Have you no heart, Sup Forums? What's going to happen to my favorite e-celeb now?

Have you no heart, Sup Forums? What's going to happen to my favorite e-celeb now?

>that prevents health insurance companies from dropping people on a whim

Other than, y'know, that's a shitty business practice

Didn't he died of AIDS or something?

>literal millionaire cries about not being able to afford ass cancer treatment

What's the matter cuck? Suddenly realised your wife's son won't look after you when you are infirm or old aged?

Fat British cuckold telling me what American values are.

Fuck off fatty.

What I like most is his short-sighted train of thought; "let's chastise half of my followers that got me rich and famous in the first place because I had to move to the fucking U.S. of all places and in addition to that expected a stable healthcare system."

At least he's complaining (wrongly) about healthcare, rather than social justice bullshit.

sorry mate, we don't like him either.

We love you Yanks

I always used to think TB was based considering the fact that he has always had his own mind and has never followed the herd, but he surprised me on this.

I did not think it was in TB's nature to talk that much about something he is completely ignorant about.

Might it be that his disease and fear of death is what's making him talk that way?

Either way, I'm disappointed.

My sister lost her right to insurance because of Obamacare, so whenever someone tries to give me the big, "But Obamacare helped me!" card, I wipe with it immediately. They are unable to comprehend that people were screwed by this, and that the world does not in fact revolve around them.

Plus this guy is rich as hell, he can shove it.

Health care is not a right. You are not entitled to the fruits of another person's labor.

He has cancer in his colon which could spread to become bowel cancer, his grandparents both had it.

TB is only really good when tearing a new asshole in publishers and defending consumers, everything else he's mediocre or insufferable, especially how he plays games.

I feel oddly okay with being hated by the people who thought Hillary Clinton was a good person.

who cares? this guy has been on his death bed for a long time.

You just aren't strong enough to survive, and your only reason to survive is fucking VIDEO GAMES. Face it beta, death awaits you. Accept it and move on gracefully.

We all get there someday anyway.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. As shitty and selfish as this sounds, if you can't get enough money to live, you don't fucking deserve it.

hes getting divorced cuz his wife supports trump

>it's shitty business to take someone's money and then drop them or refuse to cover them once they expect a return on that money, even though the law enables you to do this and you have no real incentive NOT to
I mean, I'm not on biscuit's side, but you're full of shit too.

Fucking limey piece of shit

And yet I and many millions of middle class people are now uninsured because of Obamacare.

Eat a dick, fatty. You shouldn't have to develop ass cancer after spending years wishing cancer upon others before you can be eligible for affordable medical care.

Didn't this fatfuck make a 70 minute video where he does nothing but rant about an FOV slider?

He is off the fucking rocker, good God. I wonder if he divorces his wife over her voting for Al Eppoh lol. She said they 'aren't on good terms right now'.

This man-child is literally going to die of ass cancer. Just laugh at him desu

something something fedora, something something bismuth

seriously though, jackasses like you are the reason so many people have no time for conservatism

Well, at least he'll be dead soon.

this, the uninsured penalty is especially fucking retarded, I know a few people that got some nasty taxes because they didn't go out and buy private insurance

I don't know, probably find someone new to watch seeing as he's gonna die or something.

Isn't he british? Fuck this dumb cuck.

TotalAssCancer is absolutely BTFO.

Is anybody else glad he's dying? He literally plays children's games for a living. What a degrading existence. God giving him ass cancer was mercy.

What went wrong with some of these "men?"

>move to US
>die of cancer

it's like pottery

God damn. I used to think TB was based. Fuck him.

>Racism is bad
>Proceeds to attack Trump for his skin color
every fucking time

So did he just not hear the replace part after the repeal part? Not being able to drop people based on illnesses is probably the one piece of obama care that will make it into the new system.

Why doesn't he just move back to the UK?

He is a bit excessive about FOV sliders, but I get where he's coming from. I can't play games with shitty FOV at all.

Is this real? I read about it on Sup Forums but damn. Liberals are such pansies.

>those PJSalts


We don't want him.

Tens of thousands died due to lack of medical care while insured on obama care.

A government large enough to give you everything is a government large enough to take everything you have.

