Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums.
We're cool with your choice to investigate and use our tools.
But please. Stop messing with the faith of countries. Meme Magic is not a Fucking Toy.
You made Trump win the election. That's cool for you.
But can you all just sit the fuck down for a moment and look at what you've done?
Let's wait 'til people stop rioting before starting to cast spell on another Extreme Right figure.
That would be greatly appreciated.

-With our best regards,

Go to hell, /x/. We NEED this. The world NEEDS this.

Besides, it's not like we created kek. We just revived him. You want balance? Revive a different ancient godform.

X can't revive shit it's all shitposts about ghost stories there.

>Let's wait 'til people stop rioting
How about no.

fuck off leaf

Yep. and instead of helping creating a stable and enjoyable environment, you invaded Sup Forums and left the fucktard make shit out of /x/.

Shame on you, Meme-Wizards of Sup Forums.

I'm going to get my own Xchan. With blackjacks, and hookers...

If there's one thing I've learned from Sup Forums, never underestimate the power of concentrated autism. And /x/ roleplay threads are chock full of it.

lol, Is Sup Forums the real Anti-christ?

/x/ is the shittiest shitpile of shit on Sup Forums. If i were you i would NEVER reveal i'm from /x/. Ever.

Well. at least we never screwed anyone's life.
That's something nobody her can say.

I don't think you understand the message. /x/ is only asking that you stop stiring the pot for just a moment - a mere moment - before starting again.

Making chaos soup requires time to digest, but if you keep stirring, you end up with the same thing you're headed for - a pile of shit. If you let it cook, you get a delicious Trump soup.

Sup Forums, let /x/ be heard.

tl;dr /x/ supports you, they just don't want you to push so hard on memes that the very thing you seek to protect ends up being destroyed in the process.

fuck off /x/ shitter. /x/ has tried for years alltogether to summon a fucking succubus to get your dick sucked meanwhile Sup Forums succeeds to change the course of history with concentrated shitposting.

You aren't shit.

I guess it needs a Sup Forums to explain to Sup Forumss.

Thanks bro. We don't really support anything. We just observe. We're not here to interfere with the universe. Y'all decided to do so.

And we got nothing to say on that. But just don't try jump on LePen and stuff too fast.

If you move too fast, you won't be able to stop it when we'll need it.

And it's in nobody's interest to end up as the Land of Ooo.

Speak for yourself.

/x/ here as well

Fuck off and go jerk it to another succubus thread you godamn hippy.

I'm convinced it's the same group of neckbeards posting about succubi and landwhales asking about their true love in /div/ threads

The rest of us are into shadow people/ghosts/demons, dimension slipping, and learning about monarch programming and other fun past times of the establishment. We don't fuck with reality too much.

Just here to observe and marvel at what ya'll did yesterday.

I bet you meant disorder, which isn't like chaos.
But y'all would more comfortable with the discordianist point of view.

In fact, you don't know shits. That why y'all need us.

What should the next target be? Will we even have the sheer unison of will and number of autists to meme anything else into being again?

>/x/ still jealous af

>But can you all just sit the fuck down for a moment and look at what you've done?
Yes, it is efficient, glad we stumbled onto it. What should we meme next? Repeal of the 14th? 19th? the 4th Reich? de Lesquen in France?

Fuck off you damn internet succubuses

>Implying Sup Forums is one person.


Some men just want to watch the ether burn

you are the reason /x/ sucks
if you aren't pushing what you can do to the max you are a pussy
Fuck Balance, bend the universe to your will

cool cool.
But Y'all fucktards have been warned.
Good Luck.

Fuck off leaf.

No more Hill bills for you!

watch where you're waving that wand, brit. you could accidentally uncuck another nation!

6 weeks ago there was a thread about how nobody on /x/ DOES anything, and made the point the Sup Forums was actuating meme'ing shit into existence.

If OP is ready to step out of the basement and get shit done, this really is the place. /x/ is good if jerking off to vampire fan fic if that's your kind of thing.

