Now that Trump is finally coming to power and Russia can regain its influence, we can resolve the issue of Ukraine once and for all: this state should not exist, especially after their illegitimate nationalist upheaval when a Nazi-sympathizing, fascist junta took over the country. Say no to fascism, hooray Putin!
Now that Trump is finally coming to power and Russia can regain its influence...
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You're simply a dumb russian serf robbed of your taxes by Pootin. Why are you praising the guy who robs you?
Cuckold, please go
a fucking kurwa
I don't think you understand the purpose of this thread
Is Putin really that thrilled about Trump or is he just glad that Hillary and Obama are out of the way?
Latter, unless he's had dealings with Trump we don't know about
Fuck off hoholcuck
Yo, Britain, I'm very happy for you, and imma yet you finish, but the United States had the greatest uncuckening of all time!
How is Pootin better than ukrainian chauvinism? And why are you praising a leader that robs you?
preemptive strike
Seeing as how it's a well known fact that America spearheaded the destabilization and chaos of Ukraine which lead to a putsch- Trump will retract all government efforts and special interest there.
What has the Ukraine ever done for America???
the latter.
not sure why people fantasize about some bromance that isn't going to happen.
They met once. On the set of 60 minutes. Although trump said he will arrange a meeting with Putin before he takes office
>What has the Ukraine ever done for America???
Given them their federal gold reserves for safekeeping. First thing they did, actually.
Putin seemed pretty excited about trump getting elected in his most recent public appearance though
Are you sure they didn't just sell those bullion?
We need to use Trump as a vehicle for the Russian liberation. Russia is overrun with illegals? Fact. Russia is full of muslims both domestic and foreign? Fact. Former jihadi rules over one of republics? Fact. Don't forget that his wifes are Czech and Slovenian. It's a good factor to champion the destruction and balkanisation of USSR 2.0 Supreme Cuckold edition
Shh. Let him dream of Great Russia, while he freezes and starves to death in his dacha, fapping to the picture of Supreme Leader.
this guy is such a bydlo hick
>le ebil Pootin
wypierdalaj głupi polaczku jebany
In case of Russian faggots, break glass.
yeah i get that, only because he's 6 million times better than shillary. maybe their friendship will blossom, who knows. i just have a feeling that they'll clash on other issues, namely iran. hopefully not.
Look what you did. Read this post and look at what you did.
>donnie darko starts it instead
End times boys. End times. Nice antichrist family we "chose".
So make Russia great... for the first time?
And another bonus image.
Пyтiн хyйлo.
Fukken saved.
Let's smash the gay-fascist Nuland-appointed junta together with meme magic lads
>What has the Ukraine ever done for America???
Supplied cheap whores. And restored fascism. I can't think of any
trump is in no way hostile to Assad so that probably helps. And our last president, George W, got along quite well with Putin. I don't know exactly why Obama couldn't get along with him
As if fascism is bad. Fuck off, mongol.
quoting a dumb nigger, well done, you're dumber than a chimp
Agreed, give Lwów back to Poland, the rest is Russia's.
Fascism created israel. Now the fat orange faggot can create greater israel. Leave this board. Kiss of Putin. That is all. Kiss. Of. Putin. Oh and the alleged child abuse in Britain were mostly Russian families. Bunch of freaks. You hate gays but love your eastern euro gay porn and saunas. And little boys
says the potatochimp
You just know that this idiot is an immigrant of the butthurt belt
isn't there some gay black cuck porn you should be trying to get hard to? Limp wristed faggot
Don't show historical illiteracy
What are
>Novgorod Rus
>Early Kievan Rus
>Novgorod Republic
>independent Muscovy pre Ivan the III
>Russian Empire 1861-1904
Russia had amazing periods
>he's fleed to US because too scared for fighting for his country.
What a cuck you are
Scram, dirty hohol
Wtf are you talking about? Get it into your head that we have OUR sphere of influence, and you have no right to get here with your dirty hands to create havoc and nationalist upheavals...
