Does he have a chance? Please don't tell me he has a chance even in the primaries. This shit has me terrified. Kanye West HATES white people, and if Trump can get elected with no experience and a loud mouth I don't see why this dumb nigger can't, especially with 100% of the dumbfuck millenials behind him and even more who will be legally allowed to vote in 4 years.
Kanye 2020
kanye can't say a full sentence at the best of times
he wouldn't even get far enough to debate anyone
Lool no, not one grandma or blue collar worker would vote kanye
Have u heard of impeachment my friend?
He has my vote along with all the minorities. Wish he would've went this year. Maybe I'll run against him just for the lulz. I think I can make it as long as Sup Forums funds my campaign.
KIMYE 2020.
Imagine his debates.
Pls stop with this horrid meme
Alot of fans will be 18 by then if alot of idiots will vote for hillary because they hate Drumpf XD they'll flock to him. Especially niggers.
If white trump won why not black trump?
They are literally the same people with different skin
People who are 14 now can vote in the next election. Think about that.
he will if we meme him like Trump
Are You here only for the memes
of course.
If we were to do this, we'd have to go into overdrive.
If Trump can make it, Kanye can
You can't vote if your not a citizen. He said he was leaving because trump won. Wish that nigger would have got shot in Paris!
Isn't he running as an independent?
he never said this
I'd vote for him
Yeezy da GOAT most influential artist of all time
Go listen to MBDTF or Yeezus and tell me he's not the GOAT
he's an insane jackass
No he doesn't
Try College Dropout or Late Registration instead you bloody bogan
He's not smart enough.
Trump has experience in business and dealing with foreign countries. Kanye has NO good qualities except being somewhat popular
I'm a migrant in Australia, so I can't be a bogan. I love Israel and hate Muslims so I won't slander you.
Those albums are way outdated, during that period there were better rap albums. No normal non-rap album can top MBDTF or Yeezus, sonically
>he's an insane jackass
Since yesterday, this is not a bar to the presidency anymore.
I'd vote for him just to see this exact same level of reaction from the right when he wins.
it'd be poetry.
>Hol up
Smacks lips
Grabs crotch
this, Shlomos can't into music
>Kanye West HATES white people
What the fuck? No he doesn't. Do you have a single source for that?
He's got my vote.
I'm dead
>implying old people would vote for a tv thug
People always complain about old people running the country, but then don't vote because it's "rigged". 80% of life is showing up, and all that.
his wife has a sex tape online
This is going to be the future.
Rich celebs, totally unversed in politics, will from now on forever be elected to office.
Anyone seen Idiocracy?
well if pol is still around we might just have to do battle once again. no big deal.
It would be funny seeing you hanging from trees.
Recent experiences say otherwise
They wont let him finish.
>no experience
>being a politician is career
I want this meme to die
Smart enough to make millions.
Have you even heard Kanye speak? He probably has a higher IQ than 90% of pol
The democratic party doesn't have a real primary, so he would never win
melania Trump has nudes out online. First ladies don't matter anymore
still better than career politicians.
This. Kanye loves white people. They go to his shows, they buy his music and shoes. Seriously, he loves white people and anyone who says he doesn't is a racist.
President Kanye would be even funnier than Trump, do it for the memes lads fuck politics
Are you a faggot?
Only degenerates like Kanye.
I really hope if he runs for president he doesn't get engulfed by the complete corruption that is the DNC. I hope Soros stays the fuck away from him, he doesn't accept donations, and doesn't serve foreign interests.
All of his songs excuse the violence of blacks and blame their inceration rate on everything, anything other than their own actions.
He's a fucking joke.
The US has been flooded with Mexicans and muslims- trump is about to open the flood gates on immigration of whites to drown them out.
No he doesn't.
Who is Trump?
You're a fucking degenerate
Kill yourself
lol wut
>Does he have a chance?
Yes. Trump got in, when the establishment said he had no chance, didn't he? I would vote for him, if he ran, assuming Trump is assassinated by 2020.
He's perfect. Trump actually set an incredible precedent that allows for him to get into the White House if he rallies enough support.
