Delicious liberal tears topic.
Post the the best screencaps of liberals in full meltdown mode.
Delicious liberal tears topic
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Dumping a ton from FB for ya OP
The salt has been fantastic so far
Hard to come up with names other than variations of ree for the filter
This poster is basically part of the creme da le creme of society and doesn't follow politics at all
I've seen lots of reposts of the whole retarded Uni of Utah "If trump gets elected we can impeach him through a loophole!!!" posts
This is about all the salt mining I've done. Was too drunk celebrating last night to get more
Huffington Post and other people on my FB feed unironically posted the phone number for the national suicide prevention hotline. One guy posted a video of him crying and wishing he wasn't a white guy. That's how hard people are taking this. EVERYONE's triggered.
Keep them coming! They're all gems!
One of my close friends literally took 2 XTC pills and expected it to be fatal. He's tripping balls, but he will live. Pretty funny shit!
twitter butthurt is fucking golden
this is like therapy
holy fuck more
hot off the press
Anybody else hear that the Canadian immigration website crashed early this morning because too many people were trying to access it? I laughed like crazy when I heard.
don't they realize that half the stuff trump wants would never even make it throught the house, let alone the senate and then would probably be shot down by the supreme court if it violates the constitution. (I now that birthright citizenship is heavily abused but it is still LAW and could only be changed with an amendment)
this is frankly pathetic, I voted remain in the uk eu referendum but in no way did the final result rustle me like this. I shrugged my shoulders and carried on with my life and you know what? I am still here and the world hasn't fallen apart like other remainers said it would.
top kek
If you haven't seen this, it is your duty as an American to not allow her to forget:
This is the best , gotta love when libshits are crying
Got you covered OP, this was a great one I saw this morning.
lol wat
im compiling a folder of all these butthurt screenshots , maybe this will make a good wall poster.
It's true though, america's election system is stupid as fuck.
mexican tranny salt
The current crop of liberals in the USA are super emotional and really thin-skinned. These are people who get upset at really trivial things like "microaggressions" and other nonsense. So how do you think they're going to behave when their super special snowflake candidate loses to someone they've spent the last year convincing themselves is "LITERALLY HITLER" because he's said mean things about people? This is how.
As a liberal myself, I'm fucking ashamed of how emotionally weak my side allows itself to be. I purposely come to websites like this and expose myself to contrary opinions so that I can toughen myself enough so that I can handle something as trivial as a different opinion or not getting my way.
>this fucking image
If they're both shit why the fuck is he complaining Trump is shit?
I was blocked.
But remember, "we're" the ones that can't behave like adults, and the traitors.
Thread theme. Fresh from the oven courtesy of Seventh Son.
best thing on tumblr thus far
liberals just like complaining no matter what the situation is
this is a glorious era of Sup Forums
our renaissance if you will
yes. CTR shills will finally calm down , libshits will go back to their echo chamber safe spaces and we can keep making memes history.
Christmas came early this year
>tfw you'll never be able to rewind time and experience this again
>Straight-passing woman
my fucking sides
>the electral college literally exists to keep citizens from electing someone stupid
Working as intended. It sickens me how close liberals were to getting themselves in another cold war/world war
This truly is the greatest timeline.
>winning an election
>textbook fascism
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
>It is one thing to believe your life has no value but for it to be agreed upon by half of the country is a slap in the face
This one is actually really sad. This isn't some dumbass special snowflake with no skin in the game, this sounds like somebody who actually has something to lose.
I think Trump won this election because hillary tried the same shit trudeau did but never managed to get the entire left on her side as so many people from the left wanted bernie.
at least considering how many college crybabies are now butthurt.
liberal tears over here :
Don't make jokes, make threats!
This female bar tender here is having a fucking meltdown on my FB!
This one gave me the giggles.
Fresh OC
this shit's better than the July 4th triggering back in 2014
Who's the reactionary fear-mongerer now bitch?
you are going to need a bigger cup
didnt you know? its only democratic if the correct person wins. everything else is facism
Based Paul Joseph Watson made an entire compilation, here you go
I remember that, twas a glorious day.
Even though republicans also won Senate and the House? Either you need to study up more or you're just not to bright.
Paul Joseph Watson is having a field day on twitter trolling libtards kek
>most qualified woman in the world
geez i thought we and r9k bashed women but damn
kek, this guy got his career only because of the atlantic bridge, soon he will get his orders directly from Trump
kek. Trump will belittle this weak child.
Hopefully, Trump doesn't backstab Russia
>back in the closet
I'll take things that never happened for $100 Alex
>owning a dog
i thought dogs were haram
The Young Turds are sulking forever.
I've never understood this logic, like what kind of self centered conceit do you have to have in order to think that every single person who voted third party would have voted Hillary? It's even more mind boggling since Gary Johnson and Trump share more platform than Hillary, so it would make sense that people who voted Johnson would actually lean Trump.
I know it's hip to rag on John Oliver, but I've always hated Stephen Colbert more. Watching him on the verge of tears is fucking beautiful.