Nazis were cool
What is with these stupid quips of nothing? I'm not what you say. But if i were would that be worse than being a pedo zionist antichrist?
The cringe is real
Fuck off commie.
What's curious the Ukrainian press isn't in despair and tries to find something positive to do with Trump. I thought they will hang themselves the same minutes he's elected.
Compared to other European publications they act cool as nothing has happened. The Ukrainian establishment just couldn't afford another national humiliation and try to soothe those who aren't able or not willing to read the news in English.
no such thing
>faggot priests
>Ira Commies
I don't understand why my countrymen cling to every bit of Irish blood and they have and craft their identity around that. There isn't much to be proud of. I say this as someone with Irish heritage btw
Im not talking about your czech and polish invasions. But now i will since you ignore the perils of the right and your president's KGB-ness and pedophilia. All the US did was want a missile shield. How is a defensive weapon an existential threat to you? You are a zionist oligarchy country like America just became. China and you will take advantage and america will start wwiii. Muh iran. We're fucked. Your country is always gray and depressed and drunk on cheating authoritarians
aren't you cucks funded by globalists and neo-cons?
>A shithole with wooden houses
>A shithole with wooden houses and yurts
>A shithole with wooden houses and yurts
>A shithole with wooden houses
>A shithole with wooden houses
>A shithole with wooden houses
Ivan is right though!
Come here and defend your country, cuck!
t. Cuck who fled Ukraine to roleplay being badass Azov commando on basketweaving forum.
Aren't you the white genocide capital of the planet although mass murder of white South Africans goes largely unreported?
>resolve the issue of Ukraine once and for all: this state should not exist, especially after their illegitimate nationalist upheaval when a Nazi-sympathizing, fascist junta took over the country.
Redpill me, Ruskiebro... In the U.S.A. all we heard on the television is that Putin is a bully and Ukraine is sovereign and Russia will start WWIII. I know enough about Syria-- I'm interested in the Ukraine shit from your point of view
Ukraine is a non-country. Were they serious about having a state, they would find/create a better ethnonym and would put Southeastern euroturkotataric mongrels and Western semites half breeds on a purge list. But no, (((nationalist))) battalions are full of pic related aforementioned mud bloods who fight for the """Aryan race""" and they let a literal Jew to take Presidency
They are. Nazis and globalists go hand to hand.
So Ukrainian nationalists are Jews LARPing as nazis? This must have soros fingerprints all over it
Russia can't even Finland. Enjoy your mediocre military with numbers being your only benefit.
>America a country full of niggers, mudslimes, kikes, fags, lesbos, SJW'S, obese retards... holy shit the list is never ending
I'll never understand why that shithole Indian land isn't nuked, probably won't have to wait long to see it happen
>lipka ashkenazi crossbred can't count to five
Traditionally in Europe blind Russophobia is a sign of a low life without national identity. But what would a lipka know about Europeandom?
>prosperous free democratic warrior state
>same with a different capital
>free rich Northern superstate full of traders and artists
>mildly authoritarian rich superstate
>free of major conflicts increasingly developing European state
President Trump stands with Ukraine
The "nazis" are useful idiot goys
When the Russian establishment and media references to Ukrainian radicals (and frankly dumbasses) as Nazis, they're only doing it to bolster a negative image of them.
Russia's definition of "Nazis" is much much different than from the west's definition of "Nazis". For them, they were an actual enemy that ravaged their country. They don't reference people as Nazis because they're describing someone as authoritarian or right-wing and such.
>on all levels except physical, I am a developed country
>(potato famines internally)
It's usually Euroturkic mongrels from the Southeastern region who decided that they are White for some stupid reason
Just give us Lwów, you can have the rest.
That belongs to Austria
That guy looks like a fucking mongol holy shit
t. a country where majority are muslims.
yet as you just said all you dense niggers claim to be a paddy because your great great great great grandfather once seen an Irish man but was too much of a faggot to say hello
this country may be, but i'm not a supporter of globalists and neo-cons - let alone white genocide, so therefore your remarks are irrelevant.
hohols are weird.
twoja matka świnia i twój stary osioł źle cię wychowali
Agreed. Kek make it happen please.
