It begins Goyim
It begins Goyim
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Greater Israel.
Greater Persia.
Restore Byzantium.
All is right with the world.
That is a bit soon....
i dont like jews but if they help us retake Constantinople ill learn to live with them.
There is literally nothing wrong with supporting Israel.
Bibi is okay
Bibi and non-zionist jews from Israel are based as fuck.
But fuck the orthodox jews, they are like literal monkeys but they throw rocks at outsiders, instead of shit.
What's the problem here?
Trump has always been the JIDF's candidate since the start. We helped you defeat CTR. You can't have it both ways.
Fuck the Arabs and fuck the Saudis. They played their hand and lost. Now they get buttfucked.
this is good news
>Actual Jew
What are you?
what this guy said. shut the fuck up complaining about jews that arent of the globalist flavor.
Nuke it all, drop napalm on any survivors, death camps in europe and the US. All is right in the world
Israel is a nationalist, militaristic, rellatively entrepreneurial, racially and culturaly homogenous people. They are also drawing those that identify as jews into their borders by pulling jews from other nations and the saudis fucking hate them.
You would think Sup Forums would quite like israel.
Someone who appreciates you.
Fuck off and take the compliment.
Supporting the Jews that we keep there to defend the holy land from dirty fucking Muslims? Yeah let's talk.
Trump is the biggest kikelover of them all
he's only making the obligatory rounds, you have to remember that AIPAC owns this country
nobody makes it in US government without sucking jew dick
The false Jew is our enemy such as Soros. True Israelites are welcomed and embraced.
i would be happy if all the Jews of the world would stay in Israel and stop fucking up other country
> Zionist are actually the not a thread to white people, jews living in the west spreading anti white propaganda are
Non-Zionist for a Jew is like being non-Meca for a muslim,
Non-Zionism is a disease that's tearing Israel apart.
My fucking sides. It took less than a day for him to swear fealty to the Jew.
>muh political outsider
"Im gonna build a gas chamber and make israel pay for it"
Zionist cucksuckers pushed America in WW1 the Iraq war and have aided Al Qaeda and have received 1/4 trillion from American tax payers
We Did it!
This. Netanyahu is an hard line Israeli nationalist but not a Zionist.
I get the feeling you don't understand what Zionist means, seeing as Zion is literally in the fucking country he's the president of.
Calm down retards he's going to literally jew the jews just wait.
I don't think Goyim understand what "Zion" means
there are two types of jews
Social Jewish Warrios
and Conservative jews who are in europe and the US to keep muslims out
we have to support one of them.
Oy vey Israel dindu nuffin ignore all those war crimes what they have committed
Shalom, Goldstein!
The Goyim are retarded
We shouldn't be supporting anyone the middle east
WE ALL KNEW that Trump was even MORE behind Israel than Hillary.
If any of you are mad about this, go ahead and kill yourselves.
dude nathan yahoo is literally the pope of the zionists
Rank Country Population
1 Israel 6,103,200
2 United States 5,700,000
3 France 475,000
4 Canada 385,300
Good to see Trump keeping his promises.
Zionist literally means "Israeli Nationalist".
Nothing wrong with Israelis loving their country.
Spainbro, while you're at it...
What's the consensus on Trump in Spain?
I'm dating a girl from Murcia who is, along with all her friends and family pissed, about him being elected.
>Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America's entire foreign aid budget.
Hooray! The move to relocate the jewish diaspora to Isreal begins! In exchange, we shall support the Yiddon Plan and Greater Israel.
Better dreidel-niggers than sand-niggers.
There's literally nothing wrong with Israel, especially Benny
Our enemies are the leftist Jews, who are also despised in Israel
We can be friends with Russia Israel Hungary and Filipines now it's a good thing
Except they leach of the Goyim tax payers and soldiers to keep it fuck off JIDF
Feels bad, but this is still better than the alternative Shillary Cunton and her "special relationship" with the Saudis.
Don't forget they were giving african 'reguees' long acting birth control.
Let the mental gymnastics begin! People already apologizing for Trump being just another shabot goy.
Based Bibi
Sure smells like nu-Sup Forums r*ddit here
You don't belong here, 90% of all Jews are absolute scum
>Jay Akbar
They can't if we don't let them, though.
I mean, when Trump tells AIPAC they can't lobby US congressmen anymore, what are they honestly gonna do? They have no power here.
