Marine Le Pen 2017

Brexit: done.
Donald Trump: done
Next mission: uncucking France.

The misery of France is horrible to behold! Can you comprehend the fact that they took responsibility for all the attacks, saying they were an empire for so long they deserve it? I always knew the world is full of cucks but this is some next level shit. We did it Sup Forums, but it doesn't end here.

Marine Le Pen will bring upon the revival of a French nation. Unity is our tool. Therefore i now appeal to Frenchmen to support Marine Le Pen on the upcoming 2017 presidential elections. The National Front wishes to work and it will work. It did not ruin the France, but now it will lead the nation back to health. But the National Front cannot make the work of reconstruction dependent upon the approval of those who wrought destruction. François Hollande had 4 years to show what he can do. The result is a heap of ruins.

Let's meme her into presidency. Let's give her four years.

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If France and Germany both win the EU will transform into a loose federation.

She won't be elected. She will win the first turn, and lost the second one. The right and left will form a "republican coalition" or shit like that, and say that if the FN is elected it will be chaos and blablabla.

People will believe them, because they are manipulable, they will vote for this coalition, and they will win, we will end up in the same situation we've been for the last 30 years at least. And people will complain about, how surprisingly, they've been fooled... again.

Young people don't even bother voting, old people are brainwashed and won't vote for the FN because they've been raised not to vote for them and always vote for the regular parties.

Really, I'm not against Le Pen, don't get me wrong, but don't get excited, she won't be elected in 2017, I'm calling it, the president will be Alain Juppé, who's just part of the system, and who will keep the terrible politic currently in place going.

We really need a lot of memetic energy for this fight.


a good start, france bro

>The misery of France is horrible to behold! Can you comprehend the fact that they took responsibility for all the attacks, saying they were an empire for so long they deserve it?

sup with 3rd world shitholes talking out of their asses?

France is an important battle ground lads, they've been devestate. Just think of the atmosphere when they FINALLY get a nationalist government and all the cucks are put firmly in their place

Hope it works out.

Friendly reminder that CNN gave Hillary 80% chance of winning.

We can do it. We can break the conditioning.

We're off to a good start.


kek will bring nationalism to eurocucks

Yes ! Yes ! Come drink some wine in my cave and eat some terrin hunt by my family in the wood

Shadilay to all veterans of the First Great Meme War!

No man, we've seen the regional elections, FN ended up first in the first turn in many regions, second turn, they didn't win any.

The brexit strategy works on seemingly impossible situations.

Merkel has made sure that there is a stigma against female leaders.

Shame France is so cucked. Imagine a beautiful France where all the shit skins and Muslims are deported. A white and healthy France.


Frogman, we have our disagreements, but if you BeLEAVE in yourself, you can accomplish anything. I love you man. ;-;

will Brexit actually go through tho?

Are french refugees welcome in Britain after brexit is finally done ?

We're off to a good start.

KEK will bring us the Third French Empire

Brexit is happening. I can assure you that the current govt is committed to Brexit. It's an appeasement strategy by the Tories to prevent a UKIP surge tbqh.

Yes. It has just been delayed, nothing more.

We will do it!

Like in the south of France ?

French refugees who can adapt to our culture, yes.
Nigel Farage's ancestors were French refugees.

Nothing compares to the energy we reach when we start cleansing sweden.


No little strawberry, we must take on this beast at its head.
Remove the head, and the beast will die.





>Nigel Farage's ancestors were French refugees.
I knew he was perfect, here's why.
Don't worry, our culture is not that different, we can adapt.


Oh well, I'm not following the polls that much, she'll probably lost the second turn anyway.

still no need to make shit up

even at our worst we willl always *∞ than you're "country"

We've got this .


His post was pretty much accurate.


Yeah, and Hillary is president of the USA.

>Implying the FN is a taboo vote nowadays like Trump might have been

Oh fuck, is this 2007? Am I back in 2007? The fuck is going on? It's like 10 years of strategy from the FN hasn't happened.

And the "FRONT REPUBLICAIN" is a thing? When it SHATERRED. Literally shattered last elections? When LR do not want to do it anymore?


