Go to pool

>go to pool.
>Sees this
wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:


get in, run my routine, dry off, go home. maybe talk to her in the locker room if we're in there at the same time.

>Be still my throbbing cock


Cover her in spiders and shoot her.

wonder why the fuck her hair is like that if shes swimming

cover myself in spiders and shoot myself


wonder where a pool near me is located and how I got there.



turn 540 degrees and walk away




it depends in the context, how many people are there with us?



Who else is there today?


The fact that the branding iron is backwards infuriates me


The fact that Asami isn't a villain infuriates me

Punch in the boob.


Tell her to use a ladder.
She might slip and break her nose or something


When the fuck did Javis of Legacy Control draw all this shit?

I think he's on Christmas Vacation.

what the shit am i reading?


yeah i got that once i used img search and now ima forget it with some beer.


I'm confused. Did this guy have Javis draw comics for him?

He asked him nicely