As much as I'm enjoying that we memed Trump into the white house, this is actually scary.
Are we all doomed to drown now? Was this the right path Sup Forums?
As much as I'm enjoying that we memed Trump into the white house, this is actually scary.
Are we all doomed to drown now? Was this the right path Sup Forums?
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who gives a fuck?
Good. Jewish interest groups wanting to put a global tax on whites to handicap them in competing with non-white countries in industry.
Climate Change is real and we should become more environmental friendly, but we should be taking a more realistic approach to this instead of hiking gas taxes/investing billions of dollars into solar fields that fail.
what? How does that even make sense?
Most of the people championing for renewable energy, are white people. It's niggers who always want to burn shit.
desu its too late to fix the climate.
people in the west always forget about china, india and the billions of people living in the developing world who are more concerned with surviving daily than saving the environment.
there is no turning back now. embrace climate change. realize that the water will rise and move away from the oceans.
I completely agree, but appointing someone who doesn't believe in climate change isn't going to help us go down that path, or if it is, I'm missing it.
The tax is stupid, I agree. However, we shouldn't just treat environmentalism as a meme/leftist propaganda. I know the left has taken shit too far, but they have the right idea for climate change.
Canada has found a way to harvest CO2 from the atmosphere.
We're bringing down our own carbon emission by using alternative energy sources
Everything mechanical is being replaced with electronic components, bringing down the energy cost with it.
We're so fucking close to having found a solution and in a few years we'll be back to where we started. God bless technology and the singularity.
IIRC he doesn't believe in man made climate change.
lol yeah. As a child I viewed conservatives literally wanting to conserve the country but they're too wrapped up in conspiracy theories about climate change
do you even Paris Agreement?
China will be 80% solar by 2020, what will we be?
I'll be dead when everyone else has to worry about climate change
Doesn't bother me a single bit.
If that's true then Canada is even dumber than I first thought it was, which will show when their flora stops replenishing itself as successfully.
move inland dumbass
Congrats Sup Forums you caused our doom
Are you talking about the air into plastic thing?
You sorry sod.
Right keep your beta genes to yourself and your hand
>Effects of climate change ‘irreversible,’ U.N. panel warns in report
>Global warming milestone as scientists warn Earth has passed carbon tipping point 'for good'
Too late already
>fix climate change
Climate changing isn't broken to begin with, it's working as intended.
>know the left has taken shit too far,
they haven't taken things too far, they have corrupted every element of government including environmental protection. it's a complete sham. disassembling the institution of epa, etc would be productive at this point.
Nice map labels Mohammaden
Zero global warming for 15 years
>are we doomed to drown now
Nah nigger
You get it, at least. I don't understand how the rest of y'all are so blase about this shit. It's real, it's not just leftist propaganda, and even if it was, climate change isn't the only serious fucking issue environmentalists are concerned about. Not by half. You're opposed to environmentalism across the board, not just in re: this one issue. Would it help if we started calling it "conservationism" instead of "environmentalism"? Does the word "environment" in it make it smell too much like hippie bullshit to you?
I'm a staunch environmentalist (conservationist, whatever) precisely BECAUSE I am a nationalist. I love my country, and I hope to hand down a country that's still livable, clean and beautiful to my grandkids. I'm no Clinton fan but his dismissiveness towards environmental issues is the one thing that really scares me about a Trump presidency. Please come to your fucking senses.
If you don't care about keeping your country healthy and beautiful, you don't stand for anything in a positive sense -- you just hate leftists and immigrants and can't stand the thought of them "winning." But some of us actually care about our homeland. Grow up already.
Even if Hillary won I don't think much would change about global warming. Humans are just that dumb, no one will actually take this seriously until the water starts rising seriously. By then it will be too late, and yet no one will take responsibility and claim that it was all the fault of [insert group name here] and happened by itself, independently of causes, in a void.
how long has the left been trying to jew shekels about the world ending from pollution?
The environment is one of the only things I sympathise with cucks over desu.
what does the global warming organizations do exactly?
If Every country fulfilled every promise in the Paris agreement by 2030, the difference would be -0.05% drop in temperature by 2100.
But it will cost the us $150bn a year to implement.
Climate change is a conspiracy to get you to spend money elsewhere and fear a new threat
enforces taxes on states and economy
How can we at least communicate with Trump to rethink his stance about this
No they won't. The world will be 2% renewable by 2040 at best. Renewables are shit, China is going nuclear.
I love that fucking margin
fucking hilarious
The scam is so fucking blatant
>earth burns to a crisp
>go to mars
what's the issue?
blow up his twitter? Like we've done with every other thing
O-oy vey. Y-you goyim are gonna regret not listening to us about T-Trump!
