>Bernie supporters
Other urls found in this thread:
>black people screaming
>white college kid profile pic
This makes me physically ill
No retard, Trump wants the USgovernment to do a better job of vetting these Muslim immigrants so they don't come here and then shoot "Latinx" and "lgbt" (retarded) Americans down while screaming Alhu Ackbar!
whipped up this comp real quick, I have a twitter account dedicated to following popular millenial tweets it's a gold mine of salt
Seriously I can't deal with their arguments anymore. How does Trump hate latin and gay people ? He just said he wants to regain control of the border like any normal country. Fucking hell now I'm mad.
No, the family on the left smells like Burnt chicken and watermelon
hmm my synapses are firing now
Not salty but a good kek
Half of the country is this retarded....
>that right pic
rip western civilization.
Fucking Laci Green, her salt is delicious
>college textbook education
>Laci (((Green)))
>fuck you white America
>fuck you racist
So she's fucking herself then? Stream?
What the fuck is a "latinx"?
>people writing in harambe
The memes have gone too far
and yet it was done by a hillary supporter
Fresh from Facebook.
>fuck you white America
t. a white American
I'm black guy who admitted he voted Trump. The backlash I got really got me starting to hate black people. Goddamn, they all just were lazy fucks who just wanted the government to give them shit instead of giving them the tools to succeed.
Now every thinks I am a racist fuck who hates women. Disgusting. I need to move from this shithole.
These people are fucking eating each other alive trying to place blame on everyone but Hillary for losing the election.
They're going to get a massive red pill once they have a family and start paying taxes.
how long they need to air out the white house after 8 years...
>Bill wins because of Ross Perot
>Hillary loses because of Stein and Johnson
They don't understand that a free college degree means HighSchoolV2. Its worthless. They will all then flood to Master's programs, which has already become the new Bachelor's.
Not sure why he used a picture of a vile negress. It's not like blacks were supporting Bernie...
The only reason I know this woman is because she always showed her tits when she was on D-News. Tits McGhee is what I called her.
Anyway, a single political party being dominant isn't facism, titty-girl. Go back to school, please.
>live in ca
>got the god emperor
>weed legal
>fucked up gun stuff
2/3 is alright i guess
I wouldn't blame Hillary either.
At any time; throughout all of the wikileaks revelations about Hillary's misdeeds in the DNC primaries registered democrats could have stood up and been like "You what the fuck. That's just wrong, replace her." But they chose not to. They were more worried about brand loyalty than standing on principles.
I love how people just keep adding random shit to that.
hee hee
Wasting years of life on a bullshit gender studies degree and smoking pot all day doesn't sound like the plan of a successful nation.
>air it out
Burn it down.
>Mudslimes hate gays
>Kills them
>Trump wants to stop mudslimes
>Trump is bad for LBGT
>>that right pic
>rip western civilization.
i believe not. i just think, that once people grow up and have children - it's the ultimate reality check/redpill - they change their political inclination. so a society, that get's later children in life is more left-leaning - that's our problem in europe and maybe yours too.
There is enough liberal salt to finance a large Roman army for decades
I mean blame Hillary for being such an unlikable turd sandwich. The Dems obviously shoulda nominated Bernie as he would have beaten Trump without a shadow of a doubt. Or at least performed better than Hillary. He had college kids wetting themselves over that free money pitch.
He's whiter than me
>Anyway, a single political party being dominant isn't facism
What IS Fascism exactly? Serious question. My idiot friend said that Trump is a fascist but I don't know enough about it to argue with him. But from what I've read, he doesn't sound like one at all. Please help.
Well they sure don't like you.
Okay, attacking Trump is one thing, but its just mean to attack his whole family.
im going to open ammo shops right outside the CA border so you guys can get infringement free ammunition.
That's why my ballot was straight democrat and Trump.
I love it
the leftists do the only thing they know to do
blame others for their fuck ups
because the fault never lies with them
she is a jew.
Oh my fucking god.
Dunno about you guys but after watching that it seems like he just wants gay people fucking dead.
It is an authoritarian form of government that imposes its will on the people. The left has tried to change the term so it means "people with views that I do not like"
Everything I don't like is fascist, lol
You reported him right?
and most people don't have children anymore.
the only people that I've met that smell like moth balls are chinese
I just now realized that people cared more about Harambe's death than of any of those nigger thugs' that got shot by cops.
man i hope that stupid cunt finally an hero
I hate how these people are now labeled (((((liberals))))). They're not liberal at all if they reject different opinions.
