So how the fuck is the wall going to be built?

> 30 billion dollars
> At least a decade to build
> No plan for materials


Other urls found in this thread:

>30 billion dollars
>1.5 trillion non functional jet
30billion isnt that much when compared to the shit they've been pulling trough the years

just like how we got him into office...

meme magic

>30 billion dollars
>a lot of money
1. Hillary has wasted more money on her trips visiting Islamic people than the wall would cost.
2. The wall can be promoted as a job, literally the 30 billion dollars would go right back into the economy in a real way. U.S. needs the jobs, we don't have enough for our current population.

by fisting your mother






They already forecast it could be build in less than 4 years, I think you underestimate what modern machinery can do

>Mexico is paying for it
>Only if government bureaucracy is abused, as opposed to just contracting the work
>Prefab Concrete you ponce

It's going to absolutely ruin the Mexican Economy

We don't care about cost, Mexico will pay for it

This is going to be Hitler's autobahns, isn't it?

I don't mean that in the DUDE HITLER LMAO sense, but in the create shit loads of jobs sense.

Buy one of those brick pressing machines.
Dig a moat and press bricks out of what you dig up.

If someone feeds me I will build it by myself.

Kek will is

He plans to shut down some overseas military bases, cut Medicare and Social Security spending if even a small bit, and cut regulations. That will add up to a sizeable amount of money that can be re-invested into the Wall.

Further, the 35% tariffs will help too (even though I disagree with Protectionism)

just like israel did, except funding will be taken from remittances to mexico

Not if they spend the money they're gointo to spend on the wall hiring Mexican workers and Mexican materials. It would stimulate their economy actually


>Murrican education

I bet he breaks ground in the first month.

The wall is going to be MASSIVE and the materials can't just be old bricks but solid concrete..

To add to this, Mexico will also be fitting part of the bill.

The lessened amount of immigrants will also help free up government gibs money.

Offer amnesty to all the illegals that work in the company that bids the lowest cost to accept the government contract to build the wall.

>Breaking news. A mystical wall grew in the border between america and mexico from the ground on the eyes of people

How the fuck is America going to make Mexico pay for this wall? Why no one gives me a good answer? Is this just a meme?

checked. get to work boys.

>30 billion
You mispelled million.

The chinese have done it, just use the corpses of mexican refugees and filler, use thier bones to strengthen the wall. MAGA

Like this.

So how is Mexico going to pay?

The State of Mexico relies on United States relief funds. Threaten to remove that, and they'll cough up.

Mexixo has a $52 billion dollar trade deficit with the US. Trade tariffs is one way. Another is illegals cost us over $100 billion annually, the wall would be a fraction of that. Trust Trump, he wrote the Art of the Deal afterall

>Further, the 35% tariffs will help too
I don't know where you got that exact number from, but the US already has tariffs — over 12,000 of them. The highest existing tariff is 350% on sugar. Trump could work to drastically change the structure to better advantage the US without starting trade wars.

I'll build it myself if they need me to


>The wall has a big monument of pepe with his asshole directed to mexico
>Breaking news!.Money magically flied out from mexico banks

He should just give illegals amnesty instead of building walls.

Open gates, don't build walls.

mexico's problem

Every construction team is going to want to be apart of this project. I give it two years for completion

magnets and shit

The 35% tariff is the one he would impose on massive corporations threatening to go overseas. That's a lot of money.

He could easily come up with the money.

>30 billion
You misspelled million.

>All mexicans to approach the wall are absorbed and must either submit to Kek and become an American or become the wall


Mexicans send nealry 25 billion from the USA to Mexico every year.

Tax it at 25%
Wall paid for in 6 years.

Not only we have a huge debt with 'murica, but our economy heavily depends on the freedombuck.

You do not know with what powers you mess with.

>So how the fuck is the wall going to be built?
Demagoguery doesn't make things real.

It's on his website.

>illegals, neets and niggers will finally have to earn their keep.

Guess what faggots you all have jobs now. Time to give back from you not doing jack shit with your life. MAGA

Mexico can't even survive without foreign aid. Plus we have guns and they don't

This might kill the already dying Sup Forums

The man was memeing.
That wall is never going to happen. Too much money to make and maintain.

Preformed concrete sections. There is a company ready to do it. Ironically the same wall that was built around Israel. Went up fast and way under budget.

My retarded state is going to spend $54 billion to extend commuter trains to a couple towns. 30 billion is fucking nothing to the feds.

This. The F-35 has had more money sunk into it than even the most over the top wall could ever cost. To that end, I'm hoping that they build a massive citadel across the entire boarder. I don't actually think it will help too much but at this point it's just too entertaining to stop from happening.

You're just a fascist asshole.

