Does Sup Forums support movember or are they too afraid to offend women?
Does Sup Forums support movember or are they too afraid to offend women?
I shave to assert my masculinity. I attract more women and gain the popular affection. Fuck off forest man.
About mustaches? Do I have to grow one or shave one?
Grow one? Sweet, I'm in. Already rocking a mustache 12 months of the year.
Shave one? Fuck off with you.
Movember is a jewish plow to promote being a Nu-male. Why else would they give us only a month to celebrate being male?
This is the same as black history month.
I participate in memember
We found the numale; I shave every 2 weeks, to truly assert my masculinity, fucking facial hair grows fast, I do trim it however.
>growing a nu-male stache or beard
>Movember is a jewish plow to promote being a Nu-male.
I thought it was about growing a moustache to raise money for cancer charities and shit.
Glad Sup Forums was here to give me the red pill.
Who pushes that narrative? When you hear news, the sender has inevitably put some sort of spin on it. Look to see who benefits most from the spin to see the real motives behind it.
Going to provide examples.
Or just keep chatting bollocks, like a hairless manchild.
My naked jawline offends women naturally.
Where was I wrong? Point it out.
how exactly growing a mustache could raise money?
The point is to not shave for a whole month, and donate the money you saved on shaving shit that month to cancer research.
>money saved on not shaving
So like $3? Shaving is pretty cheap.
Do you not sponsor people to do amusing things to raise money for charity in Poland?
Growing a moustache is great because people will notice and it helps spread the message.
why the hell would I want to look like a hobo for a month?
I hate sheeple traditions
i wear a beard all year round because fuck shaving
>money you saved on shaving
so, a tenth of a cent for electricity?
It is, the point is to get the masses behind it.
3 dollars from 1 million is a lot already. And 1 million men is pretty much nothing compared to the population of just the US.
We all know beards are reserved for numales
But are moustaches pol/ approved?
moustachios are itchy tho
like your vagina?
>the wikipedia donations arguement
And how many of those men actually donate that money? How many of them grow a moustache/beard because it's a popular trend on facebook and they want to fit in/be cool?
>Look to see who benefits
>Where was I wrong? Point it out.
Prostate Cancer UK
The Institute for Cancer Research
Ah yes, two organisation at the heart of every Jewish plot for promotion of le nu-male.
>But are moustaches pol/ approved?
idk ask hitler
If you need a gimmick to motivate you to have facial hair, you are a pathetic numale cuck.
Hey, dont shoot the messenger.
I just explained what the point was. Its the same shit as the ALS challenge, you were not supposed to whore for likes by pouring water over yourself, you were suppoed to chicken out and donate, but the majority of people missed the point. Same as with movember. But hey, at least a few more people donate, just because its talked about more during the month.
The only hair i allow on my upper lip is from your mom's feral 70's bush
>changing your appearance for a fucking reddit meme
I've been wearing a beard since 1998. Will I let it grow this month?
Nope, it's a little too full, so I'll actually go to the barber, to tame it a little better, in anticipation of december family celebrations. Will also ask him for a 3mm buzz cut of my hair (no pompadour fag, here), even though I also do that myself usually.
So there won't be money to save for butt cancer. Anyway, I wish butt cancer to far too many people to help fight it.
We do but in more organised way, like a marathons with sponsors who pay for putting thier logo on banners and runners, or WOSP which supplies expensive equipment to hospitals all over the country plus hosts a massive free music festival every summer with godtier bands.
Seriously, not shaving for a month will only make ppl proud for joing the cause but 70% of them wont donate any money, even that 3$ becouse they feel good already becouse of "shareing awereness". To me is another bullshit meme, shit way to help ppl with cancer but good way to make lazy idiots feel like they are helping to make world better place
Not particularly bothered that my partner can't grow facial hair in any proper fashion. From what I understand, he'll probably keep the hair on his head a bit longer.
So even though you are too lazy to do all those other things, you'll be growing your moustache to help raise awareness then?
It costs you nothing, but I expect to would rather do nothing and just call it a bullshit meme on Sup Forums.