable female into office one day and she can be happy about that.
Yeah, really makes me think about fucking Libcuck lemmings in Cali.
I can't wait to watch you kick and scream about this election for years you worthless fucking shitstain.
Democrats stuff ballots with voter fraud and illegals in cities they run, their number would be significantly lower if they didn't cheat so much. If Donald follows through on deporting people dem numbers will be way down.
The GOP is implicitly the party of white interests. That's why the backlash against cuck traitors like Romney, McCain etc. and their wife's black sons was so big.
This is the right mindset, so good on you. This kind of gleeful gloating and "dance on your grave" attitude is so bad. This is a time where respect and humility is needed, people need to lay down their battleaxes and come together for the good of the nation.
You have to keep in mind that the deepest blue states also have the highest populations, and lot of republicans don't even bother voting because there's no point.
If you think a republican vote in NY effects anything you're retarded.
Fuck off, we've been TERRORIZED by shills to the point that I didn't even recognize this sea of piss anymore.
Fuck every single one of them, shit in their fucking faces and rub it in twice as hard.
I myself live in WA and didn't bother voting because Seattle cucks the entire fucking state every election.
Trump got pretty good latino numbers actually, so did bush.
Hispanics vote dem locally a lot more than nationally
>Can someone explain this?
she has 1 vote deducted for every crime she has committed...luckily for her, they only go back 7 years
They weren't shills goddamnit. Sup Forums has always, ALWAYS been TROLLS TROLLING TROLLS.
For now. Just wait 4 years.
Swedecuck I've been here for over a decade, those were shills.
No amount of normal trolls could turn this fucking site around the way they did at certain key points in the election.
Fake SSN# and claiming 9 on your payroll taxes.
Then instead of paying taxes, they send it home to Mexico.
As a Christian, I still feel what they are doing is wrong because they do not even respect our most basic law. The border.
Why would God make us into nations just to take down all the borders? I don't think we're quite ready for globalism until Jesus comes back.
pharmabro took notice, you think he was the only one? O'Reilly took notice years ago. They don't know what to do. They've likely been trying to infiltrate moderation for years like they did at reddit.
The fact that most of us don't take this place seriously doesn't mean normies don't.
But the mega cities are the majority of the people.