who should be worried about Trump?
College educated whites males?
who should be worried about Trump?
College educated whites males?
Criminal illegal aliens.
Trade partners.
The wicked.
Please save us America.
Make Germany great again!
People with lots of money. Because they have to deal with him and he is a fucking insane negotiator. Imagine the amount of negotiation that went into getting his dick wet in that sexy ass wife let alone all the other women. The man will sell Alaska to China and somehow end up owning Australia.
>Imagine the amount of negotiation
But he said he just grabs them by the pussy...
Also why would he hurt the rich? He's rich.
The establishment and the media. Oh its a glorious day, they are all fucked. They put all their chips in against him and they lost. HAHAHA
what is this meme that implies sexual assault and rape is ok now that Trump is president? I see it all over twitter.
some dude on my feed said "nice to know i still can't get married but fuckboys can get away with sexual assault on college campuses."
I'm like dude...you can get married you know that right?
>Allowing the states to regulate marriage as they always have
>destroying it
Same for abortion. Any fucktard that tells you Trump is fighting against gay rights and abortion by simply keeping the issues away from federal mandate in an eclectic nation is a moron.
God damn I hate the left.
ICE her ass
She's got to go
Vote out Merkel
How the fuck can you get all those things if you are undocumented? How the fuck can she manage to get all those things but CANNOT get her documents? Shouldn't she get deported the very moment she tries to into the gorillion schools she got her gorillion of stuff when they realize she has no papers?
None of those people have anything to worry about. Maybe they won't have their every whim catered to a white people's expense but that's not exactly hurting them.
They're making shit up to be upset about because they all loving playing the victim to get free shit and attention and fill their own narrative.
it sounds like Obama only secured equal employment on the basis of sexuality/gender identity under "federal contractors", aka it doesn't mean shit to the vast majority of people employed privately anyway
I am black and I don't feel that worried.
I think is literally fear mongering by the mainstream media. Trump is a good goy
I would argue that manufacturing and other labor jobs that have left America did so more because of minimum wages, mandates, and regulations by government, and that forcing them to come back to America under these conditions is going to be worse for college educated whites than for uneducated minorities or uneducated whites. They'll have jobs, people who run shit will have to pay more.
So obviously manufacturing jobs are pretty good for everyone, but mandating their return to America under these regulatory and tax conditions may put a damper on the overall economy.
If anything white college educated are sacrificing for the good of the futures of uneducated minorities while also maintaining our own right to bear arms. Win win.
All provided by Obama executive orders.
>who should be worried about Trump?
Vulnerable, weak countries who are prime targets for Russia's bullying.
I'm so proud of you Americans for finally choosing what's best for YOUR country, but I'm honestly kinda anxious about my safety & future.
How are you so sure you're gonna get lynched or sent back to africa?
in worse case reenslaved and forced to build wall (at least you'll get paid by mexico i guess)
Trump isn't saying he's pulling out of NATO. He's just saying you guys will have to pay your fair share or else he'll leave.
Illegal Immigrants
Estonia does pay its fair share percentage-wise, regardless of how truthfully small the amount is. Regardless, I'm still really worried. We'll see though, it's still too early for panic.
I am not racist or anything but black are cancer and need to leave the usa or they fuck everything up with always voting democrat
I'm sorry Eesti ;_;
I hope Russia's bullying is contained
>who should be worried about Trump?
People who don't want to assimilate to American values and culture
Yeah, it was negotiated unfairly to the US though. That's what he was saying. You're might pay more, or not, but the NATO agreement is probably going to be revisited.
Is there a list by sex?
What kind of white guy votes for Clinton?
the establishment
numales and faggots and cucks
>mfw I went to MIT BBS to drown in chink student tears
>mfw it's a virtual celebration party... for Trump
What is this wizardry
Shouldn't you worry about yourselves?
p.s. even trump won't kick blacks out because whites were the ones that brought them here
>I hope Russia's bullying is contained
Everyone is gonna get bullied now.
>Shouldn't you worry about yourselves?
netherlands is 85% white we dont have to worry that some groups steal the vote
I see. I hope we can all find common ground like again.
That's an awful split for women. First women president and she barely pulled more than half.
That's unelectability.
For the most corrupt candidate its still shamefull