You can only Post ITT if you have been Pro Trump since Day 1
You can only Post ITT if you have been Pro Trump since Day 1
Fucking beautiful.
A silent supporter through it all.
I was strongly against Hillary since day 1, does that count?
I am your average mexican, still liked trump, still like it
Lets see where the world goes now.
I have. I told people trump would win and they all called me retarded.
Jokes on them. Maga.
Did you support any other candidate before trump?
Did you post on Sup Forums since start and shitpost against trump?
then no
We did prevail
You're god damn right I have.
I was with him since August 2015
I was since day one, but I admit I had doubts at the ends. Thanks Kek for testing our faith.
Proud !
reporting in.
I loved him from his first announcement
Should we help in the next election in france?
Praise kek
I can't believe we actually fucking did it.
He actually fucking did it.
Things seemed so hopeless the last few years, but this is the turning point.
non nobis
I was pro Trump back in 2012, feels good, mens
really wishing I pulled the trigger and placed a bet on him Tbh
this was the year to make bets, but I've never been a betting man
I'm starting to regret that
been with him since he accused obama of being foreign and hinted at a run for his own presidency. last night was the greatest night of my life.
Right here
Here, watched every rally, stayed up till 3am watching President Trump while preparing my exam to pass the bar. Now I am judge assistant and work in the court, in 3 years to be judge. MAGA!
One of my first Trump memes
Californian here.
Republican area, so fuck off faggots we're on the front lines over here give us a break
Day 1 Trump
Reporting from NY.
Fuck this place.
Illinois reporting in
Since the fucking start. What a wild ride. Glad hard work and large crowds DO pay off.
against pc culture and feminism from the get go.
affirmative action didnt make my life better
globalism was fucked and none of my friends wanted to talk about the fed
then those shit eating faces when they expect me to vote for hillary after I had already been redpilled
then they threatened friendships if i didnt vote for their preference and tried to make sure I voted in their favor.
seriously, first off. fuck women. second fuck pussy whipped little bitches who agree with that anarchy bullshit theyve been spouting.
third, make america great again is a great slogan and it's funny how the peole against amaerica being great are trying to find some other nanny state to mooch off of.
fuck the liberals and I live in austin, where they had a dildo rally against open carry, and a near riot over a satirical bakesale last two weeks,
I still remember when my friend came over and told me Trump called Mexicans rapist, my response was "and?"
Got into an argument with my boss and several coworkers early about my support for Trump when he first announced running. Feels fucking great man!
I was late to the game. I'm truly sorry, Sup Forums. But, in the end, I voted to Make America Great Again
SoCal here.
Been having to bite my tongue for a year now. Can't tell you how smug and giddy I am right now.
Only a couple co-workers said congrats for calling it.
Pretty much the same. Wish most of my colleagues weren't cucks though. Had a class full of Bernie and Hillary supporters
Holy trips
Since Day 1, I saw the light of god when I first saw him
i saw that meme a lot earlier in the campaign
are you honest?
props man
Silent supporter.
Knew he'd kill it the whole time.
reporting in
pro god emperor from day one.
it was a pleasure fighting on the side of good with all you deplorable bastards. i'm still looking into an international exchange program, i'm willing to trade my citizenship with one of your liberal scum like fat lene doneham or cher , i want to further help MAGA .
epic win lastnight 'god bless america' and 'americanism not globalism' won over 'what difference does it make' and 'spirit cooking'
From the first moment I saw his announcement to run.
Everyone laughed.
They said it couldn't happen.
But then he said 'Build a wall', and I knew the dawn would bring brighter days.
I liked him, but I didnt think he could win back then
Its been an insane ride
Been for trump from the start. Lost a girlfriend of almost two years over it, but gained so much more out of it. I was not going to back down, not then, and not now. We did good guys, but this is only the beginning.
I wasn't really around for the early times. But he was my first choice and ever after.
I still have a folder full of memes
Checking in. Trump supporter since his announcement. In it for the memes at first, then he started making sense, and now my libtard roommates are blown the fuck out and on suicide watch.
Feels good to be right, for the first time in a long time. We're going to start winning again!
Reporting and ready for duty.
We are the GOP now
I have been waiting for this since 2012.
We grew stronger by out deferral of gratification. We were patient and diligent. Hillary supporters couldn't even face reality with their media, they grew weak. We have been having an ongoing discussion for many years on the other hand.
And who won?
>Reporting from NY.
>Fuck this place.
Northern New York isn't so bad.
It's your shitty port city, New York New York and the surrounding shitholes of Queens, Kings, Manhatten, et cetera.
But notice this:
New York is an Immigration cesspool. It goes blue every year since conception. Coincidence? I think not.
Yep. Been all over the shitholes of the internet, trying to redpill normies. Maybe I convinced a few people, maybe I influenced a few people. Love of your nation transcends borders, funnily enough.
I really like this image.
Silent supporter here as well. All that matters is your vote brothers and only you know that. Thanks for making this past year an amazing one. Here is to four more!!!
As soon as I heard he was running and said Mexico is sending in rapists and murders I knew he was going to win.
I've been riding the Trump train from the start. For halloween I was captain Trump, the superhero we need but don't deserve. Wore a Trump flag as a cape, the hat/shirt/pins everywhere ect.
Reporting in
Im very proud of myself about supporting since day 1.
Silent majority reporting.
Summer of 2015, ahh, it's the Greece referendum dominated the news back then. Like it was a big deal as of the today's perspective, after Brexit and Trump.
Does anyone have a screencap of that post really early on in the election talking about Trump's inaguration day?
It was fucking gold.
Please share if you have it saved
I'm from Rochester and I think they were rigging the voting here, which is why she won here.
The machines kept rejecting votes then the staff would say turn it over, then the machine would take the vote, when that side was blank.
Cali reporting in, glad we won, the butthurt here is beyond comprehension. I wish you anons could see it.
From day one I said I support him and he will win openly.
It was a tough ride especially when I talked with my far left SJW family who were typically dismissive, but here we are.
They were so sure of Hillary winning and have been caught off guard so much they're now paying a lot of attention to what I'm saying. It's like they've suddenly realised everything they've assumed was a lie and they want to get in touch with reality finally. Like someone lost asking for directions begrudgingly.
Some people I know who were very anti trump are trying to suddenly reimagine the past and say they supported him and blah blah blah. If you know anyone like this do not trust them
Go out with a camera and interview these butthurt babbies, what's stopping you?
Feels good
Proudly reporting in
Aha! I, an anti trump voter, have infiltrated your sanctum!
my #2 only after the great one
>when u dont rig enough votes
Supporter since the day he first got involved back with the Obama birther movement.
Christmas has come early!
I was at Trump's first rally in SC. We caught eyes and I gave him a thumbs up and he returned it.
Texas reporting in.
I can't begin to articulate how happy I am.
I said, "This man is going to cause chaos, he's the wildcard". And he kept stumping, and stumping, and STUMPING
reeeee :^)
Was his keep-shitskins-in-their-country speech on day 1?