Would Bernie have beaten Trump?
Would Bernie have beaten Trump?
most likely
Nope, he would have gotten smashed worse than Hillary. Democrats had a real easy way to win in 2016 and that was Jim Webb. Webb would have gotten all the white working class union guys that Trump took which would have denied him any hope in the rust belt. But Democrats are dumb as shit and didn't like him because he wasn't an antiwhite nation wrecker.
Can't say for sure, but he;d have come a damn shade closer than clinton did.
I would not have voted for Bernie, though I did vote for Hillary.
maybe, he was set up for it, the outsider versus the outsider.
But he commited suicide when he betrayed everything he stood for and endorsed clinton.
A hundred and ten fucking percent. No skeletons in the closet, wanted to fuck over wall street, able to bring over moderates and non-Trump Republicans alike.
He fucking WON Michigan and Wisconsin. It would have been a double digit victory.
Not even remotely.
People would hear the word "socialism" and would freak out.
>Couldn't get the Black and Hispanic vote during the primaries
Wisconsin deplorable here, I would've one for Bernie over Trump. Bernie would have taken WI and MI for sure.
Trump won bc MI & PA
that would have hold for le bern
>ywn see Bernie's Scandinavian style socialist utopia in the U.S. become a reality
He would have had a much better chance than Hillary for sure, but a win? Maybe not.
Most certainly
pic related
He's too far left.
If anything, he would have lost worse than Clinton.
A used dishrag without a litany of criminal activities would have beaten Trump
He would have won within the same margin as Trump did with Clinton.
Clinton's massive ego and ambition fucked her party over. The SCOTUS (Trump will appoint another "Scalia"), Senate and House are in republic territory until 2020.
Bernie went full sjw and blamed all the problems on white people while claiming whites don't know what's it like to be poor. I wouldn't have voted for him.
yeah, he probably would
Impossible to say for sure. He had a following, much like Trump. Outsider vs. Outsider. No scandals.
Imo he would have won by quite a margin
no chance
hillary was literally the only legit shot dems had
>He's too far left.
So is Trump.
nope. clinton chose to try and beat trump by pointing at him and saying "no way can this guy be president". sanders would have chosen to talk about issues americans are facing and how trump doesnt really know anything at all, dressing him down in the debates as an incompetent rather than setting him up with great "youd be in jail" moments that people loved
Yes clearly. All the polls showed that he would easily beat Trump.
Of course those polls showed that it was impossible for Trump to beat Clinton too but Bernie loving millennials abandoned logic years ago.
A lot of black people who were salty about hillary wrote in bernie on their ballot and are now crying that trump got in.
bunch of fucking idiots, they played themselves.
lol yes.
>Bernie full sjw - blame whitey
I thought he blamed corporate corruption
Anti-establishment from the right vs. Anti-establishment from the left. I've seen America is still a very conservative country in economic terms, so Trump would've still won, but it would've been a lot closer.
Exactly. I was all for him, but his speeches on how "if youwr whoite, yoo've neva experienced oppression" were a fucking insulting joke
I dunno. I think he'd have had a better appeal than Clinton did.
But I think the issue is you'd be trading older democrats for younger democrats. Not that it'd be more overall.
He just flubbed his statements sometimes. He fucked that up. He just meant whites don't know what it's like living in 90+% poor black community slums in inner cities
>No shattered millennial vote
>Old libshits forced to vote for him cause that's how they were trained
>no 'buh her emails'
probs woulda won
It's cool and all but nothing is perfect.
I mean, you can go out and shoot commies and hang them from lamp-posts now while I cannot.
Got to make the best of what you're given.
I would've rather had it be Bernie VS Trump than anyone else. I almost didn't even want to see the election results.
Please tell me you're not being serious.
Not at all, you people who think this didn't pa enough attention to the Dem Primaries. Bernie got fucking massacred in the south, lost Florida, he wouldn't have won Florida in a General.
Not to mention he was uncharismatic, plain and old looking (Trump despite having looks imposing and leaderly) and his message wasn't as appealing to older voters as Trump's. He would not have won the Rustbelt.
And on top of that he has his own dodgy comments that would be used against him (the 'women like being raped' comment). And is food line Commie video.
No, he was for the Iraq war and against the impeachment of dubya.
All they had to do is pull the too old angle they did with McCain topped with the socialism angle.
How could he have?
Kek was with us.
I would think so.
Seriously bernie was the best us candidate I have ever seen. A real american, humanist, antiracist with social program, open society, freedom without racial hate speech.
Bernie God bless you
I will pray for your good and homest hurt. Best wishes
filthy brit. go fuck the queen you burlap filled sack of shit.
Absolutely. Even Martin Omally would have.
Ruskie, no just no
He had radical ideas that shook the establishment just like Trump. Better as you can see ITT, he would of won. Just that he got fucked by his own party, and NOW they see, fuck the democrats, both parties needed a shake up.
Father Martin O'Malley would have
>Bernie would've talked about a bunch of meme economic issues that only attract unemployed millenials who've never paid taxes and accused Trump of anti-semitism when he named names, rather than just droning on about muh generic banks and corporations
No. He pandered even harder for the SJWs.
Most likely.
"Free shit lmao"
I don't think so. A lot of his plans were criticized such as taxing people to drive, you'd pay like 1k/yr to have a car on the road in the US. Which would then push poor people to not afford cars, and then he would pour money into public transportation which he said would go through wealthy areas.