>he won't run
>he won't win the nomination
>he won't get 5%
>10% is his ceiling
>20% is his ceiling
>30% is his ceiling
>he won't win the presidency
>he won't build the wall

Wrong! He never said that. If you don't stop saying that he'll sue you.

It would not surprise me in the slightest if an earthquake made a giant canyon separating our countries. Not a wall, but functionally similar.
No one expected all of this shit since 2012 to happen.

who cares Mexico is gonna pay for it

30 billion you say?

Not in a million years are they paying for a wall that Trump promised. Exactly what does Mexico gain by building it?

We build it using memes!



75 billion dollars is given to illegals in your country in benefits

You got 45 billion extra to add giant looming Trump busts that shoots lasers at planes flying out of mexico as well

This will hardly make post of the year, but I read an article in an engineering periodical explaining how to do it. Obviously, since I'm an idiot, I didnt bookmark it...

There are numerous manufacturers and producers of materials for concrete along the wall, on both sides of the border. Several quarries etc.
The estimates I've seen have had the build starting around '18, at the soonest.
The wall would not be unbroken, meaning there would still be unwalled sections (mountainous areas etc).
It is feasible to "get Mexico to pay for it".
It will be much more expensive than expected, probably approaching the $100bn range.
There are more cost effective ways (DMZ with autoturrets, predator drones, bigdog/atlas platforms with gatling guns etc...).

>wanting a mexican built wall
k e k

>Mexico doesn't have guns

The drug cartels that operate there would disagree with you.

Fucking kikes
#MAGA 2016

That... actually sounds like a good idea, and one that wouldn't fuck trading conventions all over the place.

Large slabs of the cheapest concrete money can buy, and natural barriers.

A fence would be the most cost effective solution but it would be so ineffective it would be a waste of money to even build it, it needs to be a wall, but concrete is usually extremely costly for projects such as this.

under budget and ahead of schedule

It's not.

So fucking salty

The man is just blessed in meme magic. What makes people think he's going to do less now that he has power to do more?

Best reply.

The question is "What have they got to lose?"
And the answer is "a lot" in the form of cessation of relief funds.

>Buy 22 MQ9 reapers
>Argus-IS and thermal payloads
>ICE QRF squads for interdiction

bam, higher tech and under budget

Using prefabricated concrete wall sections 25ft tall and 10ft wide and 8in thick with reinforced steel which you will need about 5 billion lbs of connecting them it will cost $40 per cubic feet of wall and the wall needs to cover about 2000miles/339 million cubic feet. So you're looking at $14 billion for the material costs and somewhere around double the material costs for the planning, digging and constructing it and with the current work force it could easily be done in 4 years.

It's not impossible. It's just ambitious.


It's never going to happen. That's the thing. He just made shit up to get elected. And it worked. I don't see congress blowing 30 billion on it.

It will he built with pure meme magic. We've already established that meme magic can do anything. PRAISE KEK

Nah, it will be like a normal job. 8-5. Free van ride to and from job, bag lunch.
There will of course be consequences for missing too much work, like you getting your neet bucks cut.

A society can only work when you have a working society.

Not building it is the best solution. Walls were only useful before the invention of the airplane

>30 billion dollars
Bad news for Mexico, I guess

That's not how you spell pesos

Millions of illegal immigrants sent back here, not only from Mexico, but from Guatemala and other countries as well.

Probably nothing, like you say.

So let assume, that the wall can be build. B-BUT what with animals? They are living there for ages, and they should be allowed to migrate freely. I'm just curious.

What they should actually do is build the whole thing as a joint project between the U.S.A. And Mexico and then create revenue by turning it into a tourist attraction.


Mexico is going to pay for it

Actually using drones equipped with FLIR, as well as seismic sensors is better than a wall, covers a thicker area and isn't just some wall you can climb over

Even the walls between Spain and North Africa, built high and with superior European quality, can't hold back dindus

Trump could literally start some make-work wonder project like Egyptians made pyramids. Employ people, stimulate economy, build that wall HUGE more as a purpose to itself than it is actually necessary, make it feed many families and gather voters for the next term.

Did the autobahn take a decade?

>TFW every year Mexicans living in the US transfer billions out of the country back to Mexico.

His plan is to tax the shit out of all that money + reduce Mexico's aid vastly. That's how they'll pay

How are illegals gonna get in through the airports? Boats would be more of a problem but you can just have patrols

Wait, you're telling me there's a way to get the government to give me a job and a ride to said job? That's fucking innovation right there.

it's just 8 billion dollarinos. doesn't notch have like 2.5 billion dollars?

Someone post the Nate Silver aliens one.

Ironically the regressive left are the fascists.
You'd shut your trap about giving illegals amnesty or asylum if you lived in Europe.
It has brought more problems than good to almost every European country.