Are y'all niggas ready for 4 years of endless leftist shitposting?
Hell, it's day one and Sup Forums is already turning contrarian.
Are y'all niggas ready for 4 years of endless leftist shitposting?
Hell, it's day one and Sup Forums is already turning contrarian.
The best part is it's going to be all of the exact same people.
Being a straight white male conservative is still pretty punk rock at the moment. We'll see what it is like in 4 years.
That's cute but you can always be more right-wing. That's something every Sup Forums hater doesn't get. Just because Sup Forums is mainstream now and contrarian at the same time doesn't mean we will all be leftists just for the maymays. Most people will just go farther right.
>the same people shouting MAGA today will be shouting "workers of the world unite, shitlord" tomorrow
I give it 2 years.
You sound like a reddit invader. You don't know how it works 'round here, kid.
>I give it 2 years.
Nah, whites are losing ground. This is the last hurrah of the good old boys. Kinda sucks, m8.
Its what happened with Milo and what happened with 8/pol/. Things wont be 'too right-wing', they will be 'not right-wing enough'.
How could a lefty ever enjoy Sup Forums? There are no upvotes.
4 chan and Sup Forums are pretty hipster to be honest. They always enjoyed being part of the counter culture. Now that the right will be the establishment 4 chan will change face.
Honestly was it any different from before?
SJW never stop bitching and moaning about everything and everyone being problematic and triggering.
I think lefties will be leftier and righties will be rightier.
War were declared...
>Are y'all niggas ready for 4 years of endless leftist shitposting?
I was born for this.
>the same people
That's because trumpfags are leftist. I've been saying it for months and will be vindicated once he starts doing leftist shit and they move the goalposts
change face to be more right-wing not less. This has already happened twice before with the things I have mentioned.
Lol the war is over CTR, you lost. You can quit shilling now, because it just looks sad.
We will MAKE...
EUROPE Great Again!
The biggest tell is how negatively Sup Forums particularly 8/pol/ has reacted to the "alt-right". This is a right-wing movement with mass popularity and Sup Forums hates. They didn't suddenly go left-wing because of it though they went even farther right. " alt-right" is not right-wing enough and do on. So the belief that the 'same people' or Sup Forums is going to left is wrong.
Was Sup Forums ever NOT contrarian? It's kinda what we do here
You're a fool if you think Sup Forums is about being contrarian.
You honestly sound like you've been here since the trump republican nomination.
Fucking newfags think they know my house better than I do. Get the fuck outta here
nice pasta faggot.
We can be contrarian on the internet but please don't squander this opportunity to have the greatest country on Earth just for luls, its all I ask, we need to aid the Trump administration in any way we can, its our duty and our honor to do so.
But shitposting can have an influence in real life, as we've seen.
I've been here since 2011. You have anecdotes and some stuburn belief about the contearianess of Sup Forums, I have actual examples that prove what I am saying.
Listen faggot, I can agree with a group and not want to be part of it. Beyond that, alt-right has always been a term and grouping made by (((((them))))). At least soon all the ledit fags will fade away.
People on Sup Forums are getting too old to be endlessly contrarian, Redpilling was the final transformation for life. The new leftist contrarians aren't going to be us, and honestly I think the right is just going to go uphill from here for a long time to come. We're living in the 60s for the Right, the seeds have been planted
Not gonna happen faggot. We still have work to do. We still have to slay the SJWs and lefties. They still run the mainstream media. Their influence is still there and will be.
I just realized all my friends and the things i like on facebook are fucking leftists cucks. I have literally only 1 friend who's happy about Trump's victory wtf
Holy shit
Is this the alt-left?
>I've been here since 2011
I'm getting too old for this shit
The meme that Sup Forums is contrarian is untrue. It's just against overbearing assholes trying to force their beliefs on others, left or right. The left just happens to be doing this way more now while the whole Christian right movement is losing steam.
Right, right. Whatever you say.