This stupid fucking idiot calls people that do not support obamacare selfish, while soaking up millions of dollars of tax money from obamacare yet that's not selfish? FaggotBiscuit has enough money from his pathetic e-career to pay for his own health insurance.

probably more chemo

Same here. Besides with the truckloads of money he brings in from youtube he should pay for his own health costs.

Hasn't his wife lost a lot of weight recently? Probably will be cucked again soon.

He can go back to his island and die in peace.
He won't though, because he'd have to pay more taxes.


All that hateful stress isn't good for his health :^)

>his complete lack of self-control

All planned, he even chooses his clothing depending how he's going to act.

i have had cancer and ive been dropped plenty of time because of it. but ive always found other insurers within days and never more than $58 a month.

>every man is entitled to life
hmmmmmm, not so sure in your case here, buddy.

Lol entitled to the life, meaning no one can take yours. Not that everyone is required to ensure you say alive. My god these entitled twats.

>repeal obongocare
>introduce legislation that allows kids to be on their parents' health insurance until the age of 26
>introduce legislation that forbids health insurance companies from turning down people for preexisting conditions
>introduce legislation that forbids health insurance companies from dropping insured people without good reason
>introduce legislation that forbids health insurance companies from discriminating against and overcharging people they think they'll lose money on
>watch as health insurance companies bawl their eyes out that they're making 5% less profit as a result :-(

>vote Hillary
>get cucked

He is, but only when it comes to the games industry.

>every man is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Well like you had life, it's not the motto's fault you got cancer mate

It's worse than that. She voted for a 3rd party and he lambasted her. Niggas like him are the worst people in the country when it comes to politics.

holy shit she lost weight

No it isn't. Sick people are a cost. Ditching sick people with expensive conditions at any legal opportunity is a good business decision.
People in his position would run into both the lifetime caps for insurance payouts, but also be denied coverage by other providers, since he has terminal cancer.

Also: why doesn't he just go home to the welcoming arms of the NHS?



I always thought it was the actual ass cancer that had mellowed TB out but it turns out it was just fear.

Anybody got any sources on Trumps plans on healthcare?

he's not wrong. If Trump leaves people at the mercy of their insurance companies he's going entirely against his own message.

Change the system, sure. But keep a few of its good ideas. If he's truly for the American people he will do this.

This person is the definition of an intellectual.

You missed one crucial tweet there though.

I just literally ignore everything else they say about things that are not video games.

For example, I like Jim Sterling and Total. Watch them now and still will watch them after as I find their news on games to be generally on point, sometimes off with bias but still good. But bringing them into politics of any sort? No fucking thank you, I'll skip those videos and just watch the ones related to games.

He has no idea what he's going to replace it with. Nobody does. What a whinny faggot.

isn't he an immigrant...

I see nothing liberating in the government holding a gun to my head forcing me to pay for insurance. Healthcare is not a "right" and even if it was, it would just be free. I, among others that are healthy, don't want to have to pay an ever increasing premium for the future densely obese population.

>mfw his wife voted for Trump

Even dunkey is salty about the elections

All lot of the GaymerGate e-celebrities exposed themselves as self-interested leftists cucks this election. Jim was right.

As long as we get this message to him, its good. All Obamacare needs to change is the increasing cost of not having insurance and possible JAIL.

The protections against dropping insurance polices was good and Trump should realize that. That's just the other side of the coin for the Insurer, you can't be sure that every case will always give you a profit. It's a gamble.

>Tells people to get out, vote, and stop being assholes to eachother
>Gets buttblasted when Hilldog doesn't win and goes on a political sjw style rant
>Throws his own wife under the bus for voting 3rd party

What a totalfailure.

She voted Johnson.

>ass cancer

maybe he should stop being such a faggot then

How the fuck can one person be so full of themselves that he thinks that, as a video game journalist, he has the right to stick his grubby little uninformed mouth into the world of politics, and then act from a position of authority for no fucking reason at all?

The intellectual is the bane of society. People like this are what ruin and destroy the west. Reminds me of all the college educated saps who called the Soviet Union "the way of the future," with no bases other than the fabricated assumption that their higher education or position of authority made their arguments truthful.

I watched TV since Blueplz (2007). I agree with him, but why doesn't he just move the fuck back to the UK? He can get "free at the point of use" NHS coverage instead of being nickeled and dimed on his deathbed.