Bending the world to your will is the most redpilled thing you can do. Sorry, can't cool it.

We're going to bring back national socialism so you can get a state funded job working on magic bullshit faggot.

stop sucking dicks and let us do our thing

I'm just bored, it adds a bit of spice to life.

>I'm not a huge fan of summoning primordial gods to meme hitler reincarnate into office to make anime real but I dabble

fuck you /x/ we are the true magicians not you.

/x is even more role playing reddit fags than /pol

yet I agree with the request to stop the pepe shit.
not because it works, but because its gay and childish.


If you don't worship the frog, you get left in the bog!

bring back nazi sorcerors

Blackjack and hooked eh?
Link plz.

Fuck off. /x/ has no board culture. No memes. You don't even know how to use the own "tools".

This guy gets it. Everyone needs a healthy weekend hobby.

Memes are like gold they're inert to being corrupted by other elements. Memes stay!

Oh please yes


Ayyy my boy

Yeah. We should learn for, the mistakes of the liberals. They abused "racist", "misogynist" and other "-it's" or "-phobic" so much we've grown insensitive to it. Had they kept quiet with it we might not have gotten Trump. The same way if we constantly use memes people become immune to them.

We should now return to chaos and disorganization, let the magic rest. Obviously we should continue meme apprenticeship but let it be without focus.

tldr- don't overuse memes or no one cares about me anymore, take pleasure in victory

It's France user, the powers that be have chosen France.

[spoiler]I know it's hard for us Brits but we must help France as much as we dislike it, I guess this is the Christian thing to do.[/spoiler]

You're gay and childish.

Cute larping.

Problem is that /x/ is just a meme. It's shitty ghost stories and fags pretending they can tarot.

We're not Roleplaying, We literally have resurrected an ancient God and WE EGYPT NOW.

If this post ends in doubles; you will die of anal blockage.

If this post ends in 3# that = the same #, you will die of pain.

/x/ knows jack fucking shit. not even kidding, they're weak as fuck. they're impotent. they're castrated. they've never done anything. they can't even get imaginary friends.

/x/'s idea of magick is as outdated as hillaries idea of what a ground game looks like.

they're useless and delusional, mostly just weak people with shit lives.

Sup Forums just memed a leader of the free fucking world and /x/ should never fucking talk to us again without grovelling

/x/ is not affiliated with meme magic.
meme magic is Sup Forums-madeā„¢

go back to your tulpas and devil worship

Hey now, Sup Forums

/x/ is a pretty comfy board. You've got your creepypasta, your occult AMAs... At the very least a mid-tier board.

Don't be dissin' /x/, Sup Forums. There are FAR worse boards on here. Like Sup Forums... You know they sided with HER, right? I wonder why we never raid them.

>Memes did it

Fuckin leaf man.


Ho god, look at all those egos.

I can't wait for your next move, Sup Forums

You know what, go ahead, It might worth the laugh in the end..

You do understand that we indirectly saved millions, possibly billions of lives from a seemingly inevitable civil war/world war in this particular instance, right? Had Kek not intervened the possibilities were limited to either a global conflict with Russia that had the potential to go nuclear, a massive proxy war on the North American continent, or the slow death of Western Civilization and the complete extinction of the white race through total assimilation with every other race.

Meme magic basically just saved everybody for the time being, I know that abuse of it is extremely unwise, but Sup Forums truly did absolutely nothing wrong here with Kek's awakening and Trump's ascendancy.

Whatever "JiM"

He's one big potter bastard he is.

And I thought Straya was the pinnacle of shitposting.

You did saved us from a world war.

But y'all fuck still look like y'all want to shoot each other.
Don't scream victory so fast.





what is this? fucking 9gag plebbit? GTFO

For you

You know, that with people like that charging your stuff that you end up with an unstable cook.

>pol is better at using magic than x


>y'all fuck still look like y'all

I think you are confused, leaf. You say 'eh' and 'sorry'. Not drop doubley'alls.

We should send Ted Cruz back to Canada to make them great again.