This is literally the only reason i wanted Hillary to win. I dont give a shit what you do in your shithole country, but DONT YOU DARE FUCKING UP THE PROGRESS WE'VE MADE ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE LAST COUPLE OF DECADES!
>climate change is a political opinion rather than an empirically observed phenomenon
worst part about Trump, what a spastic.
We take the Dutch method. Make a wall to keep the ocean out.
Frankly, the whole problem is that China will just keep polluting no matter what. So even if America adopted a super environmentalist stance you guys would be just making yourselves less competitive while not solving anything. And even then, what specific policy from Trump would badly affect the environment? Isn't he pro-nuclear at least?
and make the fishes pay for it
>If Every country fulfilled every promise in the Paris agreement by 2030, the difference would be -0.05% drop in temperature by 2100.
>implying since a 1,5°C cap is already too high, then fuck it all and do whatever we want
>implying there wouldn't be new climate agreements between 2030 ad 2100
President doesn't have the power to totally ruin us on this issue
Looks like it was inevitable anyway, but if a solution presents itself, I'm pretty confident that trump not understanding climate science will not get in the way
Basically even though it seems like catastrophic climate change is most important, trumps power over that issue is less than it is over others, so hes still a net benefit even if he's wrong on this issue
Mars is a zillion times worst than what global warming will ever do to Earth
Stressin about climate change?
You must be climate...
>supreme court
I bet they can fuck it up badly. And they will.
Trump is pro-nuclear, which is the only feasible green alternative. This isn't the 90's, toxic waste is recyclable now.
If anything, the Climate Change situation will improve AND China will stop buttfucking us financially.
we don't need taxes, what we need is the ability to class action lawsuits people who pollute the air.
There's no empirical scientific evidence to suggest that climate change is anything but the result of natural processes, or that there's any danger of exceeding even recent historical values.
That's not to say that there aren't ethical or moral reasons to cut carbon emissions or engineer better sources of food, but there are more pressing issues both environmentally (chemicals in the water, depletion of soil nutrients) and in general.
>(((climate change)))
what is coal anyways?
Trump is using global warming to drown Cali and fight back against the illegal vote. 4D chess.
The president has massive influence on the country's environmental & scientific policy. Many of the people who'll be shaping our environmental policy for the next four years (at least) will be Trump's direct appointees, or THEIR direct appointees. Look at how many executive branch agencies have power over environmental policy. This isn't the economy, where the president gets blamed when it performs badly but really doesn't have that much influence over it, this actually does substantially fall under his purview. A president who was dismissive of environmental concerns would be able to do a LOT of damage.
google pigouvian fee, even Milton Friedman supported taxing externalities.
Or are you going to sue everybody driving a car?
you're a retard because you think the worst that can happen is sea level rise
I suggest you read few things about permian extinction, methane hydrate, and methane producing bacterias... and mass extinction events in general
Good thing you couldn't vote then. Single issue voting is dumb.
Coal is plant matter essentially turned into carbon and is highly flammable. It used to be used as fuel until the (((oil companies))) chased it out of all the first world countries.
It's not clean, but it isn't as dirty or globe destabilizing as fossil fuels.
Not the people driving the car but the car company yes. It's not hard at all to create a car that doesn't reduce the air quality.
Build my pipelines, please
You can burn coal in a clean way, but just lighting up some coal is fucking terrible for the air quality.
Google methanotroph. Death by fart gas is a fucking meme.
If we destroy earth it will force us to expand to mars and beyond! It's like burning your ships after an invasion, there must be no going back.
but production of the car doesn't reduce air quality (aside from the production process); driving it does.
A carbon tax is the most efficient way to address the harmful effects of emissions. There has been a huge amount of research done on the matter.
Unfortunately yanks believe that cheap petrol is some sort of human right.
Retards. Climate change is the second least important long term problem next to the sun exploding.
Friendly reminder it is proven that temperature increase precedes CO2 increase by several hundred years and not the other way around.
Friendly reminder the current climate model failed in every way.
The tech is fairly new, and (((they))) are pushing against it nearly as hard as they did against Trump.
As if America has anything to say, they are there for the laughs.
this aryan has a point
So I should care about something that wont happen for another 2000 years?
eh. at least they can't withdraw from the agreement for the first three years
The opinion of a retarded potato.
When literally every credible scientist in the field is saying we are on the verge of disaster, who do we believe? Uneducated fucktards over people who have spent their lives studying climatology. Nice.
For all of you college aged pseudo-environmentalists. I'd suggest you all take a couple of courses in the natural sciences dept. I guarantee that if you take a class from a reputable school you will be enlightened. Government enviro regs are a joke and climate change tax etc is bs.
