Hm, I wonder if Sup Forums really is this childish, young and autistic to not realize Trump, Pence and even Ivanka are crying out of joy in this picture. Or at least they did somewhat.
>le omg Trump didn't want to win xD
Hm, I wonder if Sup Forums really is this childish, young and autistic to not realize Trump, Pence and even Ivanka are crying out of joy in this picture. Or at least they did somewhat.
>le omg Trump didn't want to win xD
He is shitting his pants right now.
Anyone would be shitting his pants. Except Hillary, she felt like she was entitled to it.
wtf I hate being tired after the probably longest and most intense day of my life now
she doesnt have an asshole anymore she's using an ostomy pouch
>"Damn, I won again? I thought she would put up more of a fight."
He is not tired, he cried. Did you even read my OP? Are you a retarded autist? Can't you read a fucking human's face?
>tired of winning
Hillary probably shits her pants on a daily basis anyway. Anal incontinence, I bet.
This picture looks like scene from a mafia movie.
>End of the movie
>the good side won, but with casualties
>Everyone is cheering
>But not him.
>Not the head of the family.
>Because he knows that hard times just begun.
"Oh Jeez"
Don Jr is just soaking in the moment
Ivanka is thinking "I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry. My daddy is now the President of the USA"
Pence #6791 is thinking "All according to plan. Praise kek."
Christie is phoning the FBI preparing for the indictment of Clinton.
Trump is imagining the wall
Melania has gone off to wake Barron "The mastermind" up from his slumber to appear on stage.
Praise kek.
Look at this asshole's glorious hair
south park is going to DESTROY him
Trump is running thousands of possible wall plans through his head, what type of land mines to scatter throughout, how deep the wall should go underground, possibly extending the wall around the entire nation's border, etc.
Decisions, decisions... The big guy can handle it though.
He can do anything.
They helped Meme him into reality.
Much like Eric Cartman Mr. Garrison is a lovable son of a bitch. He's one of the best characters on the show.
By tying Trump to a lovable character they made the public warm up to Trump.
>>Melania has gone off to wake Barron "The mastermind" up from his slumber to appear on stage.
I'm fucking dying
trump actually got tired of winning the madman
The woman standing behind him has the same shade of hair colour.
Why does Pence always look like he's trying to pass a silent fart?
Astute fucking observation, my dear sir or madam.
I'm sure a lot of us cried out of joy last night.
I swear to god that Trump had the same exact feeling like most of Sup Forums yesterday when it came to Florida. He's stomach was probably going crazy.
I was sitting here, screaming for like 7 hours because they never called Florida for Trump..
I teared up a little when he took the stage at the election HQ. It was the look on his face, he looked like he was about tear up himself. It was real as fuck.
Or he's thinking: It's just the beginning!
Do you know at what point in the night that was taken?
What state was announced red? I am guessing it was either Florida or Pennsylvania.
What the fuck is that?