Right boys,

Kek has checked us, let's get to work again.
We've done it with britexit, done it with trump now let's show we can do it again with France.

Someone get to work on the memes

It's too early for us, give us 5 more years to be totally cooked. Kek power won't make it to the secondraw (we have 2 raws for presidential election, therefore it is harder than the US generals or a referendum)
Just 5 more years, more unemployement, a few terrorist attacks and that should do it.
Guillotine, Bastille, blood, Napoleone or whatever decent commander in chief we still have (probably those who established the "Thorn Operation" plan)

This is a stupid picture. If the other two tried to help, all the weight would shift to the sinking side and they'd go down immediately.

>When LR do not want to do it anymore?
Yeah yeah they have a pride and will refuse to unite with the left to get in power.
Oh wait.

You bring a smile to my face.

We should destroy Merkel first. That nigger loving shedevil has caused most of the damage in the EU.


Fuck Paris. Le Pen 2017.

Gonna be hard tho. With a Sarkozy or Hollande VS Le Pen on second round, maybe...


Maybe the first time in history, we will fight together

Even if she passes and somehow gets the cake, she won't be able to do much since
>not enough competent people to form a full government unless you reduce it to 6 ministries and no PM
>will never have the majority in parliment and will have every law blocked because both the left and the right will refuse to comprimise with them

Last I read Geert was polling high in some preliminary surveys, AfD is doing reasonably well, even the fucking Swedish Democrats were polling near 30% last I heard. Brexit and Trump's win only give people more hope

My bet is 2017 is Europe's year, get ready



one can hope

As a Belgian I'm telling you : Please do it. SAVE FRANCE!

Paris is not France anymore mate. Some kebabs have to be removed first.


The Right has more than compromised with them. To the point they have literally 0 centrist candidate in their "primary".

Thanks God that she will never get there. She is a declinist wet dream.

>It's an appeasement strategy by the Tories to prevent a UKIP surge tbqh.

UKIP is going to get a surge either way, Nigel Farage is the only politician in years who has done what he said he was going to do
Not to mention he's buds with trump, brits will flock to the idea of an anglo alliance

>Implying Poisson isn't the answer

>Never thought i would meme side by side with Hans
>What about side by side with a Sup Forumsack?
>Oui, i could do that

Britian did it
We did it
You can too

We believe in you

What might happen is that the government loses the court case, meaning that MP's will insist that they have to be consulted before any deal is made. The negotiations are going to be ludicrously complicated (and the government has a history of being really stupid when it comes to long negotiations, just look at fucking Hinkley Point) and there will be some MP's who will likely try to vote against whatever deal that isn't us just remaining mostly in the single market anyway. But, nobody really knows what will happen.

It's just not possible.

We are a Zionist base. Le Pen = Nazi.

Bigest Jewish community, Biggest muslim community after Germany (kek). Except a miracle, I think we will have to eat a lot of shit before something change.

Maybe after civil war. Balkanisation of Europe.

a term lasts 5 years here

we have to meme Hollande into the second round

sounds even more impossible than Trump and Brexit put together

checking that lad, good luck in the fight for freedom.


Sarko and a few others try to grab some of their votes by aligning their positions, but if the FN does pass you can expect a lot of back pedalling since there wouldn't be any point in trying to pander to their voters.
>he will never be taken seriously, ever
>he will have a laughable score at the LR primary
>yet he is the only one in the party who seems to have convictions and have a clear and interesting position on many issues
If someone needs meme magic, it's him.
For fuck's sake, his name means FISH he has natural affinity with frogs.

Let the digit-sacrifices begin!

Praise KEK!


Guys we need help over here. EU's quota system fucked up our economy, if we could get out of the EU after we work out our debt or maybe even before with support, we'd gladly leave. UK, our allies, we want out the EU ride with you

What you have to understand is that getting the presidential election wouldn't mean "instant kebab removal, borders closed within 24 hours, leave EU immediatly YOLO"
France is very heavy and slow in terms of bureaucracy and institutions, not to mention the parliment and senate hold a lot of power. That is why deep down a FN victory would not be this different from a LR victory. There would still be a large block in the parliment (considerably bigger for the FN as a lot of LR would not accept laws on the sole basis that they come from the FN).
It's not a simple, clear-cut issue like brexit was.

