>fails at professional poker
>gets book and fame from jewish nepotism
>completely fails at predicting everything from politics to baseball
Can we all just take a moment to gather this kike's (((best))) predictions?
>fails at professional poker
>gets book and fame from jewish nepotism
>completely fails at predicting everything from politics to baseball
Can we all just take a moment to gather this kike's (((best))) predictions?
Other urls found in this thread:
Some highlights from last night
Pizza party nate
Demoted to Nate Bismuth
nate sliver, you were...
*leans mic
>i swear he has no chance goys
favorite election night pic
Nate would actually be like a prophet if he just publicly claimed the opposite of what he predicts.
He got it wrong, but he was, to his credit, one of the few big names saying it wasn't going to be as clear-cut as the rest of the sycophants had imagined
Based Silver? not quite.. but I think he wants to be
The people behind him look almost as bad as Nate Cardboard himself
Nate Bronze
He saw the writing on the wall. So did everyone else, but everyone else thought that lying about it would somehow make a clinton victory happen.
Doesn't change the fact that he's been disastrously wrong for most of this election.
Member when he had Trump at less than 1% to win the nomination?
Nah, don't be hard on Nate, he's only as good as his data, and everyone was wrong.
Due to failures, I downgrade him to Nate Sodium.
t. Nate Feces
>Nate Silver plays Mario Party
Rest in piss Nate Elerium
I found out about this guy about 2 days ago.
Least professional journalist/ blogger or whatever he thinks he is that I have ever seen.
>he wasnt wrong
>he just gave completely wrong predictions about who was most likely to win each thing he tried to predict in the most important election ever
>hes a jewish establishment shill
>cut him some slack
Fuck you in the ass with a rusty poll
Nate RustyAluminum
Can we make a 2015-2016 collage of Nate showing how TRUMPed he got? Because he is outJUSTing Brendan Fraser
Damn, I wish I took a screenshot, but the night before the election, Aftonbladet (Swedens biggest newspaper) had a giant headline with something in the lines of "HILLARY CLINTON 99% CHANCE OF WINNING according to the guru Nate Silver"
Yes, they actually called him a fucking GURU HAHhahahaha.
Thats what this thread is for
Did Nate (((Pyrite)))'s hairline recede that bad during this election?
To be fair, his model was the most favourable towards Trump and he was getting a lot of shit for overestimating his chances.
He was wrong, but also the least wrong out of all statisticians who tried to predict it.
Keks digits be upon you friendly burger!!
Have you ever been praised by a bunch of jewish nepotism as the best ever and then had cold hard truth dick you down until you couldn't put a sentence together?
Even the Jews are probably going to disown him desu
He has nothing to offer them anymore, so they'll take him out
Does anyone have that picture of all the Nate Silver predictions about What Trump will not be able to do. It ends with him being galactic emperor.
>uneducated poltards will think Nate and other sites getting their prediction wrong now means science is all a bunch of baloney
Thanks Nate you fuccboi you've singlehandedly killed off all progress the field of statistics has made in the last 20 years.
I feel blessed with how much I am laughing at this jewish cuckold get BTFO
Holy shit no.
The one time he got it right, he was being sarcastic. Liberals are the most correct when they are insincere.
>progress in the field of statistics
You mean skewing and cherry picking facts into propaganda bullshit for political reasons?
You're a retarded cuckold
Stay in Canada and wait for us to gas you all
it was fucking obvious from quite a while ago, but a lot of them just went
>It cannot be what should not be
and thought denying reality would somehow make everything work out in their favor.
Silberstein was the only one smart enough to at least drop some hints that it might not actually be a Clinton victory so he only looks 99% like a moron instead of 100% afterwards
Well, well well.
Look who got adJUSTed
Honestly those look like Onion headlines. Maybe Nate was trying to be ironic lmao
My mom and I were laughing at this guy's hairline together, it was fun.
Nate did about as much actual statistics as Nye is a scientist.
>another illiterate uneducated burger showing his complete lack of knowledge
Skewing and cherry picking are all the faults of the scientist, not the science itself.
Enjoy the few days of happiness you'll have knowing that you've beaten ebul Hilary and the SJWs, meanwhile your markets and dollar are plummeting and all that means for me is I can shop in the US for cheaper. Guess I'll see you in the Wal-mart cash register soon :^)
We need to update this.
Nice try at smug damage control, leaf. But I can tell you're weeping on your keyboard.
Bump for interest.