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He only endorsed hillary to please the party.
He hates the bitch.
Probably why he didnt seem too affected by birther man winning this morning.
he actually came off kinda relieved
When ignored for long enough, the left will always end up devouring their own.
>obongo is in the salt threads with us
Your right, but it's still funny watching the Twitter based night of long knives here.
Pretty eager to blame someone else arent they?
Thank you based Secret Service
"Evil always turns upon itself"
>Increase insurance near 2016 election.
Jeez, i wonder.
>Probably why he didnt seem too affected by birther man winning this morning.
did Obama give a speech? Anyone have a link?
Obamas meeting Trump tomorrow. He'll probably give him a sneaky high five and ask to be pardoned
You're welcome Mr.President
>obama is the definition of a coon
I fucking lost it.
Obama only deserves a tiny part of the blame. Her DNC handlers were the ones who really fucked up this time around. Could the DNC screw up even more than it did?
>he should of
Triggered desu
So based
>should of
These are the same idiots who want Michelle to run in 2020
That's true, but Trump plans to undue all of Obama's work. If I were Obama, I'd still be crying
The progressives haven't like Clinton or Obama. This hasn't changed. The problem is they couldn't meme Sanders in because Sanders had already conspired against them. Sanders didn't believe it was possible to win until it was too late.
But be careful bros. If Trump cannot enact his more progressive policies, the next "Sanders" will be impossible to defeat. I believe rank and file GOP members being anti-Trump will actually help him in this. He has no allegiances to any of these cuckolds and he might be able to form strange coalitions to pass some legislation he needs.
Yeah he went full Hemmingway with the 'the sun also rises' bullshit.
>He'll probably give him a sneaky high five and ask to be pardoned
he shouldnt get one
he seems downright chipper
In case you guys didn't know coon is the new go to word for blacks to use against any other black that isn't a BLM black supremacist whitey-must-pay-we-waz-kangz type.
Now that trump is in I wonder if we're still going to have a race war or if blacks are going to accept that they need to cut this shit out before they write a check the welfare office won't cash.
Losing graciously. I respect that.
>should of
He won't ask for a pardon, he doesn't need one. It's hard to see how Obama really did anything warranting a criminal charge and this is not a fight which could end well for future Americans. Democrats are so petty and vindictive that starting down this path would be a disaster.
But, the criminal investigations against Hillary and the CF/CGI were in play before all this. There will be fallout, but chances are good no one will actually go to jail. These kinds of cases are ridiculously hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
So Obama is a double agent? Wew lad
kek, I wouldn't put it past him
>Obongo is the one spamming the blacked threads
If Trump uses Obama's rhetoric for giving bankers tons of bailout money to pipe water to Flint and just pay off the lingering tax liens on Detroit property it could make a huge fucking difference.
This is extremely small and extremely easy for him to do and would not only make a real difference in people's lives but would make a positive political difference in his presidency.
> he should of
Anyone else triggered by this?
you shouldn't be, americans are almost as bad as portuguese at english
>p-pay debnts
I've given up expecting anyone to speak English well.
A high five or a pardon?
I leave for two years and THIS happens?
>Party cannibalisation
Is this a term in politics studies?
It should be.
stay hue
It's a southern thing. It's a localized phrase that's been hammered in to our lexicon most likely as a result of poor educational standards in rural areas. He likely had no idea it was grammatically incorrect and has been hearing it said that way his whole life.
Or he's a fucking retard.
I like how you guys mention should of, but
>get out of the fuck out of white house
is apparently not worth mentioning.
When these white race cucks don't get their way they are very quick to turn on their fellow pets to blame.
>If I were Obama, I'd still be crying
Why would Obama give a shit about Trump undoing his work when Congress is directly responsible for cockblocking him passing anything without an executive order?
If anything he'll probably applaud Trump having to deal with these ass-backwards old fucks for the next 4 years.
It's about Benghazi and the arms deals to ISIS. That's treason.
This is stage 2 of keks will. Total destruction of the DNC. Sanders is the wedge. Wikileaks provides proof of wrongdoing. Assume the role of butthurt bernouts and push for justice gentlemen. They will destroy themselves in their anger.
>can't believe it
>4 years
Probably my favorite meme of the entire election desu.
that's a good thing idiot
are you a GOPet now? Always fight the stablishment, Bernie was a good leftie with sense, Hillary was the problem because she was a warmonger corporate dog
memeing aside, Trump doesnt know how to president, he was just a hood way to shake the stablishment. Thiw is good for almost everyone, but illegal aliens. now the dems have yo actually not fuck up the blacks too
>couple dudes get killed in Benghazi in a sneak attack
>isis gun running conspiracy theory
>thousands of Americans die in Iraq for a pointless invasion
>isis created in new Middle East power vacuum
come on bro
what were some of trumps policies that would prove he will be a bad president?
pic related in OP also wrote SHOULD OF proving beyond any doubt that he is a retard
It won't happen. Without literal smoking gun evidence, which there isn't any, no good could come of such a prosecution. What we know is different from what we can prove and this shield is important even if it means some schemers and crooks get to graze in our common pastures.
I would forgive him Obongocare if he did this.
>that's a good thing idiot
??? I know...? Do you always attack people you agree with?
i agree with you, no smoking gun
and the pizza place cp bullshit is just a waste of time but it helps in containing the retards who are easily excited
Who said GW is the best president ever?
I never made a list but GW is in the bottom 5.
I think the majority of americans would agree to that.
The newfaggotry is strong here, Pierre.
I don't think anyone here supports GW Bush. The guy even went to vote for Hillary.
>best president ever
Literally who has ever said this?
Because that was probably a typo whereas "should of" is a common sign of mental retardation. It's about intent.