Sarkozy has got a new idol : Trump. He is as cynical as him. He'd lead a coalition with Le Pen if it meant he'd get enough power to feel as if he is the one being in control.
He'd probably get off on Le Pen begging for his votes in parliament.


Best way to learn French and help?

Checked. Keep this going.

France is the next step to rejuvenate culture and hope in the Western world!

Rev up those Keks!

Fraternite, Libetre, Egalite!

>She won't be elected
>Trump won't be big prez
>Brexit won't happen

Le Frog, the EU has got to you. You're delirious. Merkel has literally taken your balls.

Best case scenario for him would be
>FN government ends up being a failure within its first months
>they get massively shrekt at the parlimentary elections in september
>coalition government
>Sarkozy prime minister
>it ends up being a LR five years with MLP being a ragdoll

can't uncuck the cucked. the BBC has been bred. god bless.


Marine will prevail with kek power... but in 2022



I want France to fix itself the most out of all the other Euros.

at least this round of naysaying is more interesting than "drumpfkins btfo."

What the fuck, Frenchbro! Why do you have to be such a defeatist? Screw the outcome, just


for the sake of having fun in the process.

Remember the old days when France was actually glorious, stump the opponents like the Napoleon!

And praise KEK.

French people are completly retarded when it comes to politics.
I never met anyone who had a clear idea of who to vote they were mostly like "I'm voting right because they seem ok I guess", they also think media is sacred and can't be manipulated.

Nobody is going to vote FN because "thei r racist bigots xDxddxddxd How can I have sex with refugees if I can't have abortions,?????"

You've seen the Paris' street videos and you know nobody is doing shit about it.

That's why Trump needs to fix America before our election so maybe the French will think maybe FN is not so bad after all! Look at the US!

Can someone explain the difference between Marion and Marine? Are they the same person?

Yes as long as you're white. But better to fight for your country and take it back then flee, you'd always feel out of place if you fled.

Next happening we have is Austrian presidential election on the 4th of December.

Our guy is Hoffer.

France is dead, Le Pen is cucked. No charisma, no idea, no party, no balls.

Serious question why put efforts in for the french? Ive seen french people argue that literal cuckoldry is good because paternity is just a social construct not based in biology and that its good that paternity testing is illegal. They really believe this way, they are probably a lost cause.

>UK, our allies, we want out the EU ride with you
No can do, until that Merkel cunts hanging.


Le Pen for the win 2017.

I like France, wouldn't support this. Le Pen are not better than commie cucks.

>It's still 2007
>28% of the population voting FN ain't nearly enough

Oh wait, combined with Melenchon, extremists are literally something like 40-45% of the population. Fuck off with your misinformation.

CTR were a different sort of moral fibre.

If you guys are interested I started a Youtube Channel few weeks ago to make French political videos available to my fellow Trump supporters. It will be particulary interesting in the coming months for the Presidential Election.

>Screw the outcome
not really, no
that's the problem here
brexit was one single event
Trump was more a fight against the Rep establishment then Clinton than anything else
Here, Le Pen getting into office would not be a very good thing in the long run for several reasons

Marine is running for president
Marion is only here because nepotism and because nobody here seems to remember that you should never EVER allow a political dynasty to take its roots in a republic, let alone a democracy.

aight thank you.

How you are going to create meme propaganda without knowledge about french language?

>What the fuck, Frenchbro! Why do you have to be such a defeatist?

Why does this sound familiar when there is France and defeat in same line ? hahaha JK

Although Kek's magic may be suppressed by the fact that the Frenchies like to eat Frog's Legs.

That's why they need our help.

I believe there are still some good people left in France.

We can do this. We memed Trump into presidency for fucks sake!

I see there demoralization problem among FN supporters. Good thing meme magic is proven to be effective for that purpose.