Where did it all go wrong?
What was her biggest mistake?
Where did it all go wrong?
What was her biggest mistake?
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Trusting millennials to run her campaign
Just being a fucking Clinton.. the populace is desperate for change. If an alien from space landed here and ran for president, we'd vote for him over Trump because it's even more of a change. And Clinton annoyed people with all the SJW BS and being all about togetherness and inclusion at a time when a lot of people are just not feeling that. Her time is gone.. and it is a big hit to her. She soooo wanted to be the first female President.. and that dream is over forever.
DNC killed her when they sacrificed Bernie.
They underestimated how many retards are actually in the republican party.
ask for higher tax rates to support families while people are starving
The classic Clinton arrogance. She will go down as THE worst candidate in the history of the Republic.
Being a 30 year politician.
By calling every argument against her campaign racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc.
Being an unelectable cunt
>What was her biggest mistake
people seem to think muh vagina is enough to win the presidency
maybe it is, but surely a better woman would work
one of them
Giving the VP spot to Kaine instead of Bernie.
insulting over half of the population on a regular basis, and relying on millennials to do it as well.
yep that definitely made a lot of people resent her
Trusting her supporters to not fuck it up for her
when you portray middle white class men, the guys who have families, kids to feed, as racist, sexist, uneducated, deplorable, they will go out and vote.
The fact she was so fucking corrupt, you only have to peek into wikileaks to see that she was most likely part of a pedo-ring, took dirty money to fund her campaign, has a huge fucking ego, and is just generally an evil bitch.
>Well done America, the world is proud of you
Bill tried to cheer up Hillary this morning by reminding her that Nelson Mandela wasn't elected president until after he had served 27 years in prison.
Listening to SJW's
She might have lost va without kaine
>What was her biggest mistake?
praising moloch instead of kek
Sure but she would have won Wisconsin and Florida
Colluding with the DNC/DWS to make sure she was the selected candidate.
Honestly I feel like DWS gave trump the presidency.
When the British invaded the south during the American Revolution they were sure there would be a ton of support. They were wrong and got seriously fucked up which directly led to them being cornered at Yorktown.
When you push someone off a fence you better know which side they are going to land on.
Lying the American people. Repeatedly.
unremorsefully killing two people and lying and deceiving her way through washington. pretty sure everything shes done to further her career has inadvertently prevented her from becoming president.
The dream died when her soul did. And its been a loooooong time.
Fucking savage bro.
Being born
Crashing the plane with no survivors
Even though it was secretly part of her plan
MSM shitting the bed so hard with their nonstop propaganda, it was making everyone sick
hell if they dialed it back a little she probably would've won
thinking the best way to unite america under her is dividing it between the candidates
every single person i know personally who supported clinton stopped the moment they watched a trump rally and heard him speak the world of all americans and the country they live in.
She was certainly correct that you can't fight love with hate. Should have practiced what she preached.
Bernie supporters seeing the hard evidence that the DNC fucked them over really hard.
It was so close here that there are a ton of things you can see she did wrong. The biggest thing though, was that she didnt hammer home a vision for america, something to get people excited about. It was purely, "I am not Donald trump" - that was most of her campaign. Sure, she had much more cogent and realistic policy goals. But she didnt spell that out for the retarded American public. She just did what she could to not fuck it up. But by doing doing exactly that, she fucked it up.
I am really pissed she just absorbed Bernie's stance against free trade. She could have absolutely taken the fangs out of that issue by sticking with what she obviously beleived - that free trade benefits Americans more than it hurts. But she didnt want to rock the boat with the unions, so she didnt fight for it. Its a real shame because now we will ALL have eroded purchasing power and very very few of us will get a better job because factories are brought back here.
Being born American.
She's far too good for America. She even won by popular vote yet somehow still lost because of a retarded old system.
She literally lost to a load of teenagers spamming 'le build a wall man XD'
I cringe at America every fucking day.
All memery aside, her deplorables campaign was probably the single biggest nail in her coffin. Rather than trying to sway the working class white vote to her side with promises of improved workplace standards, more jobs, and other things that she already supports, she instead called them racist, xenophobic, white supremacist deplorables.
Some free advice: blatantly insulting people is a shitty way to sway their vote your way. But hey, there's always 2020 :^)
her target audience was people who were/are genuinely unmotivated. that and the biased media gave the illusion that she had the presidency clinched from the beginning. so her supporters got comfortable and trump supporters got anxious and started acting.
She only focused on Trump. Everything about her had to do with Trump.
You're a funny guy.
Lying, cheating
Making an ancient god her arch nemesis probably didn't help.
NO. you can be corrupt and a fucking hero. Look at Vladimir Putin. hes a shady mother fucker. hes lied, killed, pushed propaganda, and outright shit on other countries. in the past he was a cold blooded killer, and likely still is, but he does it all for the sake of his country and fellow russians. Clinton does it all for money and personal gain. shes got no honor. Pride, maybe, but only in her pocket book.
thats the truth. If she even remotely cared about the national security of the united states, and please convince me she does, she COULD have been a reasonable candidate. Id vote for her if she had a shred of humility. but she doesnt!