>beautiful family
>good business man
>loves America
Seriously, everything that could be said in support of Trump could be said about Kanye. It's wonderful.
If he became the nominee, he would beat Trump.
He won't become the nominee because of the debates and primaries. Trump actually had no competition, it was hilarious. The Republican party was a joke and Trump was the perfect beacon of light through it for a fun 4 years.
Kanye vs Eminem in the 2020 Democratic primary: who would win?
Stop posting this repulsive fucking nigger. I'd pay money to see this ape get beheaded.
>good business man
He fucking went broke on his shitty Nike deal when no one bought his stupid overpriced shoes, then bitched about it on Twitter and begged friends for money.
shut the fuck up he will laser you with his fucking eyes ulu
>Kanye would not run for president
>Kanye would not have the support
===========You are here==========
>Kanye will not win the Democratic nomination
Fuck off health pack
Regular people hate Kanye meanwhile everyone likes Eminem
This nigger is an attention whore and wasn't even serious. This nigger hasn't given 2 fucks about politics nor commented on anything remotely political in his entire life.
Trump had been commenting politically and was considered to perhaps run for president since the 1980s for fucks sake.
This nigger is an attention whore monkey who just says random shit like "IM GOING TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2020" and his sheep, normie fans eat it up because "omg so edgy, spontaneous and crazy! haha omg can u believe dis wow so funny"
Please end this cringeworthy meme.
Millenials hate eminem
Source: me, a millenial
Kanye is everything right about America
And then he went on to sell a million a minute with his new adidas deal
>"George Bush doesn't care about black people"
I don't believe you. He's a good business man.
There you go. Actual evidence to support me, too.
Nope. If Trump can get memed into the White House then so can Kanye. Plus, Kim is hotter than Melania.
People keep asking:
What's next? Let me tell you:
Getting rid of this nigger and every last cell of that degenerate Kardashian family should be next. It's a shame that Kim Kardashian wasn't murdered when she got robbed in France. If she was, it would've had a domino effect and Kanye would've hung himself.
>Kanye would not run for president
>Kanye would not have the support
===========You are here==========
>Kanye will not win the Democratic nomination
You are here sir!
tbf he's 50 million in debt, he's basically ready to run a modern economy
Kanye vs Eminem in the 2020 Democratic primary: who would win?
He's a nigger, you fucking cuck.
Go back to plebbit where you can converse with your normie, super edgy cornball peers about this nigger. Not here.
>Kanye would not run for president
>Kanye would not have the support
===========You are here==========
>Kanye will not win the Democratic nomination
You are here sir!
Sir! Sir! Sir! Sir!
You are here!
He will run as an independent. I guess that answers your question.
I'm not being edgy. I'm playing by the rules that have been agreed upon and according to the precedent that was set. For the next four years I will make it my life's mission to meme this motherfucker into the White House using the exact same arguments used to meme Trump there.
trump went broke too
How come that American Millenials are mentally trash bags while German Millenials vote AfD?
Nah, nobody loves Kanye like Kanye loves Kanye.
This is not Facebook fag
>Does he have a chance?
No idea.
You should probably stick to your own issues though and leave us alone.
Kek wills it
>Does he have a chance?
>Kanye would never make it as a rapper, he's just a producer
>Kanye will never bounce back from the VMA's his career is over
>Kanye would never make it in fashion, he's just a rapper
>Kanye would not run for president
>Kanye would not have the support
===========You are here==========
>Kanye will not win the Democratic nomination
>Kanye will not win the debates
>Kanye will not become the 46th president of the United States
He doesn't hate white people, what the fuck are you talking about?
>The Jews share their truth on how to make a dime
>Most black men couldn't balance a checkbook
He seems pretty redpilled.
That's what they said about Trump
Trump vs Kayne debates?
A whole year of shit fling?
I can't fucking wait.
you elected Angela Merkel gtfo
Making an announcement during some award ceremony and actually starting a campaign and getting sponsors/leverage is not the same thing.
Kek wills it
He has a huge chance.
By 2020 people will be looking for the next person to challenge the "status quo" i.e. Drumpf.
>I don't believe you
>but this other anonymous post is evidence against you!
Fuck off roodit