Also, he lives in North Carolina.... Why?

He can get free healthcare for the price of a plane ticket.

Also, I stopped watching him when he did CATA coverage, because WoW turned to complete shit and his videos are repetitive and smug.

>My sister lost her right to insurance because of Obamacare
I'm going to ask you to explain exactly how that happened.

No it's not.

It makes perfect sense as a business. Which is really why citizens in a lot of the world don't like the idea that their health is at the mercy of some corporations.

Really Obama-care is some weak shit bastardized in-between system. It's better that it die now.

In the future, if it is what the American people want someone like Sanders can get in and put together actual socialized medicine. After this lesson the DNC might not go full retard and shut down such a candidate at the whims of some greedy old hag.

I believe he has every right to say this
He voted in accordance to his interests, I see nothing wrong with this
And now he's afraid of dying, again understandable, maybe not honorable but understandable

If he lives for such a long time in the US and fled little britain like a rat from the sinking ship, why wouldn't he get an american citezenship?


I think Americans do deserve a "right to life". It's DAMN hard to actually see this through, but we can fucking do it.

Also it's not really obesity that's causing the expenditure I don't think. IIRC its end of life care and chronic disease in general. The former is tricky shit; we do have a "fight to the last" mentality in American healthcare that doesn't make sense and costs a fuckton.

Chronic illness, as someone in the trenches can report, is only going to get worse. Instead of bombing sand we need to wage a true war against these ailments that hold our fellow Americans' potential hostage. This may require some out of the box thinking, as mere prescriptions aren't cutting it.

I'm hoping Trump takes these shackles on us seriously and moves to eviscerate them.


he mad but at least he has a good fucking reason rather than muh racism

So she's TotalBiscuit's wife?
If so, he's being such a little bitch about it, who is such a cunt to their own wife just for voting as they want to?

these issues are tough business-wise, yes, but I'll always place American life over business success of the health insurance industry. This may result in some economic losses, but the gains from a healthier country would far outweigh them.

I think at this point, instead of lashing out, he should be making plans for his eventual demise. He hopes for 2 years with treatments, but cancer isn't something to take lightly, even if it's in remission right now.

He will also look like a complete fool if it turns out that only parts of Obamacare are gutted while keeping the provisions that protect consumers from Insurance dropping, which is something I can see Trump doing.

>It makes perfect sense as a business. Which is really why citizens in a lot of the world don't like the idea that their health is at the mercy of some corporations.

Something stinks here.

All it would take is literally one (1) health insurance company to start advertising on a platform of never dropping a client with health problems and they could take half the fucking market share.

>Getting mad at obamacare getting repealed

I sure do love getting fined for not having an "affordable' health care plan that nobody accepts that's going to have a crazy premium increase by the next year

Indeed. The rest of America will flourish from a healthier population. But another part of that is to stop with this patch work we currently have. We need to get our obesity problem under control and I don't know how the hell to even start on that aside from stopping these PC idiots from going 'beautiful at every size'.

he can literally go back to the UK any time he wants and get all the cancer treatment he needs on the NHS

fucking retard

people want a "100% guarantee" (read: law) when it comes to matters like these. The idea of being dropped because you get sick is too frightening.

Probably same as me. Don't make enough to afford it but can't afford the fine for not having it either. No choice but to get fucked and get nothing out of it

>Reminds me of all the college educated saps who called the Soviet Union "the way of the future,"

This right here is the reason you can wipe your ass with the "educated people" know better arguments.

>All it would take is literally one (1) health insurance company to start advertising on a platform of never dropping a client with health problems and they could take half the fucking market share.

I was just thinking the same thing. The company would just have to agree to a legally binding contract with their cilents for the clients to feel absolutely safe.

I wish he'd just die already so I can stop seeing his face on twitch, it's disgusting.

so one insurance company draws in all the terminally ill by agreeing to pay for all their expensive medical costs? do you know how insurance works? they're making money on average because most people don't incur more than pocket change in costs and the income they get from those people goes to pay for the few who have larger costs. If one company's big platform is to cover the terminally ill when others aren't, they'd need to charge more which would drive away perfectly healthy individuals who could find more appropriate coverage for cheaper