Once people found out he was actually more interested in helping the homeless than the actual poor he'd be toast.
He criticized Walmart a lot but I think their minimum wage is 13.50/hr and if you work at night it's even higher.
Bernie would have maintained the blue wall, and he would have at least kept Michigan and Wisconsin.
Bernie's a fucking cuck, I think Trump would have stolen even more of the nigger vote if he ran.
No, in his correction he said white couldn't even IMAGINE it. Which, imo, is far more insulting.
oops meant
where NOT criticized or even brought up*
Him or Webb would have crushed it. President Webb would have been awesome. Stupid fucking DNC.
He would have won. But he got fucked by the corrupt DNC and it's collusion with the MSM. But the Identity politics of the of the left has come home to roost. They wanted to make it "POC's" and women vs the Sons of Europe. This was only the beginning. #WHITELASH
Trump would of been FORCED to debate policy if he would of went up against Bernie. Trump would of been crushed.
Instead Trump one due to all the dirt Nasty Killary had, and Trump assassinated her character.
Trump, be the change of America for the Better!
All you have to do is keep contributing and take your underwears off
Bernie was full blown 2nd amendment. SJW, nah.
Sure he attracted a flock of Trigglypuffs but that's because they wanted him to pay for their gender studies degrees.
Working whites would have dug him. A no bullshit guy talking about problems facing the white working man would have done well.
Fucking easily. A lot of voters didn't like Trump but hated Hillary even more.
>Bernie bro here and glad Trump won
My liberal leanings say "yeah, obviously". At the very least it would have been an honest debate of ideas and policy rather than the fucking retarded farce we got with Hillary.
Once she circumvented our democratic process and so very obviously screwed Sanders, she handed it over to Trump.
I want Trump to pic related Obama.
Why didn't he get minorities on his side when he would offer more gibs than Clinton?
Also, remember that he is a social democrat. Not a socialist.
I think he actually would have.
?? how much closer could it have gotten?
if obama had run again, he would have beaten trump.
hillary is hated by conservatives and liberals alike and that's the only reason trump won.
Any red voter was rooting for a Bernie nomination because his voter base was niche as fuck. His black voting base wasn't much larger than Trump's.
doubt it
He had a better chance for sure, could he actually beat him though? We'll never know.
No doubt. All of the "Anti-establishment" sentiment, none of Clinton's corruption.
I'm happy Trump won, but I will freely admit Bernie would have mopped the floor with him. We ought to thank Wasserman-Schultz.
Today at work I told all my disappointed coworkers.... "Well, the DNC should have not fixed it for Hillary! Next time Bernie!" Just to give them a bit of hope.
But that is a lie. It was always going to be Trump, one way or another.
No way
Berine vs. Trump would have helped Europe alot. It was the best case senario. People would know the truth about Sweden and europe. What is happening etc. Would have been two birds in one stone.
even though i don't like trump, his victory shows that the election is not rigged. for the first time i feel like anyone can become president
Hypotheticals is all these salty Bern Outs have left
Hillary lost Union workers. She just assumed they'd tow the party line. Trump got them by being against trade deals and stopping our factories from going overseas. Bernie at least had a populist message of protecting unions and stopping bad trade deals like TPP. Hillary literally sat there and said "vote for me unions! I'm for TPP and immigrants to take your job!"
I am not aware of this attempted correction. I've followed Bernie since 2002 when he ranted about our stupid response to 9/11 and his views have been entirely consistent for most of his career. He absolutely understands that all skin colors face crippling poverty. I believe the discussion at the time was focused on specific inner cities. Sanders has a habit of dropping words when he is in a quick back and forth discussion. It's part of the reason he hits those key phrases over and over in. slow. deliberate. pauses.
There is a whole hell of a lot more to being an SJW than being against the 2nd amendment. In fact, what does being for/against guns have to do with being a SJW period?
He perpetuated every BS myth out there, from meaningful widespread racism (outside of affirmative action) and the "wage gap". He also shit on white people. A lot. The only real racism left in this country is people perpetuating that myth.
Exactly. People also forget that he didn't have as much votes as Hillary did
who the fuck said anything about supporting him, it's just that he would have won
Why is it called a rust belt?
>hurr durr go back to neckbeard heaven
brilaniat brit doesn't even know Reddit has been taken over by r/The_Donald, kys
How do you think Trump won the independent vote you imbecile kek
Yes, but some redneck would have shot him very early.
closer would have literally been a tie
which... actually, isn't that unrealistic since they both appeal to the same angry antiestablishment base
No, he's a cuck selloff.
Real question is could Cruz have beaten Hillary?
fortunately, the lost decade came and fucked you over as hard as you fucked over the rust belt
holy shit they care that much over there? I feel kinda shity now.
Yep he would have easily.
Dems were obscenely arrogant and will hopefully learn their lesson from this experience.
The Rust Belt is a term for the region straddling the upper North-Eastern United States, the Great Lakes, and the Midwest States, referring to economic decline, population loss, and urban decay due to the shrinking of its once-powerful industrial sector. The term gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1980s.
>The Rust Belt is a term for the region straddling the upper North-Eastern United States, the Great Lakes, and the Midwest States, referring to economic decline, population loss, and urban decay due to the shrinking of its once-powerful industrial sector. The term gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1980s.
Because of the shitty economy from post-industrial jobs leaving. Everyone used to work in a steel mill there. Now it's full of rust.