Was poll supporting him back in 2008?

Was poll supporting him back in 2008?


mccain was terrible too

i was 10

Fuck man.. I feel old now.

Not really. Ron Paul was the main guy here.

Perot '96
Gore '00
Nader '04
Obama '08
Goode '12
Trump '16

Yes because muh first black president
I was 17 at the time and couldn't vote though

He was allright. Not the new messiah like people seem to treat him, but pretty good. Overall I will say one of the better presidents, although there are of course quite a lot of things that went terribly wrong in his precidency, like the rise of isis etc..

This. And the Bush act was wearing pretty thin at the time too and most of us were ready for something different. I was never an Obama supporter but there was 0 (zero) incentive or initiative to vote for McCain.

Well bush was awful and the gobal economy had just tanked pol didn't exist in 2008.

I thought you meant the polls not Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>supporting a nig

I miss Ron Paul Sup Forums

I was 12, I think I was watching it on TV as the votes were being counted, not sure.

I just remember thinking there's no way a nigger would win.

he is black
what do you think

from when I could actually pay attention to politics my list is

Bush 04
McCain 08
Romney 12 (Could vote now, 21)
Trump 16 (25)

>Sup Forums existing in 2008

Sup Forums was mainly Ron Paul at the time, but there were some Obama memes.

*shamefully rises hand

Well, I was ok McCain didn't win, he is/was a war cuckoo.
Obongo seemed like a guy you could have a beer, but then turned out a worthless, spineless piece of crap.

eh, some things never change it seems

before that actually - in the middle of a thread on I forget what comes a post...


it was all the more remarkable because the poster was a stormfag.

that was the first night I'd seen Obama speak, or heard of him at all.

I was 11 at the time, I thought McCain should win because I was raised Republican, looking back I'm glad he won because I don't think McCain would have been better.

>kills Bin Laden


Sup Forums didnt exist in 2008

I was 11

politics was discussed on Sup Forums then, that's why Sup Forums is now such utter shit now

>I'm retarded and have no personal opinions of my own: the voting pattern

It was /new/ back then and some did support him. The rest just called him a nigger.

I was 13

I did. Just got out of high school.

I've never really cared for him, Obamacare was an unmitigated disaster that combines the worst of nationalised healthcare and entirely private.

That said, if the only choices were 4 years of Obama and 4 years of Hillary, I'd pick Barry in a second.

The truly bizarre thing is that his speech on Trump's victory engendered in me more respect for him than I've felt at any point during his presidency, just like David Cameron's resignation after Brexit.

I didn't really care about politics until 2011 when Gaddafi was killed, the only convictions I held were being extremely anti-war/pacifist and I hated and still hate republicans, I was misguided in 08 and thought McCain would win so I voted for Obama to stop him. I will always vote for peace above all other policies.

Who I would of voted for, if I were an American. We really believed in his slogan "Change".

Bin Laden is still alive you stupid fuck. Just how new are you?

Muslim Nigger with porn star for mom. Yeah he was /pol man embodied.

I did in 2008 and again in 2012.
But after seeing that we have sold $80 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia; and that we militarily support them while they have killed over 5000 civilians in Yemen; and that 1300 out of 1600 ISIS soldiers arrested were Saudi citizens; and that Qatar and Saudi Arabi are actively arming and housing ISIS soldiers without US condemnation' and that both of those countries are Clinton Foundation donors… well… I hope more leaks keep coming so the whole curtain can be pulled back to see what we're dealing with.