What went wrong?

What went wrong?

She built her entire campaign on being a woman and not being trump

She consorted with Evil and fell out of the American Spirit.


When you run a Republican against a Republican, you always lose.

This + not even trying to hide the fact that the nomination was stolen from the more liked candidate. Fuck the dnc.

>not being trump
honestly that should have been enough

The poor Sup Forumsentooman who (probably) installed Ubuntu on her server (without setting an auto-update cron-job) must be in tears.

If she didn't have so much corruption exposed it likely would have been
She essentially had a message of "h-hes worse!"
while trump had a message of hope and energizing the country

>multiple failed power trips attempts
>being a senator isnt enuff
>commanding prez bill isnt enuff
>being a sec of something isnt enuff

back in the day Elanor Roosevelt accomplished more as a 1st lady then anything these broads accomplish in their entire professional careers

you only get one chance at ur 5 minutes of fame, if u useless then fuckoff, if u can make a positive change then that would have occurred in the 1990s. no need to spam politics

>when you get your pussy pass revoked

The movement has just begun! Kek memed Trump into president but there's more to be done!

#notmyliberals is our response to #notmypresident

Spread it, make it clear these cucks aren't welcome in the US any more than the illegals and Muslims they pander to!!!

bernie should have been nominee

t. trump voter

Her supporters, also her connections with ISIS funders as well as the rest of americans (and the world) being sick of PC culture

Force respect and demonize those who think different like you have terrible results when people have dome degree of power.

repeated digit magick trumps spirit cooking

I'd say for the young generation the emails were very powerful, but talking to my older family members they remembered some of her other controversies and the emails were just "more of the same"

My mom is a long time democrat and voted trump this election. She HATES hillary. Like beyond what I could ever imagine. I guess its just scam after scam and it ticked her off.

Honestly, I think it was some of her die hard supporters.

I genuinely believe that with the recent sjw and third gen feminist vids coming out showing how terrible these people can be in the right situation.

>film self doing deplorable act, but towards your leftist mindset (which somehow makes it okay)
>put it on social media, in hopes it will gain attention and get people on your side
>internet has a shit storm, and destroys your bootyhole
>people associate you with Hillary Clinton, or Dems/libs in general, and vote for the right

She is the one person worse than Trump. Registered Republican, but I would have voted Democrat if it had been anyone else.

Her website literally presented the user with a popup say "Do you want a Trump presidency?" with the only option being no. Her campaign was laughably bad.

Yeah, very uninspiring. It takes enthusiasm to get voters to go to the polls for you and "I'm not Trump" is not a compelling enough argument to get people excited about you

1. She failed to be viewed as anything but the establishment candidate, the emails solidified this.

2. She championed liberal ideals which have been taking a swing towards outright fascism

Tons of baggage and everyone knew she was a corrupt liar. Also zero charisma.

Paper tiger with a glass jaw lost.

Why didn't you listen to us?

If she is indeed not a lizard person or sociopath this has to sting.

Her entire life was leading up to this moment and all she lived for. And what did the people of this country say?

"We would rather have this cartoon character with no political experience in the white house than you. We hate you that much".


Honestly it's been a long time coming. Disenfranchised white working class voters have been stewing a long time, this was the first nativist, protectionist candiate and they all went for him.
As the BBC said, in many states white men voted 2 to 1 for trump, white men now vote a block, like blacks or hispanics.