Trump does believe in climate change, he's accidentally admitted it a few times, but he couldn't go open with it since the evangelicals wouldn't vote for him
We are a lost sheeple...
CO2 is not what reduces air quality, otherwise you should stop breathing immediately. It's fine dust. And the vast majority of fine dust is created by braking and by wheels rolling over tarmac. German cities banned older diesels because of fine dust, it's proven that it didn't improve air quality at all, because even an electric car produces just as much fine dust.
Climate change is a non-problem.
Yet the climate tax has been implemented in many places and continues to be at all levels of government. Obviously we are witnessing the merging of the church and state again, the fact its climate religion this time makes no difference, so many parasites loading down humanity, it won't be long before these systems are crushed under their own bureaucratic weight along with all the little people underneath.
actually the magnetic pole drift is 2nd least important. climate change is maybe 3rd at best.
>america manufacturing goods with their more efficient machinery baaaaaad
>making poorer countries manufacture shit with their outdated machinery gooooooood
If climate change was an existential threat to humanity, the left would tried to do something about it besides nothing.
No, Hillary's "let's buy a lot of solar panels from this company that donates to me" doesn't count.
You're right I just wish my country was less fanatic about this. I wonder how far the deindustrialisation of my country will go before people start to think "hmm maybe CO2 isn't that important when I can't afford food".
I am a hippy tree hugger, ex-Berner, voted for Jill.
Hear me out. Dems climate change initiatives were like putting a band aid on a gaping, festering wound. In fact, arguably, their immigration policies actually promote climate change by importing fast breeding latinos and muslims.
Overpopulation is the single cause of the climate change and all current woes. In a sense, by curbing immigration Trump could actually help to stall climate change. Consider this:
Ahmet with 2 wives and 10 kids lives in some Middle East shithole. Since they are dirt poor, their impact is largely local (bad for local, but not global environment). Now imagine Dems bring Ahmed and his brood in the US. Now they all will need iPhones, cars, and shit tonnes of other stuff. they can afford to travel and what not. They global impact is like 100% more than it used to be. Curbing global trade deal could also help the global environment.
So, do not be so quick to say that everything is doomed. On another hand since it is pretty clear that left, SJW, conservatives, religious nuts will not ever stop breeding or implement any meaningful overpopulation curbing measures, the best way of action is not to delay but to speed up collapse, that way at least some ecosystems and biodiversity will not get completely destroyed.
>Ice Age comes to an end, water levels rise globally along with gradual warming trend
>12,000+ years later
>humans get smart enough to make oil-burning machines, do it for a century
>start measuring temperature trends and start freaking out that the world looks like it's getting warmer
I mean, we should probably stop with the oil just because now fucking everybody wants it, but still we're all being memed about the global climate and have been for 15+ years.
Should Kek solve climate change next?
please kindly shut the fuck up. The goal of climate change has fuckall do with the environment or real science, it has to do with getting through an insane derivatives scheme wherein a small sector of the economy (e.g. General Electric) has absolute control over their competitors.
>sorry goy but you've exceeded your carbon emissions for the year and will need to purchase carbon credits
>that will be $1.25 billion dollars
>(uh, our yearly net is $100 million)
>well it looks like we're going to have to take control of your operations goy, and you're now $1.15 bln in debt to us. Tough luck!
of course the shitstains that write the legislation via bought off politicos will have infinite carbon allowances.
>replaced with electronic components, bringing down the energy cost with it
Is circuitry less energy-costly than mechanical parts? That sounds wrong.
ph right, conflated them.
This is true, and regulations are implemented to outlaw polluting engines/activities.
However CO2 and other GHGs are damaging to the environment via global warming and should be taxed accordingly.
People seem to forget that Trump being pro nuclear power also helps the envrionment.
So nothing really changes.
Most leftists are too cucked to change anything anyway.
Ecofascism when
Kind of hard to do something when congress became a giant cock block to almost anything Obama proposed
Climate change exists. Our government is paying people for using green energy when ultimately our power grid remains in non-renewable energy.
In other words we are paying people a lot of money for not doing anything to the net problem. That's frivolous spending that GOP is likely to cut and that liberal media will pretend is them denying a problem exists.
Every major political voice that says climate change is a real and present danger, is also getting money from or is heavily invested in green energy companies.
Climate change has always been happening during history, the earth (and life) will endure. But nowadays the change happens too fast for human society to change in a comfortable manner. So basically it's going to be Marche ou crève as we say here. Still, it's basically going to cause a lot of casualties amongst the dumfucks/poorfucks.
The good news is that with the threats of massive climate migration from Africa to Europe, Frontex will certainly have "shoot to kill" as a Standard Operating Procedure. Think gunships patrolling the Mediterranean sea, firing on any brownish smears in range.
All the popcorn in the world won't be enough.