>Arabs bitching about slavery
Jesus christ it should be a crime to lack self awareness this much
The DNC didn't just screw up. They were the corrupt ones.
If anything, Obama represents the clean ans sane aisle of the Democratic party, which is bad but not Hillary-bad.
It's like people who when concentrating tap their foot or chew their tongue or bite their lips. Overstimulation.
What's going to drive me crazy is whether the shadow group that leaked these emails (coincidentally without classified info, imagine that) also knew that. How much did we play, and how much were we played?
It was a common theory that Cheney ran the country and Bush was a clown to distract. Trump is *painted* as a clown, as a buffoon. I don't think he is one, but....
Same cannot be said about people on the left.
The salt mines are gonna be open for awhile.
>How much did we play, and how much were we played?
I have been pondering on this the last 24 hours. After release 30 or 31, it was clear to me that
- IF there was ANYTHING like a smoking gun it would have been easier to find
- the whole release in batches smells strange
- the bullshit language with pizza and stuff... they knew it was coming out, and whatever it was they were talking about has long been cleared up
but in the end i can accept i am a peon, and Trump won anyway
Bush isn't even relevant to the discussion. Benghazi isn't about a sneak attack, you mongloid. It's the reason why Stevens was in Benghazi in the first place: a salvage mission to recover stinger missiles that the Obama administration and State illegally sold to ISIS after they were found out when one of their durka durkas in the AfPak tried to shoot down a US military chopper with one [but the sand nigger forgot to arm it and it was recovered with the serial number in tact].
That's treason.
Democrats will never recover.
Pushing for third party support now will split the vote starting in 2020 like Ross Perot did in the 90s.
>Could the DNC screw up even more than it did?
The only way they could've screwed up worse was if the they forgot to book the convention center.
No, Obama is terribly corrupt and has all terrible policies. No one is believe that because he's black but he is in the 5 worst presidents of american history.
I'm certain textbooks won't say that about him. He'll have monuments
Damn muslims must be deaf or retarded or both.
Obama said DON'T get cynical
He surely knows of even more horrible shit that would've happened under Hillary's rule.
GW should be in prison, along with half his cabinet, rumsfeld, hillary, obama, warren, ryan...
It's good. Winter's coming.
He is half-black so why did they ever like him.
>should of
"should of" paid attention in school
You will never prove this in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt. Please accept this. The traitor is out, his fair-weather crony didn't get into power, we have a chance going forward. Please don't look back now, there's too much to do. Dismantle the corrupt infrastructure, the people are irrelevant, if it wasn't the Clintons it would have been someone else, the people don't matter, the system does, it needs to be dismantled.
> should of
>should of
My god.
>they still think hes black first
Silly frog. Which political dynasty was the first to fall this election cycle?
The Bushes. Humiliated by the now president elect. You and your lot are going to fail so astoundingly hard trying to turn Trump into Bush...when the Bush clan was fully backing Clinton.
>President Clinton
Call him Bill, i might get triggered otherwise.
nah m8. Don't be swayed by the propaganda. Every node in the corporate news machine is playing cya, blame and deflect as hard as they were for the past 2 years.
This includes the more sly stealth cucks on fox that want to make it seem as though they were good ole chums with Trump the entire way.
They don't know what else to do, they're going to continue on as they were and travel deeper into the trip-mined labyrinth, taking more damage every day.
They are willing to take anything. The one drop rule exists for them. Just look at the """inventions""" they take credit for, kangs, talcum x, etc. Then one somebody does something they don't like, (Zimmerman) they are magically white.
>Promoted freedom around the world
The people are not irrelevant. They have to pay for their crimes and their supporters must see them broken and dead on our authority before we come for the rest of them.
>hakim hasan
how come nobody mentions that this guy is a roach
Turning on each other. They were always out for themselves and trying to up each other in minority points so it's inevitable.
>>thousands of Americans die in Iraq for a pointless invasion
>>isis created in new Middle East power vacuum
Literally no one says this. Not even on this board unironically.
jesus he really fucking hated clinton if this speech is anything to go by. even threw in the "americans first" line.
Pay your de.... just leave the eu
Its NOT a southern thing. Its a retard thing.
They got Capone on tax laws. Crime bosses rarely pay for their crimes. While I don't object to bringing them down, such efforts divert resources that could be spent elsewhere. If the Justice department and FBI have nothing better to do, why not, but they likely have something better to do. With Hillary out of politics and Chelsea being apparently naive about what was being done, the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative will die all on its own. Huma is damaged goods. Podesta is damaged goods. Cheryl Mills is damaged goods. Most of the DNC is damaged goods. They banked it all on their criminal boss and lost.
A little revenge never hurt but symbolic victories are usually Pyrrhic and trying to extract maximum justice will hurt more than just the guilty parties.
This. It's pretty much an open secret that Hillary and Obama don't get along.
She doesn't like blacks and more over DESPISES him for beating her in 2008, probably even more now than ever before since she'd have beaten McCain easily and this was the last chance she had.
He finds her a liability, unlikeable, sloppy, and a danger to his narcissistic legacy.
They only stuck together due to shared globalist agendas, the need to share resources, and a need to unite the DNC and avoid a conflict between the Clinton empire and Obama/the DNC.
>Academy of Art University
Fucking KEK
why do you think he was elected in the first place?
>first black president
>first almost womyn president
>too close for comfort
proud of my country today
Yea he played the black card to win the election, I was saying they should have learned that hes a muslim by now and doesnt give a fuck about them.
Why do they think hes endorsing a candidate that took millions of dollars from the middle east kings for "her campaign"
Yeah I too am on that train of thought
Bill hates Hillary too. He's probably eggstatic