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Trump lied yet again, news at 11.
he's gotta play politics chill out ctr shill fag
i-it's okay when drumpf does it?
Fuck you nigger
Why in the name of God did you think that Donald Trump of all people would work against corporate interests?
I think it is very hard to find people for that job that aren't former lobbyists or establishment politicians.
This is to be expected
Lobbyists are still basically part of the government
What we need to look at now is whether or not Trump makes an effort to resist their voices, and/or oust them
>the intercept
Hahahaha die of AIDS you butt-fucking leftist faggot!
Trump was a globalist before it was cool.
He'll say anything and chance nothing.
i don't give a shit
my only goal was to keep clinton out of the white house
>Lobbyists aren't the ones who know the best in the business
>Lobbyists don't know exactly who he should get to make shit amazing
This is joke right?
>Koch Industries
>jeWalt Disney
>Goldman Sachs
>BGR Group
Umm... how do I put this? Well, someone is screwing your wife while you're away.
i did it all for the lulz. i'm not dumb enough to think someone gets in office and doesn't play the game
Did any of you stupid fucking shitbags actually believed for one goddamn motherfucking minute that Trump was gonna drain the swamp or do a single fucking thing to "make America great again"
You shitbags have been conned...
>This is to be expected
How is it to be expected when it's the opposite of what he lead people to believe?
you mean he isnt gold/orange??
Dude stop it.. you wont get paid anymore..
>Believing literally ANYTHING the media reports after they've just been exposed as totally clueless and liars.
fuck off ctr nigger, dont you have barbells to be lifting?
>Believing the media about Trump
Obama Part 2.
Campaigns on change and hope, hands over his administration to wall street in the first week. His term was just the same old corporate interests in charge.
Let's see if Trump has stronger convictions.
>Sup Forums proven to be cucked and wrong
>responds with nothing but denial and snark
Enjoy your sloppy seconds, cucks.
You don't even get a nickel anymore. Go away.
Are they rewriting his policy proposals or something? No? Ok. I don't give a shit what some hapa cuck thinks.
its not even been 24 hours. these libs are so fucking desperate to get whatever cheap shots in they can and it makes me happy.
Because these fuckers wont just go away as soon as he comes in
Of course he's going to have to work with them a bit
Fuck off proto-nigger
No shit it will be the same song and dance and no difference from a clinton presidency. Ron Paul was our last hope. Im just here for the memes and tears of the liberals.
Woah! Has it been 4 years already? Fuck off brazil.
And? Manafort was a lobbyist
Washington is full of them
Oh, so you happen to enjoy a pussy coated in another man's semen? Good to know.
Remember how America was shit during Bush? Wanna know how I know how the next 4 years are gonna be?
keeping his enemies close
you guys are already doubting the god king
Seems legit guys.
>The Intercept
I tend not to believe sources when its my first time ever hearing of them
I don't think its as bad as the headline says.
The article basically says former lobbyists and associates of these companies. It's not like there are that many people in DC who have never been involved with a lobbyist.
>transition team
Literally nothing.
Obama did bring change though, and lead us from the shithole Bush left us in while him and his buddies walked away rich to something almost resembling a functional economy again. Now it's Trumps turn to drain the system and we can repeat again in 4 to 8 wondering why the fuck we let republicans gain control.
You dont know shit. Wanna know how I know?
what this guy said Tbh
What amazes me more than what Trump is doing is how some people are surprised that the people he's recruiting have a past in lobbying
It's fucking D.C.
Enjoy another 2008. I'm sure it's gonna do wonders to your country's economy coupled with Brexit.
>he's gotta play politics chill out ctr shill fag
shills now resorting to this, how expected
>i-it's okay if my new gf fucks her ex just a few times just for our first couple of weeks
You are a clinical cuck.
Remember, the news is still lying. I bet it's people friendly to the movement.
We can't have a country with people like you in it.
You gotta go.
This was always a possibility. In fact, a Trump presidency may have been the Jews magnum opus when it comes to compromising and subverting the rising awareness of the goyim. All his children, besides Barron, are married into Jew blood. I don't want to believe the possibility that Trump is a plant because if he is these people are as crafty as Satan himself. It would be the ideal directive though, giving people precisely the thing they think they want. The people think they have been granted a scepter but it is actually a collar. Trump may be the artificial Jewish Antichrist that will be used to hasten their engineered apocalypse. Another possibility is that Trump really is a Man against Time, knowing he must make the sacrifice of marrying his children to the Tribe (except Barron, perhaps Trump's true heir), does so to entertain the beast so that he may be presented with the chance to destroy it. There is so much energy now across the globe.
He always said he wanted to work with the establishment.
This time he controls them.
That is a given.
The vote for Trump was a symbolic revolt.
Nothing will change really but media and establishment got a fright.
And you're an assmad faggot that's probably been shilling for Clinton this whole time
It's premature to say what effect, if any, this will have on his administration. I've had faith with Trump up until this point, I'm not going to lose faith because of something that you have to stretch to turn into a blunder.
Okay, let's talk in 4 years then.
Yeah let's
Isn't the whole reason you voted for because he wasn't another lying politician?
I hate Trump but I thought that I should make some things clear here. What many people don't understand about politics is that nothing ever gets done unless somebody is making money from it. All these corporations have been embedded with Trump's administration to make sure that things gets done.
Trump is going to have a lobbyist from a wall-building company in his administration. He's going to have lobbyists from a company that rents out social housing for neets in his administration.
If you're lucky then Trump will use his powers to buy services from his own company and then use the profits to do something that benefits the people. This sounds corrupt but it's much better than cronyism where the money just disappears into the pockets of shareholders.
Shill's are still trying. Lol you lost just fuck off already.
I'm not defending this, but if you don't think this is exactly what he promised, you've been asleep at the wheel. The only candidate campaigning against the corporate plutocracy was Bernie.
That's a new one in politics.
>Implying Meme Magic ended last night, and we won't be lifting the Anglosphere and, by extension, the planet, back up.
it wasn't about his promises. it was about hillary supporters tears. get your head in the game dildo.
Idc. My main issue is immigration. As long as he builds the wall, kicks out the illegals and stops the Muslims from coming in I'm happy.
LOL CTR on suicide watch
You faggots realize you're all going to jail right?