Salt thread? Salt thread

Salt thread? Salt thread.

Other urls found in this thread: shaking&src=typd


Why do liberals overuse that word, my friends?

>(((Pinky Slivotitiz)))

Also lel at the "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME BECAUSE I'M JEWISH" attention whoring


Posting the classic.

>My mother's youth in the 1930s

You mean the time when the German people were suffering greatly, and when a movement began to recover the country?

A movement that your mother, without a doubt, supported?

>slivo tits
>slimey tits
>germany 1930 + afraid = kike
>kikes are slimey

Jew confirmed

They're literally retarded.

Part 1 of 3

Let the tears begin



Part 2 of 3

The cunt is challenged

These salt threads make me so fucking happy.

Just in case you were thinking of NOT giving them 100% of your attention. What everyone else goes through is minor compared to their REAL, LITERAL suffering, of course. Libtards, not even once.


Part 3 of 3

After this last post she deleted her thread haha

Top Kek

I want to marry that spic

do you guys just search the phrase "literally shaking" on twitter to find these or what



Salt so tasty!

those hollow eyes


She's literally shaking right now, literally

This is by far the worst part of the eletions, finding out which of your favorite musicians are libtard fucks.

ie: 75% of the artists in my music library, the other 25% is dead people.

Furries I swear.

Just another proof that women are the ones who help them destroy Western civilization.
>hurr durr Trump wants to deprive me of a black cock dont let this bastard win!!

> white boy
> brown man
> boy
> man

These people must hang.

She looks like she's lost in a rape fantasy where trumps railing her right now.

And she's oddly aroused.

>Deport Hispanics

When will this meme end, anyone who got there legally has nothing to worry about.

it's a shame those pure white genetics had to be ruined by a brain poisoned by kikes

Jesus Christ these people are sheltered little flowers. Fuck, they're entire reaction can be summed up in crying and denial like they'd never received a "no" in they're lives before. That and the complete exaggeration of Trump. Fuck liberals.


I already have a white guy sorry

Lol at all these college crybabies who cant handle the real world

My dyke girlfriend will support me!

Here's some sugar for all this salt

Where the fuck did this "literally shaking" meme come from?
Why do they all fucking say it?

come on man. haven't these rape victims been through enough?

Fresh off the presses, boys!

Dumpin salt

I honestly don't care about their political leanings if they don't advertise it on social media and don't use their "art" to push it.

But I've had to drop quite a few waifus this year.

But no the salt must flow!

I don't even know if this is salt. They're just broken.



This is human garbage right there.

illegals means hispanics?


I think she's feeling exactly what it's like to be grabbed by the pussy

Meme magic is so powerful it's starting to merge together. A snowball of memery.

Could 2016 be the year Chris-Chan gets hauled off by the secret service for threatening President Elect Trump?


Anyone have that screen of the fuck claiming he got Hillary in because /fit/ called him a manlet

If it's true I bet he feels pretty fukin small now

Its just a thing they say, probably originated from tumblr talk and unnecessary use of literally
>literally cRYING


I know that guy irl
He's amazing

can't wait for the demonization of white men to kick into overdrive over the next 4 years


It's literally problematic.

I'm in orbit!!!!!!!

[autism intensifies]

I and my family are Hispanic and last night we were talking about some of the strawman arguments that have been used with the mass deportation of Hispanics being popped up. We kinda just laughed because you can't deport Americans since, you know, America is our motherland.


They use the word "literally"a lot. They do this because they think it will punctuate their point. Like of like in the 80's when people said "like" a lot.

It's how try to sound pedantic. They don't realize it doesn't work.

Ok pls hear me out. At the beginning it was funny seeing how salty they were but it's getting on my nerves. Won't they shut up about ever with der mind boggling nazi comparisons and "im shaking, im crying, im scared" posts.

I don't really care about the politics of creators I enjoy. Neither do my more liberal friends who listen to shit like the music of Varg Vikernes.

Part II

Anons stop making these threads. My desktop is getting cluttered.


Why do liberals think Trump is going to do anything about kikes?

Ah yes Ghazala. Tell those women why they blew you the fuck out.

I know how is this meme still going on?

Part III

Same person in both comments in this image

Everything in that post, including her first and second name are incorrect

Just got this email with pic related attached:

>LBC students,

>After a stressful election, Student Affairs and Services is partnering with REHS and the Office of Inclusion to talk about how we move forward the day after the election. This event has been in the works over the last two weeks.The event will take place in the Business College Complex starting at 7 PM.

>Next week, there will be two additional spaces for processing on Monday and Tuesday. Both will be in the MSU Union from 7 – 9 PM.


>internalized oppression
what is even going on any more?

Someone should report Trannie Chandler to the FBI

Chris has surprisingly good grammar

People questioning the electoral college because of the popular vote

fucking idiots


Wew what a name


zombie eyes

This one made me lose it.
>I'm crying for Hillary baww baww
Memes aside I think Trump is kinda stupid, but Hillary is a fucking satanist pedophile. What the fuck is wrong with people?

>that smug Trump next to a liberal LITERALLY CRYING

10/10 my man.

I wish people would use those stupid flower faces instead since those go at the top of the post. That way I know whose opinion I can discard right away. shaking&src=typd

The salt is amazing. The press in sweden is so salty it's delicious.

Thank you America for granting me my birthday wish.

why is this salt so sweet?

Its annoying but just remember, 4 more years of all this stress and anxiety and they'll all be maxed out on antidepressants and antianxiety pills, possibly even an heroing as well

As someone who didn't support either Hillary or Trump, I really don't understand this reaction. People are acting like Trump is the catalyst of the second Holocaust. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?

>I'm the brown one

They're gonna have to use fema camps to house all the people making death threats against the God Emporer.

They watch too many leafy videos

>As someone who dates a black man I'm scared

Classic white liberalism. At least we are truly one step closer to right wing death squads to purge the degenerates.


What a bunch of weak fucking babies. They're showing the world exactly why we voted the way we did.

Imagine having to live with these fucking North Korean level brainwashed faggots.

I'm not even sure what to say. This is childish behavior for a 5-year-old.