Many of the societal ills you listed in your previous posts can be tied directly to the Irish. You're essentially a milder flavor of subversive than Jews. Exhibit A: Tim Kaine
To put it simple: half of Ukrainians are Russians mixed with Poles, Austrians and such. Another half are untermenschen originated from Russians mixing with Crimean Tatars and Turks(very pic related)
Is this a toy gun ???
Based on what? They had it for like 100 years or so. By that logic even more so Smoleńsk belongs to us.
now now chief don't you go insulting your kike rulers, pretty sure your freedumbs don't allow that
It was Ukrainians who wanted to be close to central Europe after Yanuk voted against a free trade Agreement with the EU. It was """""""""""""""""""""""donbass people"""""""""""""""""""""""" who first violently took over ukrainian goverment buildings and then started an obviously rigged referendum.
>52% white
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>normalised nationally adopting niggers and chinks
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
>ginger fat degenrate zionist (two kids are married to jews; one converted) who campaigned for desegregated clubs is """The Great American White Hope"""
i hope the God Emperor gives Putin Plumberland
Said the Pole? Out of all the people in Europe...
The American Journal ofHuman Genetics (Volume82, Issue1, 10January 2008, P. 236–250)
Memes are for degenerates by the way
>Smoleńsk belongs to us
more like to Grand Duchy of Lithuania you fool
yo russbro Romania is with USA for Basserabia. gib it back and we could be friends again
Poland is the inheritor of all the Commonwealth, including the Grand Duchy, you cuck.
>violently took over ukrainian goverment buildings
Not true. There was a coups all over the country and only after that a final coup in Kiev
It's just the question of perspective what to count as an illegal action. The game of thrones.
You have 15 k soldiers m8, liberals and marxists running your country and PC censorship so harsh that even immigrants are scared of it
By that logic, historically speaking, all the muslimes of Europe would be imported by the Polish government. Do you catch my drift?
Maybe just ignore it? Who needs to fight for Ukraine? Nobody. Ukraine just want some attention, like japanese anime girl. "Notice me, Trump-senpai."
What are you talking about? No, I don't understand that reference at all.
Why would a unique noble Baltogermanoslavic race need some turkocigáns as their friends?
Fuck off Pootin proofster, your world is a world of lies.
Well we have our own television that says our own bullshit to us. Went to Grandma's house recently, learned that propaganda is real -the TV just keeps talking about rotting west and how bad life were in the 90s before Putin came.
Putin invested heavily in the west of Ukraine (had government-owned corporations buy shit there) in our 25 years old dream of shipping gas to Europe bypassing those povert thieves. But then they had another revolution and all investment went to shit (this is theorized from him firing one of his officials for not convincing him to not buy shit in Ukraine) so Russia invaded in a clumsy attempt to take back the investment. All of that while snatching the Crimea that people were butthurt about ever since the Union felt and boosting his ratings through the roof (because we're kind of dumb and more happy about the country becoming "bigger" rather than being able to afford houses).
tldr We are in the wrong like any invading country, but hohols brought this on themselves by being pathologically unable to build a working society (several revolutions to join EU, never joined EU, kept stealing gas despite being warned for decades to stop doing so).
you are next
Do you reckon the Cuckolding Era when you imported half a million of tatars and build half a thousand mosques for them? Or the time when you cleaned the villages from Poles to place tatars there? You wuz EU, before the EU
That map looks incredibly bullshit, what's the source?
how's that you could take over one building and couldn't take over another? there's no logical justification for that, only an emotional one.
No one needs Poland. They suffered 1330-1772 and through 1945-1989. They deserve a good state with nationalism and beer
in your dreams hue
Yes, FUCK UKRAINE. I wish you luck in reclaiming your clay, Russiabro.
I assume it would be more like when Bush was in office. I am hopeful that US Russian relations would ease, but realistically Trump and Putin are not going to see eye to eye on everything.