>JERUSALEM — The United States has finalized a $38 billion package of military aid for Israel over the next 10 years, the largest of its kind ever, and the two allies plan to sign the agreement on Wednesday, American and Israeli officials said.
This, our greatest ally
this orthodox are based
Read the Art of the Deal. Remember when Trump was going to go to Israel during the primaries but cancelled? He waited until after he was elected to talk to the guy. He waited until he had leverage before making a deal, in other words. This can only be good for America.
you just want muslim supremacy huh.
saudi arabia good! israel bad!
Nobody can read that
Zionism is literally (yes literally) Jewish nationalism. Anybody that say Bibi isn't Zionist is retarded.
Isn't there a big difference between Israel and the Jews who use media to manipulate us here??
Hey sherif can you explain to us the problem of you know (((jews problem))) it's hard to me to separate jews from (((jews))).
lurk more
It's time to end the Palestine meme once and for all.
>implying Saudis and Israelis haven't been BFFs since Faisal was assassinated.
Implying the Saudis, Israelis and Hillary don't play for the same team. Maybe Trump will to buy it's still up in the air which is why I think Netanyahu is still courting him.
We knew this was happening. Trump is an imperfect savior. But he's what we got.
>drumpfkins believe trump won by his own will and not by (((theirs)))
Israel =/= zionists
How do you think Israel was made in the first place?
wtf I hate trump now
Keep your friends close...
not sure if newfags or JIDF
i guess they had to come back eventually, after ctr got btfo
Back to basics eh Sup Forums?
fuck off JIDF
>Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut IPA: [t͡sijo̞ˈnut] after Zion) is a nationalist political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land).
g-d damn it Sup Forums...
kill sand niggers = problem fixed, new problem = orthodox jews
Israel is the child of \Zionism. Its what the Zionists were always fighting for. Its why the leader of the Zionists offered to relieve the ottomans of most of their debt in exchange for a Jewish nation in the holy land.
you're the cocksucker.
nothing wrong with supporiting israel. IT's good to support the zionist state
They should just take over the rest of Saudi Arabia while they're at it.
Nobody would miss them.
This was predicted in 2012
the enemy will say what shall we do now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. We have been robbing America for decades, what shall we do to stop this?
The Spirit says HA! No one shall stop this that l have started! For the enemy has stolen from America for decades and it stops now!
For I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen and return it 7 fold back to the United States.
The enemy will say Israel, Israel, what about Israel? For Israel will be protected by America once again.
The spirit says yes! America will once again stand hand and hand with Israel, and the two shall be as one.
For the ties between Israel and America will be stronger than ever, and Israel will flourish like never before.
The Spirit of God says, I will protect America and Israel, for this next president will be a man of his word, when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in him than all the others before him.
This man’s word is his bond and the world and America will know this and the enemy will fear this, for this man will be fearless.
The Spirit says, when the financial harvest begins so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.
The Spirit of God says, in this next election they will spend billions to keep this president in; it will be like flushing their money down the toilet.
Let them waste their money, for it comes from and it is being used by evil forces at work, but they will not succeed, for this next election will be a clean sweep for the man I have chosen.
They will say things about this man (the enemy), but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall my feathers protect this next president.
Israeli Jews are fine.
Globalist Jews like Soros and Rothschild (even though he created Israel) are shit.
You don't seem to understand. He's inviting him to bend the Jewish knee. If Israel had power over Trump, he'd be the one visiting first, like good goy dubya.
Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities that I have gifted him with, and they will even begin to agree with him says the Spirit of God.
kek i remember Germany getting mad as fuck when he claimed that.
>"No it was us!"
>"Don't try to jew us out of our shame"
dude i swear that is not us....
i think this guy is actually that dumb
He's not le JIDF bogyman only retarded.
Only 20% of jews voted for trump though
Fuck you, Kikeberg
>implying JIDF aren't openly Zionist
That's why they're JIDF
As long as Trump cuts foreign aide across the board to all countries, like Ron Paul has always promised to do, Israelis can't say much.
JIDF here
We helped you defeat CTR because they were a greater threat to us both
D-Don't think this means we are allies
Everyone should have a chance to return to god.
B-But the m-meme magic...
Kek is with him !
Then why don't we just bomb the shit out of Palestine and give the Jews all of Israel and let them do there Jew shit there?