I'm a Californian and I'm deadly scared of this happening.
I don't think California would flourish as its own country.
I'm a Californian and I'm deadly scared of this happening.
I don't think California would flourish as its own country.
Your state can't even afford water or earthquake relief without crying to the Feds. Not gonna happen hun.
Remember when Texas seceded back in 2012?
> its own country.
Isn't the idea to join Mexico?
I'm californian and I 100% support this. I hope we secede and then Trump comes in and glasses the fucking shithole.
why do you hate california so much, it's not so bad here
Cali is a nice state, I'll give you that, but the people there need to be gassed, especially those that live in southern Cali and San Fransisco
It is a nice place.
But the downside is the SJW types have a lot of influence and are very immature.
And these were the same people whining about Confederate flags a year ago.
we need to push this or the Six Californias idea again
California is a cancer on the rest of the country and must be dealt with.
Why can't people come up with something actually clever? Like
The red counties would never go through with it. They'll probably merge with Nevada or Arizona or something.
Have fun starving, coastniggers
>42% white
I'm absolutely fucking fine with California leaving the states. They only bring us down when their stupid legislature displaces them because they can't afford to live there anymore and come to different states - just to put back the legislature that kicked them out of their own state. In Colorado our taxes having fucking skyrocketed and I always see these dirty fucks driving around like they own the world. We need to put tight borders on California, revoke citizenship, and gas anyone who tries to make it out. Really, fuck Californians.
Move to Arizona
Let the fags leave and cuck themselves out of water rights.
I am not even surprised, but if this happens, don't expect me to not attempt to return California to Federal Law.
Does Arizona have any problems with hispanics?
Geographically, California is awesome.
Population-wise, it's a complete hellhole. On it's own the state wold collapse under it's own weight in a matter of days.
>when a red president loses, republicans just stay quiet and hope for next year politely
>when a blue president loses, democrats cry and babble all over the place shitting themselves, threatening to leave like some 7 year old
like poetry
>California flourishing on its own
The minute you leave Colorado will cut off access to the Colorado river and watch 70% of your population die slowly. It's the least we can do for you faggot transplants cucking our state blue
It was still pretty close, why the fuck would they do this?
Fuck no, don't come to Arizona, we're too busy organizing the RWDS to take out illegals and I'm not about to have pseudo-Commies in sheep's clothing sneak into my state and start bringing their dumb-fucking-retarded Prop. 64 with them.
Calexit would be nice. Sell California to Mexico. I doubt they'll notice a difference.
Calexit is the most stupid name. Great Britain was a bunch of sovergein countries leaving a shit union of countries. Do they fucking think it is relatable to a part of a country deciding to randomly go independent? Do they think they can just vote themselves out? The fucking libtards, really? The Union would never allow such bullshit, and they would never have any strenght for a Military upsrising.
Please do so. You faggots are a nuisance in Texas, ruined our major cities, and you almost got that warmongering kike elected.
What if they just split into north and south cali? Probably be better.
Also, think of the electoral college changes. That lack of 55 delegates will seriously damage the dems.
>no more water
>bet to come back
that is how it will pan out, if it does actually end up happening
I am fucking drunk btw, cant bother typing prorpely
Texas wanted to exit as well - let's not get carried away.
Sore losers everywhere - but don't let that cloud reality.
So everywhere that doesn't suck ass and is the desert?
This movement is forwarded by the "oppressed" and teens not able to vote, i dont think it will happen
Good luck being cutoff from resources, dumbasses.
>Democrats in the rest of America lose 55 guaranteed electoral votes
We need to support this
I'm from CA too but planning to leave because taxes are too high. Let's the cucks sink into the the sea like Atlantis.
I hope they succeed.
Then we can take it back by force and deport all the calimexicans back to mexico
>not so bad
Caleave would be the obvious one.
US will never let it secede and they have no means to defend against it.
While the military wouldn't fight its own citizens I guarantee the national guard would and has. We would blow them apart and then take the land back.
It will never happen.
I live in Alabama and I support you faggots. Please go.
We are currently downsizing our population of dumbass treasonous spics. Why don't you try further south?
Texas always wants to exit and finds any excuse it can to bring that fact to light. Literally any reason.
>California bans guns.
>Attempts to secede shortly after.
Good luck with that.
>California secedes
>55 democrat electoral votes gone
>nothing of value was lost
I want our fucking water back too
Mexicans can fuck off back to Mexico at anytime, but they can't take the land with them.
I love that people say If Cali a sovereign nation it would have the 7th largest economy in the world. Except forgetting they have no water source , no power source, and no military. Factor those costs in to be self sufficient and well. It wouldn't be such rich state anymore.
Oh no, no plastic bags.
