Miley Cyrus won't leave the USA after all

She changed her mind quickly.

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I don't think anyone besides retards actually believed she and the other celebs who threatened it would leave. I was hoping some would be stubborn enough to admit they were overreacting drama queens and actually move.

Though they won't even admit they went full retard by threatening to leave, they'll just act like Trump isn't all that bad, because shit talking the current president of the USA is a bad idea

Amy Schumer won't leave too.

If she make a porn, she will not be deported to Canacuck.



Caring about Lizzard/Clones...

Everybody knew they wouldn't have the guts to actually leave, and that's the kind of attitude that loses the election

We need to treat them as subversives and foreign agents. That's treason and the punishment is death.

I love how even her dog is tired of her bullshit

Yep, member when you was immature for threatening to run away from home?

So have an abortion, bitch.

That dog is real tired of her shit.

>implying women's words are worth anything
never listen to what a woman says.

Of course we knew they wouldn't leave.
But it's funny to see them admitting it was bulshit.
Also they're getting a lot of shit on social medias so it's even more hilarious.

>pushing that fake quote
I get it now. They're retarded.


Rush Limbaugh said the same thing when Obama won...

I'm pretty sure everyone who threatened to leave even said "I'm not kidding!"

Fucking damage control jesus. These people have no shame, why not just fucking admit they overreacted like retards?

>libtards are drama queens
Woah man.

how pathetic

Truly we are blessed by KƎK

>celebs saying stupid shit for attention and image
Since when?

Wait a second, she actually sounds reasonable here. What's going on ?

When is that specific "I'd run as a Republican because they are stupid" meme going to die? Even fucking Snopes says it's fake.

Looks like my ex-gf in that pic, conflicting thoughts.

Fuck these lying cowards

THIS JUST IN: Liberals have no spine. Details at 11:00

is she our girl now

what does miley cyrus know about the real world? literally nothing. absolutely nothing. She has literally never lived in the real world and has never had a job in her life, and never will. She is objectively not entitled to an opinion on anything

Miley is trash but at least she spoke something positive. Schumer is a rotten cunt who needs burying

This response is much better than Amy who doubled down on her own bullshit.


Global warming is not real.

This is why he won. Democrats and liberals have no fucking spine and just accept everything. They accepted Bernie getting cucked by Shillary and they're now accepting Donald Trump as president.

Fucking weaklings it disgusts me.

yea go live among niggers miley and talk about how breaking down walls
strange how white liberals live in gated fucking communities away from their voter base

Fuck! Can we just throw her out anyway?

That's actually the most reasonable response I've heard from a liberal celebrity yet.

Good. Pretty soon everyone will agree with gas the kikes idea.
What a time to be alive.


Here is the rest of Schumer's message. Even she admits it's fake but hey it doesn't matter.

Deport her through the stargate and close the iris behind her!


There has to be a way to make her leave though... hmmmmmm

As long as Lena Dunham gets the fuck out I don't care what the rest of them do.

They realized that Canada will be the country going down the drain after NAFTA is abolished. Unlike the US and Mexico, they had no internal industry mauled by NAFTA, making them the real parasytes all along.

Plus Trucuck will take in the 12 gorillion deported by Trump. She isn't begging for a raping.


She says it in video on her twitter.

of course she did the spineless slut

>eyyy that mass rape i made up is fake but it doesent matter

hang on, a dumb entertainer whore is openly subscribed to Trump's idea of united society? Just one day after the election?

Oh wow. This is actually incredible.

>2020 will be a landslide again.

I know this was said in jest, but seriously, kill yourself

bend the knee

>global warming is real

she has no idea how true that is


This is her last tweet.

Hey Miley go lick some carpet again or whatever stupid shit you did to get famous.

>Canada is a bigger parasite than Mexico

My fucking sides.

Glad you deported yourself so quickly so Emperor Trump didn't have to waste his time on you Pedro.


I bet she fuck that dog.

You get the fuck out, Dahnalds orders.

I thought Jewmer was redeeming herself with those hilarious racist jokes recently but yeah she's back to being an idiot now it seems.

While you still can

and Lauren Southern's answer.

fucking surreal...

>she actually accepts Trump's presidency and is smart enough that the best move is to unify Americans

I seriously didn't expect this at all
And I can't believe I am saying this, but I actually have some respect for her now

What a disgrace. That talking cunt should just off herself. How is calling her out for pussying out on her claim disgusting and how are honest hard-working Americans who voted for Trump disgusting? It must be because of all the buzz words she managed to shove in that sentence.