The only good person was Bernie Sander. When he failed, Democrats digged out their own grave.
>mfw she wins in 30 years
Those fuggin emails, mang.
People seemed not to even mind that she was corrupt, but the crippling incompetence shown there was too much to swallow.
Holy kek, what a picture
>What was her biggest mistake?
Rigging against Bernie.
this with a sprinkle of corruption
Rigging the election to take out Sanders.
Running right after Obamas second term. US president is usually one or two terms one party and then the other.
Everything that came out just made her look corrupt as fuck. Fucking over Bernie fucked the party.
this desu sempai.
i think deplorables was the beginning of the end for her.
She should have...
>coopted more of Trump's proposals, even the more unpalatable ones to her base -- it's not like she'd have had to keep her promises anyway
>ignored anything personal or unpalatable about Trump at all -- let her surrogates and CTR shills attack FOCUS ON YOUR PLAN, PROPOSALS AND POLICIES
>not made the deplorables gaffe -- about the poorest judgement indicator of the whole campaign for either side -- primaries to general election. I'm
>Of course, she too self-absorbed and tone dear to do this but soft-pedal her "experience" given how tainted it is and how people on both sides were tired of same old ruling class and emphasise her plans (as above)
she didn't sacrifice enough children to moloch
Thanks for all of your help Carlos Danger!
Wanting to win instead of being a decent fucking human being with values.
It was a comedy of errors. Her biggest mistake was probably overutilizing the media to provide overly-partisan coverage.
>People realized the news was biased, even many of those who aligned with her
>Scandal fatigue, hit pieces on Trump lost their impact because there were so many people stopped caring and dismissed them all, including the few that could have actually hurt him.
>Overuse of Obama, which came across as desperate and distracted from her rather than propping her in any notable way.
I wanted to add, I'm sure the "deplorables" thing is one of the things she regrets most.
being a woman
Having a vagina
i honestly feel somewhat bad for her desu
Fraud, treason and felonies that were not being covered by the MSM. It was her evil wreckless disregard for the law and lives of Americans.
Kill yourself you pussy faggot.
The Emails, her past, trying to look like the most progressive candidate, when in reality, her past and private present said otherwise or showed her to be a corrupt cunt.
You know you're a shitty candidate when a man with barely any political experiments wipes the floor with you in the election, and a good majority of the people backed him with memetics. She tried to be for the millenials, but little did she know that not all millenials follow her, and a lot of them were militantly against her.
>what was her biggest mistake?
thinking that she had a chance to accomplish anything outside of the kitchen.
>What was her biggest mistake?
Not getting out of the way for someone who can actually win like bernie.
She thought she could run with no platform because she had a vag.
Being in Washington for 25 years ate her soul and mind.
Being a bitch.
Her public veil was paper thin.
>Basket of Deplorables
Ayyyyy lmao
Supporting Ritual Child Abuse
with defending the PEDOSTA BROTHERS!
>win like bernie
he couldn't get his own base to turn out
Her problem was allowing the youth and minorities to define her campaign as one for tolerance and equality.
It should have been global stability, fighting terrorism, and rebuilding the US economy.
Keeping the marriage with a former president and being overconfident in her victory
Even if she'd won office, our first woman president would've gotten in after her fucking husband, and that's not a good image for women.
Hopefully the next female candidate will suck less shit in general.
She truly believed gun control was a winning issue.
Trump won because of working-class whites who 'cling to God and guns', as an Obama staffer put it in 2008. Gun owners thought 2016 was going to be the apocalypse, when the gun-grabbers would be in control and would appoint whatever anti-2nd amendment judges they wanted to the Supreme Court and federal bench. Somehow, the fact Bernie got 49% of the Connecticut primary vote after she practically accused him of personally causing Sandy Hook didn't tip her off that increasing restrictions on gun ownership doesn't get people out to support you.
>What was her biggest mistake?
Decades of corruption, collusion, treachery, treason, rape enabling, etcetera.
Build the wall was the worst part of his campaign
It made it almost impossible for him to get his real message out
This. Hillary is the stereotype of a corrupted career politician. People have had it with oligarchs and puppet masters - and the Dems wouldn't listen.
Bernie might have won this, who knows. Yet a member of the highest political caste such as Hillary was very unlikely to win hearts and minds.
Should have picked Sanders for VP.
Kaine was a fucking bum.
Playing too softly with Trump. She needed to have been more aggressive. Her personality also always seemed incredibly fake.
this. li quan yu said that if the same party stays in the office after two terms - the game is rigged
(he could be wrong though, but there's something to it)
Being a Communist disqualifies you from being an American President.
being born
me too man those crushed dreams shimmering in her eyes, the job of all jobs - the one she fought for all her corrupt life to end her sorry existence with an undeserved triumph - right in front of her eyes grabbed by a reality tv host against all self proclaimed odds. But always remember the bitch deserves every second of it
Its always two terms and then they switch
The mistake was underestimating the masochism of the American female voter, and the minority vote. Trumps victory lies solely on their shoulders desu.
Why is Horsey such a hateful bigot? he doesn't even make political cartoons, just thinly veiled rhetoric.
Being a corrupt satanist fuck?
Becoming a crook