California seceding would be a net gain (and would mean a dem would never win the white house again) Let them do it
Elon should be scared
You do realize Los Angeles has water rights to like 30% of our water as well right? California is murdering this state inside and out
Maybe after Calxit the rest of the US won't let them hog all the water.
Let the fags dry up.
Please leave.
Exactly. California has a similar movement that wants to break up the state into 5 smaller states.
They just lookin for excuses, yo. Don't mix butthurt to generalize.
Nige farage here,you have our support,can i make a speach for you?
they need to split California in half, 1 blue and 1 red
Notice how it's always retards who campaign for gun laws who then openly call for armed rebellion after they disarm themselves.
They aren't people; they're mouths with a full body attached. No thought pushes behind the eruption of their endless moronic tripe.
Tommorow news: Trump presents Cali to Russia
kek! This. These locations are what makes California distinct.
>Hollywood cancer removes itself
Sounds dank.
Found this on my Facebook earlier today actually.
Buenas dias! Buenas dias!
Civil war already establish secession is illegal.
Make CO red again!!
That sounds like an extremely bad deal for Russia.
If California went for it, and brought the matter to Congress of allowing it through an amendment, what states do you think would oppose it most.
The chairman of the California National Party has lived in Russia, the party has released a statement defending Russia from IOC sanctions earlier this year (a very random thing for them to care about), and has attended an international self-determination conference in Moscow this past year.
This could actually legitimately be a Russian false flag operation.
Supreme Court ruling in 1869 very firmly established that no state can ever secede from the union without the complete consent of all other states. The US is a "perpetual and indissoluble union."
get fucked
It would probably end up making both countries better
We are the world's 6th largest economy on our own; they would never let us leave.
Impossible. A large portion of the Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force is stationed in California and secession wouldn't be tolerated.
>Trump won so bigly California is going to deport itself
Californians govt is to bloated and slow reacting to actually accomplish this.
T. Californian.
>complete consent
Really? Why couldn't a constitutional amendment do it?
Have retards not learned after Texas threats to secede that you LITERALLY CANNOT secede from the US without starting a war?
But funny. Russian news full of bad ukrainians, bad ISIS+Obama and one news about Ivan drinks too much vodka and suicide, sukablyat.
A Constitutional Amendment can change anything. But it still requires the approval of 75% of the states.
sure this will work, USA will let it's states break away peacefully, just like it did last time
I didn't know Russians could drink "too much" vodka.
Do it, faggots. We'll build a wall around you, too, and make you pay for it, and deport all the metastasized Californians who're ruining America for the rest of us.
I pray to God that it will happen.
i live in los angeles and work in the industry. i hope this happens so i have a great fucking reason to leave this god awful state
Fuck I hope so
I want the cancer that is the People's Republic of California to go the fuck away
Don't forget we do have a legit nigger problem.
Whatever, California is a state that pays ALOT MORE TO THE FEDS THEN IT GETS BACK.
That said, I live here and would cry to see the union break up, it would just show trump is right and we are being invaded by disloyal Latinos and Asians. Who know nothing of our history or ways
If cali secedes I hope every last californian that fled returns home with rifles and liberates the state from the commie kikes.
Fine, we enlist the ones who voted Trump first. They wouldn't be sad to see us go.
The Democrat slavers lose the right to freely exploit poor brown people smuggled here through human trafficking. Now they want to secede. Where have I heard this before?
I'd love the opportunity to join the God Emperor and purge this state until it's red, in more ways than one.
Sell California to Mexico and make them build the wall around the new borders. They will pay for it because will be to keep us out. Even though we all know it would be to keep them from spreading their cancer across our great nation. Coming from a former northern calibro who got out just in time. I am not a feminist SJW cuck either, so we aren't all bad.
Would be great to see that happen
There would be downsides, but I support it. Save us on federal taxes for very little downsides. Problem is, it'd probably take a war to get there and that would be expensive as fuck even if we hypothetically could win it. We'd need a lot of other states on our side, and it doesn't seem likely.
Nope, that's east coast liberals. We don't care about that shit here. People fly confederate flags at demolition derbies and shit.
>republican dominance for another twenty years
Knock yourselves out.
I pray they'd do it. Then all the Vietnamese veterans would die out and shut the fuck up for once instead of spouting anti-Party bullshit everywhere. It would not only help US but also Vietnam here. Just do it already
Name one state with a good reason to want CA to remain.
kek, is this a meme or is true?
I mean, i know there are cali secesionists, but I thought they were totally marginal.
i would love if California tried to succeed and the military came in and BTFO numales and spics
let's call them racists like they did to us in 2012
Pol was should encourage this as we can conquer the state back killing alot of dirty Californians in process
We wouldn't. We have nice weather and that's about it. Being blue has destroyed many parts of our state. Any CA business owner realizes that.
But it won't happen.