Wow, I'm totally shocked that once again, like clockwork, a bunch of vapid leftist kike mouth pieces spend a year claiming "If republican candidate ______ wins, I'm moving to Canada!" and then reneg on their promise when republican candidate _______ wins.

We should take that cunt and the rest of her ilk and throw them hundreds of miles off the coast into the oceans, them and their kike overlords.

You'd think a redneck would be all over Trump.

Whose tears you drinking Sup Forums? which one is the sweetest?

Mine's Robert De Niro

>tfw live in Vancouver

Bryan Cranston gonna be roaming my streets pretty soon.

Can't wait to say "mornin' Hal!" at the start of every day.

Shameless puppets of their kike overlords. Both these treasonous cunts deserve the rope.

Tremendous irony in this fat miss piggy-looking cunt calling Trump supporters misinformed whilst propagating forged Donald Trump quotations.

El Rato getting booed during trumps speech holy kek.

That dog looks so tired of her shit.
I bet her breath smells more like dick than the dogs.

Mexican intellectuals.

No dumb fuck spic. It's quite obvious Mexico benefits the most by a wide margin.

And Trudeau would beat your manlet president silly.

>slow motion anal
>slow motion analysis.

>*closes video*

I think he only said that because he called Trump "refreshing" during the primaries once. People were probably giving him a lot of criticism for that.
I doubt these Hollywood liberals actually really care about politics.

The difference comes from the fact that Miley is attractive whereas Schumer is not


Nah man, don't fall for this.
She doesn't give a shit about her country nor does she accepts Trump's presidency. She only cares about her fame and her own interests. She's just a spoiled brat saying stupid things to get attention.

More like 早上好, Hal!

She just found out Canada has strict decency laws which would bankrupt her.

>"Hey PRESIDENT, global warming is REAL, I would KNOW I'm a REAL SLUT"

My pupper is cuter

>celebs realize they made an error in judgment
Pay attention to how they retcon their views over the next few weeks.

>Miley is attractive

George Clooney.
I bet that arrogant sack of shit cried like a little girl.

god who cares

stop posting worthless celebs

>Miley is attractive
She used to be attractive.
She's fucking punchable now.

> She wrote: "Yes. That is a tear rolling down my cheek dripping off the end of my nose….. This makes me so unbelievable scared and sad…. Not only for our country but for animals that I love more than anything in this world….

I didn't know she dates niggers.

Regardless.... I want her OUT!

She obviously read about Canadian immigration process. Turns out it wasn't all bees and flowers.
>But the site’s creator Rob Calabrese warned those who are seriously contemplating heading north to prepare for an arduous process. “Even if you have a job, even if you are married to a Canadian … It’s not easy,” he told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on Wednesday.

>While Canada has committed to accepting 300,000 immigrants in the coming year, about 120,000 of those spots are expected to be allocated for family reunification and refugees. The rest will likely go to skilled workers, where processing times for applicants can stretch upwards of six years.

>Those wanting to move to Canada under the express entry program, where processing times average around six months, are at the mercy of a program that privileges those who hold a job offer in Canada, who are between 20 and 45 years old and have higher education.

>“Immigrating to Canada is a complex, paper-intensive, time-consuming process,” immigration lawyer Lee Cohen told CTV news this week. “This notion that somebody can just decide to move to Canada and live here is misdirected.”

>Still, some have managed to make it happen. David Drucker moved from Cambridge, Massachusetts to Vancouver after George W Bush was elected for the second time. Speaking to the CBC earlier this year, Drucker noted that the process of immigrating to Canada had become much more difficult since he made the move some 11 years ago.

Meanwhile we got the only Celebrity that matters. Steven Seagal is citizen of Russia. With Putin puting him under heavy training he`ll soon lose weight and make some great movies for us.

Now waiting for elderly Jacky Chan to move to Russia too.

You would, but the real Miley Cyrus is dead and buried in the desert, and this one is a body double.

>stargate pepe
very good, saved.

>Stage 5 of grief: Acceptance

You forget about based IVAN DRAGO!

That's a nice doggo

Cute doggo.

As the God Emperor himself said, you have to be willing to walk away.

So is rosie finally killing herself?
She hates Donald after all, I can't wait to hear about her