Also, I would have voted for Sanders if he was the D candidate. Instead, I voted for Trump.
Funny how dems ignored this
They aren't "real" liberals. Modern liberals are just weak limpwristed cuckolds and whores.
does anyone know here to find the interview of donald trump where he first said "you have to go back?"
I will take a "redneck caliphate" over the actual one people are trying to import any day of the week. We have seen the America traditional values have managed to build, and we have seen the ruins of Muslim invasions. This proposition sounds good to me.
If i get more reporting the better
as a russian i cant imagine this people in real life. i know we have a lot of retards in russia too, but this people is outta this world, such a delusional retarded and broken thinking. unbelievable.
The voice of reason is an ex of mine from high school that posted a video about niggers rioting.
The sergeant of salt is some nu-male I dont know
>people on twitter screaming at people who voted third party and no-voted and calling them shitheads
Fuck democracy, right?
Fuck the choice to vote for whoever you want, right?
Almost tempted to make a cum tribute for her
To be fair, they have a legitimate reason to be angry.
How did it go again? When people are young they vote democrat. When they grow up they vote republican. And then when they die they vote democrat again.
As it turns out, the Russians really did win the Cold War.
You mean the guy who sold out to the establishment after an entire campaign based on fighting it ? Yeah great candidate.
The only good thing Hilary did was unmasking Sanders for the lying jew he was, imagine if this sly motherfucker had actually won.
I agree w you there. I was just pointing out the irony that is the "tolerant left" consistently projecting hate and discontent. They've completely lost their minds. I guarantee if the tables were turned there would not be 1/8 of this crap from the right. There is always dissent but this is bollocks.
This. Clinton represented the insider, and they need to be collectively dipped in bleach and hung out to dry to clean off the stink.
Wow, how sexist and anti Semitic of them.
>I actually voted for Jill Stein in California.
>tfw she was banking on third party voters to get her into office like Perot did with Bill
>tfw total backfire
I'm so glad Trump won and Johnson got a very respectable 4 million votes
What is with the Trump hating homos line? I could get why they think he hates Hispanics, even though he doesn't, but he's never done anything, anything, to even suggest at the former. I thought these people were supposed to be the smart and educated ones.
Great post.
The funniest thing is that if they hadn't rigged it so Clinton would beat Bernie, the democrats would have won.
They'd have fucking won, but they rigged it so that Clinton would win because they honestly thought she'd win just by virtue of being the first woman president. The fucking idiots.
Tell you what Republicans, in eight years when Trump can't run again, put up a woman as your nominee. Really fuck with the Democrats and rub salt in their wounds.
We can contract that to Canada they did it once before
>smart and educated
"educated" maybe
top kek
This is retardation of the highest accord. Liberals really were just living in their own world, weren't they? Now I don't like Trump as our president, but I was working at a conservative radio station, when these shootings happened, and I listened to untold hours of Trump talking about this issue. His heart went out to the victims and their families, and he recognized the threat was posed by radical Islams who would see America burn if they could. He was quite vocal about his support for latinos and the LGBT community.
Meanwhile, the democrats turned it into some retarded narrative about gun control. It was ALL they could focus on, as though to bring up the actual motive of the crime would be the biggest social faux pas imaginable. If it hadn't been a gun, it would have been a knife, or a bomb, or whatever. Fucking ignorance.
People (read:Lefty crybabies) are so buttblasted and upset by Trump winning that they don't even believe me when I say I bet on him winning and won bigly
say it with me
Bernie got the offer you can't refuse at the end. Note that his social media stuff suddenly turned into pure Clintonbot jargon right around the convention and stayed that way the entire time.
Basically "say a word outside what we write for you and get crucified, plus forget any committee seat of note ever again".
Of course he posts a picture of an angry minority.
Even your reaction pics have to be PC and virtue-signal for these people.
Ivan today you'll learn something.
it's ''these people'' not ''this people''
It's a cross between a mexican and a lynx
The media is at fault for riling these people up by running a partisan smear campaign against Trump via taking things he said out of context, misinterpreting it, and not reporting on his actual policies. Fuck the Lugenpresse